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1. What is a contingency plan for ships


a) Plan for safety preparedness

b) Plan for next voyage

c) Loading plan for general cargo

d) Plan for maintenance and repair

2. What does the abbreviation SOLAS mean?


a) International Convention for the Safety of Lives at Sea

b) International Agreement for Security of Load and Ships

c) International Conference for Security of Loads aboard Ships

d) International Rules for Safe Ocean Lines and Sailing routes


3. Which international organization is preparing conventions and rules for seafaring nations?


a) International Maritime Organization (IMO)

b) International Labour Organization (ILO)

c) International Marine Association (IMA)

d) International Ocean Safety Organization (IOSO)


4. Which radio frequency/channels are reserved for emergency communication?


a) 2182 kHz/VHF channel 16

b) 2128 kHz/VHF channel 16

c) 2182 kHz/VHF channel 6

d) 2188 kHz/VHF channel 8


5. What is the radiotelephone distress signal?


a) SOS




6. Which ones of the listed ships do not belong to the SOLAS regulations?


a) Auxiliary ships

b) Fishing boats / floating bases

c) Cargo ships deadweight less than 500 tons gross

d) Rescue ships

7. SOLAS regulations require surveys of ships to be carried out at certain times and at certain intervals. Which of the following surveys apply to passenger ships only?


a) Periodical survey every 6 months

b) A survey before the commencement of each voyage

c) Periodical survey every 12 months

d) Periodical survey every 24 months

8. Which organization or administration is responsible for surveys and inspections of ships, and the issue of Safety Certificates?


a) International Labour Organization (ILO)

b) Ships Classification Associations (Lloyd, American Bureau of Shipping, The Norwegian Veritas, Germanischer Lloyd, etc.)

c) Government Authorities of the Flag State

d) International Maritime Organization (IMO)

9. For how long period shall a Passenger Ship Safety Certificate be issued?


a) A period not exceeding 48 months

b) A period not exceeding 24 months

c) A period not exceeding 6 months

d) A period not exceeding 12 months

10. A Cargo Ship Construction Certificate will be issued for:


a) A period not exceeding 24 months

b) A period not exceeding 12 months

c) A period not exceeding 6 months

d) A period not exceeding 48 months

11. A Cargo Ship Equipment Certificate will be issued for:


a) A period not exceeding 24 months

b) A period not exceeding 48 months

c) A period not exceeding 12 months

d) A period not exceeding 6 months


12. Who has the right, in addition to the issuing authority, to inspect the ship and control the validity of the ship's Safety Certificates in foreign ports?


a) Port Authority Inspectors

b) Inspectors duly authorized by the port state government authorities

c) Inspectors from the International Maritime Organization (IMO)

d) Duly authorized Classification Association inspectors

13. What is the deepest Subdivisional Load Line?


a) Waterline corresponding to deepest allowed draft permitted by subdivision requirements

b) Seasonal zone dependent load line

c) Waterline corresponding to deepest allowed draft

d) Waterline corresponding to deepest allowed draft in subtropical zones


14. What is the “Margin Line”?

a) The line of the main deck at the side

b) The freeboard line

c) The deepest allowed load line

d) A line drawn at least 76 mm below the upper surface of the bulkhead deck at the side


15. What is the “Dead Ship Condition”?

a) Ship aground

b) Auxiliary machinery out of working order

c) Propulsion machinery out of working order

d) Machinery and boilers out of operation due to lack of electric power


16. What is the deadweight of a ship according to SOLAS?


a) Total weight in tons of ship and cargo allowed on summer freeboard in salt water

b) Weight of empty ship in tons

c) Weight of cargo in tons

d) Total weight in tons of cargo, equipment, complement, stores and supplies on summer freeboard in saltwater


17. What is the lightweight of a ship according to SOLAS?


a) Weight in tons of operative ship with no cargo

b) Weight of a light loaded ship (not fully loaded)

c) Weight of ship including equipment, complement, stores and supplies

d) Weight of the ship including fixed and permanent equipment, less cargo, complement, passengers, stores and supplies

