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Task II. Work in pairs. Get answers to the following questions from your partner.

1. What are the stages of the trial?

2. How is the jury selected?

3. What is the purpose of opening statements?

4. Who is the first to make an opening statement?

5. What follows the opening statements?

6. What are the two types of evidence?

7. When do the lawyers make objections?

8. What does the judge do after an objection has been made?

9. What stage follows the presentation of the evidence?

10. What is the purpose of the judge's instructions?

11. What do the lawyers do in the closing arguments?

12. What is the final step of criminal trial?

13. What is the purpose of jury deliberation?

14. What happens after the verdict has been pronounced?

15. What are the possible steps after the trial?


Task III. Speak on the topic “Criminal Trial”. Follow the plan.

1. Definition of a Criminal trial. Stages of the trial.

2. Selection of the jury.

3. Opening statements.

4. Presentation of evidence.

5. Closing arguments.

6. Judge's instructions.

7. Jury deliberations.

8. Sentencing.




Case Study [2]



Task I. This is a plan of the country house of Major and Lady McTavish: Study the plan before reading a story.



Task II. This is the story of the murder:


At 10 pm, Lucy the maid went into the study to close the windows and found the Reverend Makepeace dead on the floor. He had been stabbed with a kitchen knife. Lucy recognised the knife, and said it had been lying on the kitchen table earlier that evening.

The police were very puzzled by the case. The only doors to the study are from the kitchen and the billiard room, and these rooms were full of people all the time that the Reverend Makepeace was in the study. The people in the billiard room and the kitchen saw no one go in or out of the rooms during this time.

Colonel Smythe, Major McTavish, and the Reverend were playing billiards in the billiard room. The first game ended at about 8.45, and the Reverend Makepeace excused himself from the second game, saying he had to finish off a sermon for the next day. He went into the study.

Lucy the maid and Parkin the butler were in the kitchen from 8 pm to 10 pm. At 8.30 Lucy took coffee to the ladies in the drawing room, and Parkin took port to the gentlemen in the billiard room. They returned to the kitchen about five minutes later.

Lady McTavish and Dame Maverick were talking in the drawing room from 8 pm to 10 pm. Mrs Hodge and Pamala stayed in the dining room to watch television. Mrs Hodge went through to the drawing room to join the others for coffee at 8.30 but Pamela said she would stay to see the end of the programme. Angela Dumondo-Balcombe was walking alone in the grounds. She came in at 8.45. She changed her muddy shoes in the hall, poured herself a cup of coffee in the drawing room, and went on into the dining room where Pamela was still watching television.


Task III. An assumption made on the basis of partial evidence is called a hypothesis. For each of the six hypotheses below, circle the appropriate letter according to whether the hypotheses is true or false. If you circle all the letters correctly you will find an important clue.

  True False
(i) Colonel Symthe could not have done it, because Major McTavish would have seen him leave the billiard room. W B
(ii) Lucy could have killed the Reverend Makepeace in the study at 8.30 pm. A I
(iii) Lady McTavish could not have left the drawing room between 8.30 pm and 9 pm. N L
(iv) Mrs Hodge could have gone to the study on her way to the drawing room. C D
(v) Angela could have entered the study at any time while she was alone outside. O O
(vi) Parkin could have waited for the Reverend Makepeace in the study after he had served port in the billiard room. N W

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 502. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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