Студопедия — Reading
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When you are applying for a job …,

1 you _______ look through a lot of advertisements.

2 you _______ go to the interview then.

3 you _______ write CV and a cover letter.

4 you _______ be late for a interview.

[1] Агабекян И.П. English for Managers. Английский для менеджеров: учеб пособие / И.П. Агабекян. – М.: ТК Велби, Изд-во Проспект, 2007. – С. 71.


Lesson 1.Choosing Careers


1. Read the following suggestions for finding a job and, in pairs, discuss which ones you agree with and why.

· Contact your friends and see how they can help.

· Visit an employment agency and ask about available jobs.

· Look for the job that gives the best salary.

· Read the advertisements in the business section of your local newspaper and try to find a job that matches your skills, qualifications and interests.

· Ask your parents and their colleagues to get you the job in the companies where they work.

· Discuss your goals and interests with your friends and make a plan for how to proceed.


In pairs, practice making suggestions about how to start job hunting. Use the phrases in the box.

I think it’s time to start… Maybe we should begin by… Let’s go see… Why don’t we read… We need to think about where… We could find out about available jobs… I suppose we should think about… I suggest we start by…

Active vocabulary

I. Here is a list of words and expressions connected with jobs. Divide them into the following categories:

Departments in a company Money Losing a job Adjectives describing different jobs Hours of work Applying for a job


personnel, accounts, references, a salary, advertising, out of work, rate of unemployment, sales, to go for an interview, a wage, to get a bonus, manual, to make someone redundant, a 7% pay rise, to earn US $50.000p., marketing, skilled, to fire an employee, a 9 to 5 job, challenging, to get a commission, gratifying, an hourly rate, boring, to do overtime, to fill in an application form, to work in shifts, rewarding, to work flexi time, to make ends meet, to do something for a living.

II. Think of a job. Do not say what the job is. Let your group members guess by asking you general questions (to which answers will be “Yes” or “No”). The students cannot ask more than 10 questions. You may be asked questions like that:

Do you get a big salary?

Is it a 9 to 5 job?

Do you have to deal with children (patience, people)?

Do you work in shifts?

Do you often have to work overtime?


I. Interview each other:

· If you have a job:

a) How and why did you make up your mind what to be?

b) Has it always been your ambition to do this?

c) Does your job suit you? Why?

· If you don’t have a job…

d) What would you like to be? Why?

e) What will you have to do to get this job?

f) Why do you think you would be well-suited for this job?

II. Look at the list of jobs below and choose the one you would most like to do and the one you would least like to do.

nurse disc jockey head of a big company
journalist pilot tourist guide
shop assistant farmer taxi driver
manufacturer sculptor interpreter
policeman manager air steward
teacher car mechanic engineer
cook secretary doctor


Read the sentences below. Fill in «Do» or «Don’t» to make useful advice for a job-hunter. Explain your reasons.

DOs and Don’ts For Job Seekers

… stress your qualification for the job opening

… mention any experience you have which is relevant to the job

… talk and think as far as possible about the future rather than the past.

... escape testing.

... arrive a little late.

... behave as a «know it all».

... write incorrect information about yourself to look better.

... approach the employer with respectful dignity.

… assume an air of confidence

… be one of those who can do everything

… hedge in answering questions

… hang around, prolonging interview, when it should be over

… arrive late and breathless for an interview

… isolate yourself from contacts that might help you find a job

… make claims if you cannot “deliver” on the job

… try to be optimistic in your attitude

… try to overcome nervousness and shortness of breath

… learn ahead of time about the company and its product

… apply for a job in person

… answer questions honestly

… have a good resume

… know the importance of getting along with people

… recognize your limitations

… make plenty of applications

… indicate your flexibility and readiness to learn

… keep stressing your need for a job

… discuss past experience which has no application to the job situation

… apologize for your age

… be untidy in appearance

… beg for consideration

… mumble or speak with a muffled voice

… write incorrect information on your CV to make it look better

... pay little attention to your own appearance.

... show yourself one who can do everything.

... speak in a low voice.

... think a lot before answering a question.

Reading comprehension

Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 940. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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