18. Why should water ballast not in general be carried in tanks intended for
oil fuel in passenger ships?


a) Risk of pollution

b) Risk of engine stop due to water in fuel oil

c) Risk of ship stability problems

d) Risk of corroded fuel oil tanks

19. What measures regarding ship stability should be taken in order to make passenger ships able to withstand critical damage?


a) Maintain sufficient intact stability

b) Damaged stability to be increased by use of water ballast

c) Avoid overloading the ship

d) Damaged stability to be increased by weight redistribution


20. What arrangement may be installed in passenger ships to reduce unsymmetrical flooding in damaged condition?


a) Cross-flooding arrangement

b) Ballast trimming system

c) Separate trim tanks

d) Self-acting ballast trimming arrangement


21. When cross-flooding arrangements to correct unsymmetrical flooding and excessive heel angles in damaged condition are installed in passenger ships, what is the maximum time allowed for equalization?


a) 10 minutes

b) 20 minutes

c) 30 minutes

d) 15 minutes


22. Cross-flooding fittings shall be operable from:


a) The engine room

b) The section where the unsymmetrical flooding occurs

c) Above the bulkhead deck

d) The bridge


23. During what time may watertight doors in watertight bulkheads in tween-deck cargo spaces be kept open in passenger ships?


a) During cargo handling only

b) At any time if watched by an authorized person

c) In ports only

d) Daytime only


24. When are power-operated watertight sliding doors (class 3 doors) compulsory for all watertight doors aboard passenger ships?


a) Where the ship has passenger spaces below the bulkhead deck

b) Where one or more doors are situated below deepest load line

c) When the ship is certified for more than 150 passengers

d) Where the ship is fitted with through-going car decks


25. In which cases shall side scuttles in passenger ships be so constructed that they cannot be opened without the consent of the master of the ship?


a) Where the sills of the side scuttles are below the margin line

b) Where the sills are mounted below the bulkhead deck

c) Where the sills of the side scuttles are less than 500 mm above the deepest load line

d) Where the height of the side scuttles go through more than two decks


26. When must side scuttles in passenger ships where the sills are below themargin line be kept closed and watertight?


a) Always during nighttime

b) When unwatched

c) During navigation between ports

d) When not necessary to be kept open due to work being carried out aboard


27. How often shall drills for the operation of watertight doors, side scuttles, valves and closing mechanism of scuppers, ash-chutes and rubbish chutes take place in passenger ships?


a) Daily

b) Every two weeks

c) Every month

d) Weekly


28. At what latest time shall doors, side scuttles, gangway doors, cargo- and coaling ports and other openings which are to be kept closed watertight at sea be closed at the start of the voyage?


a) Before leaving the pilot station

b) Before leaving the berth

c) Before leaving the port

d) Before entering open waters


29. Automatic shutdown of the inert gas blowers and gas regulating valve shall be arranged in case of faulty condition in the inert gas system. Which of the following conditions has not correct value (high/ low) in relation to automatic stop according to present regulations?


a) Low water level in the water seal

b) Low water pressure or low water flow rate to the flue gas scrubber

c) High water level in the flue gas scrubber

d) High water level in the water seal


30. Which one of the listed requirements regarding abandon ship and fire drills does not correspond to present regulations?


a) Each member of the crew shall participate in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire drill every month

b) On all international voyages, except short voyages, muster of passengers shall take place within 24 hours after embarkation

c) On all short international voyages, muster of passengers shall take place as soon as possible after departure

d) A training manual shall be provided in each crew mess room and recreation room or in each crew cabin


31. Which one of the listed requirements regarding service and maintenance of life-saving appliances does not correspond to present regulations?


a) Instructions for onboard maintenance of life-saving appliances in accordance with the regulations shall be provided

b) Maintenance and repair shall be carried out in accordance with the regulations

c) Spares and repair requirement shall be provided for components subject to excessive wear and consumption

d) At least one member of the crew shall hold a repairman certificate for life-saving equipment

32. Which one of the listed routine test and inspections of life-saving appliances is not required by the regulations?


a) Survival crafts and rescue boats with launching appliances shall be visually inspected weekly to ensure they are ready for use

b) Lifeboat engines to be run for at least 3 minutes every week

c) General emergency alarm to be tested daily

d) Inspection of life-saving appliances, including lifeboat equipment shall be carried out monthly to ensure they are complete and in good order

