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American advanced-technology company that manufactures aerospace and automotive products; residential, commercial, and industrial control systems; specialty chemicals and plastics; and engineered materials. The present company was formed in 1999 through the merger of AlliedSignal Inc. and Honeywell Inc. Headquarters are in Morristown, New Jersey.

Among Honeywell's products are building controls (including heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning systems), electronic switches and motors, alarms, industrial automation systems, microelectronics, medical instruments, military and commercial avionics, and space systems. The company's control equipment for defense applications ranges from missile and bomb guidance systems to cockpit displays and optical and electronic sensors. It is a major producer of auxiliary power units for aircraft (used for main engine starting, cabin cooling, and electric power generation), turbofan and turboprop engines for business and regional aircraft, engine control systems, environmental control systems for aircraft and spacecraft, and wheels and brakes for commercial and military aircraft. Its automotive products include truck brakes, turbochargers, oil and air filters, spark plugs, air bags, and seat belt systems. The company also produces a variety of fibres, plastics, and specialty chemicals. In 2000 it employed about 125,000 people worldwide.


Exercise 18. Identify the correct meaning of these words from the text.

1. Merger a) the cooperation of two firms b) the interaction of rival corporations c) the joining together of two separate companies
2. Avionics a) the production of aviation radioelectronic equipment b) aviation electronic equipment c) the operation and production of aircraft
3. A cockpit a) the area of a plane when the pilot works b) the driver's compartment in a racing car c) an area where a contest takes place
4. An engine a) a machine which pulls a railway train b) a piece of machinery which uses fuel to drive a vehicle or a machine c) the position of an engineer
5. A brake a) restriction of progress b) a failure of something c) a device that is used to make a vehicle stop or go slower

Exercise 19. Answer the following questions in pairs.

1. What make of car do you drive? / What make of car does your father / friend / neighbour drive?

2. What company produced your television?

3. What country was your stereo made in?

4. Who is the producer of your computer?

5. What sort of clothes would you like to wear? What trade marks do you prefer? Can you afford buying these clothes?

6. What brand-name drinks do you prefer?

Exercise 20. Work in small groups. Speak about famous companies and their products. Use the questions and lists of names and words below.

1. What products do famous companies make?

ЗМ (sandpaper, Scotch tape, medical equipment); Sony, Panasonic (televisions, stereo systems, radio equipment); IBM, Apple, Intel, Microsoft (computers, processors, hardware, software); Siemens (household appliances); General Motors (cars); Harley-Davidson Motor Company (motorcycles); Coca-Cola (drinks); Proctor & Gamble (medicines, cosmetics, washing powder, detergents); Colgate-Palmolive (toothpaste, soap, cosmetics); Mary Kay, Oriflame, Max Factor (cosmetics); Levi Strauss, Wrangler (jeans).

2. What countries are famous for producing international products?

Japan, the USA, Korea (electronic equipment); the USA, Korea (computers); the USA, the United Kingdom (ships); Russia, the USA (spaceships); France, the United Kingdom, Italy (clothes); Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, Finland (footwear); the USA, the United Kingdom, France, Hungary, Russia (strong drinks, soft drinks).

3. What distinguishes good products made in different countries?

To be of high quality; to be good for health; not to be harmful; not to be dangerous for human use and the environment; to be natural.


Exercise 21. Write about a famous American company.


10.2. European and Asian Companies

Exercise 1. Focus on the topical vocabulary.

amp [xmp] = amplifier ['xmplIfaIq] n усилитель

performer [pq'fLmq] n исполнитель

band [bxnd] n оркестр, музыкальная группа

to top [tPp] v превосходить, быть первым

to tie [taI] v связывать

devotion to [dI'vqVSqn] n преданность (чему-л)

to tap-dance ['txpdRns] v отбивать чечетку

drum [drAm] n барабан, pl ударные; v барабанить, исполнять на ударных

drummer ['drAmq] n барабанщик

to be much sought after [sLt] иметь большой спрос, быть нарасхват; пользоваться популярностью

string [strIN] n струна

the strings струнные инструменты

cabinet ['kxbInIt] n корпус

trial ['traIql] n испытание

instant ['Instqnt] a мгновенный, немедленный

craftsmanship ['krRftsmqnSIp] n мастерство

computer aided design [kqm'pjHtq 'eIdId dI'zaIn] автоматизированное проектирование

accounts department [q'kaunts dI'pRtmqnt] отдел расчетов, отдел финансовых отчетов

procurement [prq'kjVqmqnt] n закупки, материально-техническое снабжение, поставка

production engineering department [prq'dAkSqn "enGI'nIqrIN] производственно-технологический отдел

engineering section ['sekSqn] механический отдел, технический отдел

woodmill ['wudmIl] n деревообрабатывающая фабрика

covering ['kAvqrIN] n облицовка, покрытие

finishing ['fInISIN] n отделка, чистовая обработка

warehouse ['wFqhaVs] n товарный склад, зд. склад готовой продукции

store [stL] n склад, хранилище, зд. склад запасных частей; v хранить


Exercise 2. Try to understand the meaning of the derivatives.

