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Task IV. Choose the proper alternative to complete the sentence.

1. The party bringing the suit in a civil action is called __________.

a) a complaint b) a plaintiff c) a defendant d) a witness


2. The party being sued in a criminal action is called ____________.

a) a complaint b) a plaintiff c) a defendant d) a witness


3. The party being sued in a civil action is called _____________.

a) a complaint b) a plaintiff c) a defendant d) a witness


4. ________cases are usually disputes between or among private persons or organisations.

a) juvenile b) appeal c) criminal d) civil


5. A ____________case is brought by and in the name of the government.

a) juvenile b) appeal c) criminal d) civil


6. A paper filed by a plaintiff who starts the civil action against the defendant is called ___________.

a) a complaint b) a counterclaim c) the answer d) the information


7. ___________ is a paper filed by a defendant in which he disputes the complaint.

a) a complaint b) a counterclaim c) the answer d) the information

8. A claim presented by a defendant in opposition to the claim of the plaintiff is called ____________.

a) a complaint b) a counterclaim c) the answer d) the information


9. The charge against the defendant in a criminal case is called __________.

a) a complaint b) a counterclaim c) the answer d) the information


10. ___________is an obligation of the plaintiff to prove the case.

a) evidence b) plea c) burden of proof d) cross-examination


Task V. Complete the following sentences using the words in the box.


1. The defendant disputes what the __________has said in the paper called the complaint.

2. The party bringing _______________ is called a plaintiff.

3. The lawsuit is started by filing a paper called a _______________.

4. The defendant’s innocence is presumed unless he is proved ___________.

5. A criminal __________ is brought by the state or the city against a person or persons accused of having committed a crime.

6. If the defendant has pleaded not guilty, the prosecution must prove his guilt to overcome the ____________.

7. Most often in civil cases the party bringing the suit is asking for money _____________.

8. The plaintiff’s ________is greater in a criminal case than in a civil case

9. Claim presented by a defendant in opposition to that of a plaintiff is called ___________.


a) counterclaim b) burden of proof c) case d) damages e) presumption of innocence f) plaintiff g) the suit h) complaint i) guilty




Task I. Complete the following sentences translating the words in brackets.

1. There is a great difference between (уголовными и гражданскими) cases.

2. Civil (дела) are usually disputes between or among private citizens, corporations, governments, government agencies, and other organizations.

3. Most often the party (возбуждающая гражданский иск) is asking for money damages for some wrong that has been done.

4. (Сторона) bringing the suit is called (истец).

5. The party (отвечающая в суде) is called (ответчик).

6. The plaintiff starts the (судебный процесс) by filing a paper called (исковое заявление).

7. The defendant disputes what the plaintiff has said in the complaint and files the paper called (возражение по делу).

8. Along with the answer the defendant may file (встречный иск) if he feels that a wrong has been committed by the plaintiff.

9. It’s the plaintiff who must (доказать дело) against the defendant.

10. A burden that the plaintiff must meet in order to win is called (бремя доказывания).

11. The plaintiff must prove the case by a (наличием более веских доказательств).

12. A criminal case is (возбуждается) by the state or by a city or county against a person or persons accused of having committed a crime.

13. The party starting a (уголовный) action is called (обвинение).

14. A person or entity against whom a criminal action is brought is called (подсудимый).

15. The charge against the defendant is called (обвинение в совершении преступления).

16. The defendant’s (невиновность) is presumed throughout the entire trial unless the plaintiff (доказывает виновность подсудимого).

17. (Бремя доказывания) is greater in a criminal case than in a civil case.

18. The plaintiff must prove the guilt of the defendant (при отсутствии малейших сомнений) before the defendant can be found guilty.

19. (Различие) between civil and criminal law is of considerable importance.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 485. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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