33. Which one of the listed requirements for passenger ships regarding personal life-saving appliances does not correspond to present regulations?


a) For persons to be accommodated in totally or partially enclosed lifeboats, immersion suits and thermal protective aids need not be carried

b) Passenger ships of fewer than 60 metres in length shall carry not less than six lifebuoys provided with self-igniting lights

c) On all international voyages (except on short voyages) all lifejackets shall be fitted with a light and a smoke signal

d) Three immersion suits and a thermal protective aid for every person to be accommodated in the lifeboat and not provided with an immersion suit


34. Which of the listed requirements for cargo ships regarding personal life-saving appliances does not correspond to present regulations?


a) Ships with a length of 100 metres or less shall carry minimum 8 lifebuoys

b) Self-igniting lights for lifebuoys required on tankers shall be of an electric battery type

c) Cargo ships of less than 85 metres in length shall, as a general rule, carry immersion suits for every person onboard

d) Ships fitted with free-fall lifeboats may carry thermal protective aids instead of immersion suits


35. Which one of the listed requirements regarding life-saving appliances does not correspond to present regulations?


a) All prescribed life-saving appliances shall be of a highly visible color on parts where this will assist detection

b) All prescribed life-saving appliances shall be resistant to deterioration where exposed to sunlight

c) All prescribed life-saving appliances shall be made of non-combustible or fire retardant material

d) All prescribed life-saving appliances shall be fitted with retro-reflective material, which will assist in detection


36. Which one of the listed requirements regarding immersion suits does not correspond to present regulations?

The immersion suit shall be made of waterproof materials and constructed such that:

a) It will have sufficient built in buoyancy to avoid the use of a lifejacket

b) It can be unpacked and donned without assistance within 2 minutes

c) It is provided with arrangements to reduce free air in the legs of the suit

d) It will cover the whole body with the exception of the face

37. Which one of the listed requirements regarding the use of an immersion suits does not correspond to present regulation?


The suit shall permit the wearer to:

a) Perform normal duties during abandonment

b) Swim a short distance through the water and board a survival craft

c) Climb up and down vertical ladders from the survival craft embarkation point to the water

d) Jump from a height of 4.5 m into the water without being injured or damaging the suit


38. Which one of the listed requirements regarding thermal protective aids does not correspond to present regulations?

The thermal protective aids shall:

a) Permit the wearer to swim a short distance through the water and board a survival craft

b) Permit the wearer to remove it in water in not more than two minutes

c) Cover the whole body except the face of a person wearing a lifejacket

d) Be unpacked and easily donned in a survival craft without assistance


39. Which one of the listed requirements regarding rocket parachute flares does not correspond to present regulations?


The rocket parachute flares shall:

a) Burn with a bright orange color

b) Be contained in a water-resistant casing

c) Have brief instructions clearly illustrating the use of the flare

d) Have integral means of ignition


40. Which one of the listed requirements regarding hand flares does not correspond to present regulations?


The hand flare shall:

a) Have a self-contained means of ignition

b) Have a burning period of not less than 1 minute

c) Continue burning after being immersed for 10 seconds under water

d) Emit smoke of a highly visible color

41. Which one of the listed requirements regarding buoyant smoke signals does not correspond to present regulations?


The buoyant smoke signal shall:

a) Not be swamped in a seaway

b) Emit smoke for at least 3 minutes when floating in calm water

c) Continue to emit smoke when submerged in water for a period of 10 seconds under 10 cm of water

d) Give a bright red light during the entire emission time


42. Which one of the listed requirements regarding life rafts does not correspond to present regulations?

Every life raft shall be so constructed that:

a) It can withstand repeated jumps from a height of 4.5 metres

b) It can be towed at a speed of 3 knots with full complement

c) Its canopy has viewing ports in all directions

d) It can be dropped from a height of at least 18 metres


43. Which one of the listed requirements regarding life raft equipment does not correspond to present regulations?


The normal equipment of every life raft shall consist of:

a) Instructions for immediate action

b) One set of fishing tackle

c) Thermal protective aids for the number of persons the life raft is permitted to accommodate

d) Instructions on how to survive


44. What is the adequate marking of life rafts for passenger ships on short international voyages?






45. Which one of the listed requirements regarding "weak links" for float free arrangements for life rafts does not correspond to present regulations?