Make, maker, making; amplify, amplifier, amp, amplification; earn, earnings; distribute, distributor, distribution; change, changing, changed, changeable; close, closely; devote, devotion; form, formal, formation; work, workshop, workforce; music, musical, musician; instant, instantly; procure, procurement; cover, covering; finish, finishing; pack, packing, package; satisfy, satisfied, satisfaction; tender, tenderness; drum, drummer; try, trial; synonym, synonymous; craft, craftsman; craftsmanship; wood, woodmill; trend, trendy.


Exercise 3. Guess what these international words mean.

A British company producing guitar products; to produce musical instruments; professional rock musicians; professional reputation; manufacture and distribution; a natural talent for music; show business; a guitar, guitarist, guitar cabinets; a garage; electronic experts; formal communication; synonymous; a production engineering department; an engineering department; an electronics sector; a service department; a finishing department, a packing department; an information technology department; special technologies; designers and engineers; effective leadership; company's traditions; innovation; constant progress; the company structure; a sound track.


Exercise 4. Read the nouns having the suffix - ist and say what they mean.

Guitarist, socialist, educationalist, formalist, pacifist, specialist.

Exercise 5. Read the following word combinations and give their Russian equivalents.

A world-famous British company; to make guitars; to play the guitar; to satisfy the needs of people; to meet the demands of customers; to satisfy the requirements of musicians; popular rock performers; to produce amplifiers; a talented guitarist; a self-made man; to get formal education; to tap-dance and sing with a band; to become a professional drummer; to attend a drum school; a highly respected teacher; to be highly sought after; to expand business; to be an instant success; instant coffee; research and development; an advertising department; to promote goods; to be of high quality; to pay special attention to; to use the latest computer-aided design packages; to keep the traditions; to value professionals' views and opinions; to ensure equal rights.


Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with the prepositions at, about, among, by, for, in, into, of, on, to, with where necessary.

1. The Pizza Hut restaurant network was bought ___ PepsiCo___ 1977. 2. The Marshall Company is famous ___ its amplifiers. 3. The company products are popular ___ young people. 4. ___ Russia children go ___ school ___ the age ___ 7. 5. ___ present, British Petroleum is the second-largest company ___ Europe. 6. Quad Electroacoustics trades ___ high quality loudspeakers and hi-fi equipment. 7. The company exports its products ___ over 80 countries. 8. The man is devoted ___ work. 9. The company leadership pays special attention ___ research and development. 10. What is your opinion ___ Professor White's lectures ___ economics? 11. The man turned his garage ___ a workshop. 12. The girl sang ___ bands ___ the evenings.


Exercise 7. Read these sentences and express the same in Russian.

1. Mr.Green was a good teacher, with 40 students attending his lessons. 2. Wilkin & Sons is a British company producing jams. 3. Nike and Reebok are competitors in the US athletic footwear market, with Adidas dominating Europe. 4. The number of people working in manufacturing industries has decreased. 5. The most expensive private schools in Great Britain are called public schools, some of these being single-sex boarding schools. 6. Many British people like to eat fast food, a hamburger and fries being the most popular meal. 7. Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are US rival companies selling soft drinks. 8. Glaxo is Britain's leading company making medicines. 9. Sport today is big business, with many companies sponsoring sports events. 10. Having completed the management course, Mr.Brown was promoted to a higher position.


Exercise 8. Work in pairs. Speak about your favourite bands. Change roles. Use the model below.

Model A: What is your favourite band?

B: It is…

A: What country are they from?

B: They are from…

A: What music do they play?

B: They play rock / rap / pop…

A: What musical instruments and equipment do they use?

B: The musicians play the guitar, drums, piano… They use the Marshall amplifier.

Exercise 9. Are you fond of music? If you are into music, you understand how important it is for a musician to have good musical instruments. Read the text and find out what top companies do to produce quality musical equipment.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 808. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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