Week links shall:

a) Release the life raft at a depth of not more than 4 metres

b) Not break by force required to pull the painter from the lifeboat container

c) Be of sufficient strength to permit inflation of the life raft

d) Break under a strain of approximate 2.2 kN


46. Which one of the listed requirements regarding hydrostatic release unit for float free arrangements for life rafts does not correspond to present regulations?


Hydrostatic release units shall:

a) Be permanently marked with type and serial number

b) Be constructed of compatible material to prevent malfunction

c) Be constructed as to prevent release by seas washing over the unit

d) Be provided with a painter system with a breaking strength of not more than 2.2 kN

47. Which one of the listed requirements regarding inflatable life rafts does not correspond to present regulations? The inflatable life raft shall:


a) Have a floor capable of being sufficiently insulated against cold by means of inflated compartments, or by equally efficient means not dependant on inflation

b) Maintain its form after inflation with full complement

c) Be prevented from pressure exceeding twice the working pressure, either by relief valves or by limited gas supply

d) have at least two entrances

48. Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stability of inflatable life rafts does not correspond to present regulations? The stability of inflatable life rafts shall be such that:


a) In the event of capsizing it will automatically attain a position providing an above water escape

b) It is stable in a seaway when fully inflated and floating with the canopy uppermost

c) When floating in the inverted position one person can right it

d) It can be towed with full complement at speeds up to 3 knots

49. Which one of the listed requirements regarding containers for inflatable life rafts does not correspond to present regulations? The life raft shall be packed in containers that are:


a) Completely watertight

b) So constructed as to withstand hard weather condition encountered at sea

c) Of sufficient buoyancy to operate the inflation mechanism should the ship sink

d) Marked with the date when last serviced

50. Which one of the listed requirements regarding equipment for inflatable life rafts does not correspond to present regulations? The inflatable life raft shall be fitted with:


a) A buoyant lifeline bucketed around the outside of the life raft

b) A manually controlled lamp inside the raft

c) One repair outfit for repairing punctures in buoyancy compartments

d) One topping-up pump or bellows

51. Which one of the listed requirements regarding rigid life rafts does not correspond to present regulations?


The life raft shall have:

a) A manually controlled lamp, visible of at least 2 miles, fitted at the top of the canopy

b) All entrances fitted with rigid boarding ramps for boarding the life raft at sea

c) Floor preventing the ingress of water

d) A manually controlled lamp fitted inside the life raft

52. Which one of the listed requirements regarding the construction of lifeboats does not correspond to present regulations?


The lifeboat shall:

a) Have permanent boarding arrangements on both sides to enable persons in the water to board the lifeboat

b) Have hull of fire-retardant or non-combustible materials

c) Have sufficient strength to be safely lowered into the water with full compliment

d) Be capable of being launched and towed when the ship is making headway of 5 knots in calm weather


53. Which one of the listed requirements regarding lifeboat propulsion does not correspond to present regulations?


a) Every lifeboat shall be powered by a compression ignition engine using fuel with a flame point of not less than 44°C

b) Means shall be provided for recharging all engine-starting, radio and searchlight batteries

c) Water resistant instruction for starting and operating the engine shall be provided

d) The engine shall be provided with an electric power starting system with rechargeable energy batteries

54. Which one of the listed requirements regarding lifeboat fittings does not correspond to present regulations?


All lifeboats shall be fitted with:

a) Effective means for bailing or have self-bailing arrangement

b) Release device to enable forward painter to be released under tension

c) a remotely operated steering arrangement

d) A buoyant lifeline becketed around the outside of the lifeboat


55. Which one of the listed requirements regarding lifeboat equipment does not correspond to present regulations?

All lifeboat equipment shall:

a) Be secured in the lifeboat (except boat-hooks) by lashings, storage in lockers, compartments, brackets or similar arrangement

b) be secured in a manner as not to interfere with abandonment procedures

c) be as small and of as little mass as possible

d) be made of fire-retardant material

56.Which one of the listed requirements regarding lifeboat equipment does not correspond to present regulations?

The normal equipment of every lifeboat shall include:

a) two axes

b) one copy of prescribed lifesaving signals

c) sea-charts and navigating equipment

d) a survival manual

57. Which one of the listed requirements regarding partially enclosed lifeboats does not correspond to present regulations?


The canopy between rigid covers shall be so arranged that:

a) it has windows to admit sufficient daylight inside the lifeboat with the canopy closed

b) it can easily be erected by two persons

c) it is insulated to protect occupants against heat and cold

d) the occupants can escape in case of capsizing

58. Which one of the listed requirements regarding self-righting partially enclosed lifeboats does not correspond to present regulations?


Self-righting partially closed lifeboats shall have:

a) sufficient number of pumps and bailers

b) permanently attached foldable canopy over open parts

c) safety belts fitted at each indicated seating position

d) stability for inherently or automatically self-righting with full or partial complement

59. Which one of the listed requirements regarding enclosures of totally enclosed lifeboats does not correspond to present regulation?


The enclosures shall be provided with:

a) access hatches which can be closed watertight

b) access hatches capable of being opened and closed from both sides

c) arrangement for rowing

d) windows on both sides which can be closed watertight and opened for ventilation

60. Which one of the listed requirements regarding enclosures of totally enclosed lifeboats does not correspond to present regulations?

The totally enclosed lifeboats shall:

a) have safety belts to be designed to hold a person of 100 kg securely in place with the lifeboat in a capsized position

b) have automatic self-righting abilities

c) automatically attain a position in damaged condition, providing an above water escape for its occupants

d) have self-bailing arrangements

61. Which one of the listed requirements regarding fire protected lifeboats does not correspond to present regulations?


Water spray systems shall:

a) have means for "turn on/ turn off the flow of water over the exterior of the lifeboat

b) be arranged for flushing with fresh water and allowing complete draining

c) have separate draining pumps of sufficient capacity

d) protect the occupants through a continuous oil fire for a period of not less than 8 minutes

62. Which one of the listed requirements regarding rescue boats do not correspond to present regulations?

Rescue boats shall:

a) have self-bailing arrangements

b) have permanent arrangement for towing

c) be capable of manoeuvering at speed up to 6 knots

d) be capable of carrying at least 5 persons seated and one person lying down

63. Which one of the listed requirements regarding rescue boat equipment does not correspond to present regulations?

The normal equipment of every rescue boat shall include:

a) two life buoys attached to not less than 30m of line

b) an efficient radar reflector

c) immersion suits for the number of persons the boat is permitted to accommodate

d) a first-aid outfit in a watertight case

64. Which one of the listed requirements regarding freefall launching appliances does not correspond to present regulations?


All launching appliances shall:

a) be efficiently protected against corrosion

b) have release mechanism constructed from non-corrosive material

c) be so arranged that no excessive force is experienced by the occupants during launch

d) have ramp angle and length to ensure that the survival craft effectively clears the ship

65. Which one of the listed requirements regarding line-throwing appliances does not correspond to present regulations?


Every line-throwing appliance shall:

a) have projectiles (rockets) capable of carrying the line at least 230 m in calm weather

b) be capable of carrying the line with reasonable accuracy

c) have a sufficient length of non-combustible line behind the rocket

d) have brief instruction or diagram illustrating the use of the line throwing apparatus

66. Which one of the listed requirements regarding the general emergency alarm system does not correspond to present regulations?


The general emergency alarm system shall:

a) be capable of operation from fire stations aboard the ship

b) be able of sounding the emergency alarm signal by the ships whistle or siren, and additionally on electrically operated bells or claxons

c) be audible through all accommodation andcrew working spaces

d) have electric alarm bells (or claxons) powered from the ship's main and emergency sources of electric power

67. The training manual shall contain instructions and information in easily understood terms and illustrated wherever possible. Which of the following objects does not have to be explained in details in the manual according to present regulations?


a) Donning of fire protection clothing

b) Donning of lifejackets and immersion suits

c) Muster of assigned stations

d) Boarding, launching and clearing of the survival crafts and rescue boats


68.The training manual shall contain instructions and information in easily understood terms and illustrated wherever possible. Which of the following objects does not have to be explained in details in the manual according to present regulations?


a) Method and use of devices for protection in launching areas

b) Method of launching from inside survival craft

c) Release from launching applications

d) Use of breathing apparatus

69.The training manual shall contain instructions and information in easily understood terms and illustrated wherever possible. Which of the following objects does not have to be explained in details in the manual according to present regulations?


a) Means of escape - escape routes

b) The use of all detection equipment

c) The use of all survival equipment

d) Illumination in launching areas

70. The training manual shall contain instructions and information in easily understood terms and illustrated wherever possible. Which one of the following objects does not have to be explained in details in the manual according to present regulations?


a) With assistance of illustrations, the use of radio life-saving appliances

b) The use of engines and accessories (lifeboats/ rescue boats)

c) The use of drogues

d) The use of onboard communication systems

71. The training manual shall contain instructions and information in easily understood terms and illustrated wherever possible. Which of the following objects does not have to be explained in details in the manual according to present regulations?


a) Recovery of survival craft and rescue boats including stowage and securing

b) Best use of survival craft facilities in order to survive

c) Instructions for emergency repair of the life-saving appliances

d) Instructions for emergency repair of fire-fighting equipment

72. Instructions for onboard maintenance of life-saving appliances shall be easily understood and illustrated wherever possible. Which of the following items does not necessarily have to be included in the instructions according to present regulations?


a) List of replaceable parts

b) Log for records of inspections and maintenance

c) Checklist for periodic inspections

d) Schedule for periodic maintenance

73. The muster list shall specify details of general alarm signal and also actions to be taken by crew and passengers when the alarm is sounded. Which of the following actions does not necessarily have to be included in the muster list?


The muster list shall:

a) be prepared and approved by the Administration before the ship proceeds to sea

b) specify which officers are assigned to ensure that life-saving and fire-fighting appliances are maintained in good condition

c) specify substitutes for key persons who may become disabled

d) specify how the order to abandon ship will be given

74. The muster list shall show the duties assigned to the different members of the crew. Which of the given duties does not necessarily have to be included in the muster list?


a) Manning of fire parties assigned to deal with fires

b) Passengers Muster list

c) Preparation and launching of survival crafts

d) Clearing escape routes


75. The muster list shall show the duties assigned to crewmembers in relation to passengers in case of emergency. Which of the given duties does not necessarily have to be included in the ship’s muster list?


The duties include:

a) assembling passengers at muster stations

b) seeing that passengers are suitably clad and have donned their lifejackets correctly

c) ensuring that a supply of blankets is taken to the survival craft

d) ensuring that every passenger is provided with an immersion suit or a thermal protective aid

76. Which of the following types/ sizes of vessels in international trade do not have to be fitted with a radiotelephone station?


a) Passenger ships carrying less than 36 passengers

b) Cargo ships of 300 - 1600 tons gross

c) Cargo ships below 300 tons gross

d) Passenger ships of less than 100 tons gross

77. For how many hours a day during navigation shall the radio officers on a passenger ship carrying more than 250 passengers listen on the radiotelegraph distress frequency using headphones or loudspeakers?


a) 12 hours

b) 24 hours

c) 16 hours

d) 8 hours


78. Each ship fitted with a radiotelephone station according to the regulations shall listen on the distress frequency during navigation. For how many hours a day according to the regulations?


a) 12 hours

b) 16 hours

c) 24 hours

d) 8 hours

79. Each ship fitted with a VHF radiotelephone installation according to the regulations shall listen on the distress frequency during navigation.

For how many hours a day according to the regulations?

a) A period of 5 minutes after every half hour

b) A period of 5 minutes after every full hour

c) 8 hours a day

d) Continuous

80. Which one of the listed requirements regarding radiotelegraph stations does not correspond to present regulations?

A radiotelegraph station shall be provided with:

a) Spare parts, tools and testing equipment

b) Either an electric inspection lamp or a flashlight

c) A reliable clock with a dial not less than 12,5 cm diametre, and marked to indicate silence periods

d) Direct access to the navigating bridge


81. Which one of the listed requirements regarding radiotelegraph installations does not correspond to present regulations?


a) The reserve installation shall include a reserve transmitter, a reserve receiver and a reserve source of energy

b) A main and a reserve antenna shall be installed

c) The main installation shall include a main receiver, a main transmitter, radiotelephone distress frequency watch receiver and main source of energy

d) The installation shall include equipment for radiotelephone communication on distress frequencies in addition to working frequencies

82. Radio direction-finding installations shall comply with certain requirements. Which one of the listed requirements does not correspond to present regulations?


a) The calibration particulars shall be checked at intervals of one year

b) All reasonable steps shall be taken to ensure the required homing capability

c) Direction-finders to be installed on, or as near to the navigating bridge as possible

d) All direction-finders shall be calibrated on first installation


83. Which one of the listed requirements regarding radiotelegraph installations for lifeboats does not correspond to present regulations?


a) If practicable, an antenna supported by a kite or balloon shall be provided

b) The installation shall be so designed that it can be used in an emergency by an unskilled person

c) The transmitter shall be fitted with an automatic keying device for transmitting radiotelegraph alarm and distress signal

d) Reserve accumulator battery for two hours of normal use to be provided

84. Which one of the listed requirements regarding portable radio apparatus for survival crafts does not correspond to present regulations?


a) The apparatus shall be readily portable and watertight

b) New equipment shall be as lightweight and compact as practicable

c) Transmitter and receiver to be tested with intervals of not more than one month

d) The apparatus shall be capable of being dropped into the water without damage


85. Which one of the listed requirements regarding two-way radiotelephone apparatus for survival crafts does not correspond to present regulations?


a) The apparatus shall be capable of being operated on VHF channel 16

b) While at sea, the equipment shall be maintained in satisfactory condition

c) The apparatus shall be operated from a battery of adequate capacity to ensure operation for at least 4 hours

d) When necessary the battery shall be brought to the fully charged position or changed

86. Which one of the following requirements regarding radiotelephone stations does not correspond to present regulations?


a) The radiotelephone station shall be located in the upper part of the ship, sheltered to the greatest extent from noise impairing reception of messages/ signals

b) There shall be an efficient communication between the radio station and the bridge

c) An instruction card giving a clear summary of the distress procedure shall be displayed at the operators position

d) While at sea the installation shall be maintained in a satisfactory condition

87. Which one of the listed requirements regarding VHF radiotelephone installations does not correspond to present regulations?


a) Facilities should be available to permit radio communication from the wings of the bridge

b) As far as practicable, the antenna shall have unobstructed view in all directions

c) Cargo ships of less than 500 tons gross shall have the batteries located in the upper part of the ship

d) Controls for the channels required for navigational safety shall be immediately available on the navigating bridge, convenient to the conning position

88. Which one of the listed requirements regarding radiotelephone auto alarm does not correspond to present regulations?


Automatic receiving equipment shall:

a) as far as practicable give warning of faults preventing the apparatus from performing normal functions

b) be capable of withstanding vibration, humidity and temperature changes

c) be capable of withstanding variations in power supply voltages, and shall continue to operate under such conditions

d) in presence of atmospheric or interfering signals automatically adjust itself

89. Which one of the listed entries in the radio logs for radiotelephone station does not correspond to present regulations?


Entries in the radio log shall include:

a) the time at which a listening watch is discontinued, and the reason

b) details of maintenance of batteries, including a record of charging

c) the condition and results of tests of the main radiotelegraph installation

d) the time when a listening watch begins

90. What is the definition of a “passenger” according to Solas regulations?


a) Everyone who travels with a passenger ship

b) Any person holding a ticket and traveling with a passenger ship

c) Any person paying their voyage regardless of ship’s type

d) Every person other than the Captain and the members of the crew or other persons employed or engaged onboard the ship in the business of that ship


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