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Best American Companies

There are many American companies known all over the world. They make a lot of international products, such as computers, machines, clothes, drinks, fast foods, etc. These companies manufacture different goods but they have much in common. All of them make quality products and fully satisfy consumers' needs. Their management policy is far-sighted and flexible. Their leadership focuses on research and development and introduces innovative technologies into production processes.

Here is some information about famous American companies.

Computer Companies

IBM (or International Business Machines) is the world's largest computer company. It used to make both hardware and software, first of all, for business users. In 1981, the company produced a personal computer which became very popular in the USA and other countries. Now many companies make IBM-compatible computers which are similar to the original PC produced by IBM.

Today, IBM has changed radically. Over the past decade, the company has become an international services company. Hardware sales make up a small portion of its profits. IBM doesn't produce personal computers any more. The company is concentrated on making software and consulting.

Its rival is Apple Computer Inc., a large and important company producing the Macintosh computer. This machine, popularly called "Mac", is easy to use and has a different operating system from PCs.

Intel Corp. is the world's leading producer of computer processors. In 1993, the company introduced the Pentium, the most powerful processor for PCs. It is designed to operate IBM and IBM-compatible computers.

Microsoft, a company headed by Bill Gates, is one of the largest producers of software in the world. IBM and IBM-compatibles use the Windows Operating System and the programs made by Microsoft.

At present IBM offers computer services in many countries of the world. It remains profitable even in the period of recession.


3M is one of the most successful companies in the USA. The company was started in the early 20th century. It was called Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing. The mining soon stopped and its founders began to trade in sandpaper.

Today 3M's headquarters and many of its laboratories are located in St. Paul, Minnesota. The company makes 60,000 products ranging from to Scotch tape, abrasives, manufactured, consumer and office goods to medical equipment and computer-synthesized graphics.

3M has been so successful thanks to technological innovation. It has a lot of patents. 3M spends much money on research and development.


William Colgate founded the Colgate Company in 1806. It produced starch, soap and candles in New York City. For the first one hundred years, the company did its business in the United States. In the early 1900s it began to sell its products in Europe, Latin America and Asia.

At present Colgate-Palmolive's principal sectors are Oral Care, Body Care, Household Surface Care, Fabric Care, Pet Nutrition and Health Care.

Colgate-Palmolive is the world leader in toothpaste.

The company pays great attention to protection of the environment. It uses recyclable bottles and packaging materials. Colgate-Palmolive is one of socially responsible companies in the USA.


Levis are popular and fashionable jeans. This trademark is well-known around the globe. Levi Strauss, an immigrant from Germany, came to the USA in the 19th century, during the gold-rush. He did not find gold in California, but he started one of the oldest and most profitable businesses in the world.

Strauss made pants for work out of blue cloth and sold them at a profit. Later the pants got the name "jeans" and "Levi's".

At present Levis are still in fashion and in great demand in many countries. They are beautiful and comfortable.


Pharmacist John S. Pemberton invented Coca-Cola in 1886. It was a medicine at that time. Asa Candler bought the Coca-Cola business and advertised the product through signs, calendars and clocks. Robert Woodruff, who was elected president of the company in 1923, made Coca-Cola an international product. He set up a foreign department which exported Coca-Cola to the Olympic Games in Amsterdam in 1928.

The company launched Diet Cola in 1982, and the sales grew quickly. The drink is very popular in the world. Today, people in many countries like drinking Coca-Cola.


In 1948, the McDonald brothers had a restaurant in California. They invented a special fast food menu – hamburgers and fries. They prepared meals beforehand and served customers very quickly. People could take their food away. The brothers sold the business to Ray Croc who opened restaurants all over the United States. Nowadays, there are McDonald's restaurants in many countries of the world.


Exercise 12. Find in the text the equivalents of these words and word combinations.

Аппаратные средства и программное обеспечение; он предназначается; в начале ХХ века; научно-исследовательские и опытно-конструкторские работы; уход за бытовыми поверхностями; корм для животных; здравоохранение; защита окружающей среды; бутылки и упаковочные материалы, используемые повторно; торговая марка; рабочие брюки; был избран президентом; гамбургеры и картофель "фри".


Exercise 13. Answer the following questions in pairs.

1. What are US famous computer companies? What do they produce?

2. When was 3M founded?

3. How many products does 3M produce?

4. Why is 3M so successful?

5. Who was the founder of the Colgate Company?

6. When was the Colgate Company founded?

7. Where does the Colgate Company do business?

8. What are Colgate-Palmolive's main sectors?

9. What product is Colgate-Palmolive Company famous for?

10. Why is Colgate-Palmolive a socially responsible company in the USA?

11. When did Levi Strauss begin to make blue jeans?

12. Why are Levis so popular?

13. Who was the inventor of Coca-Cola?

14. When was Cola-Cola invented?

15. When was Cola-Cola made an truly international product?

16. What foods are served at McDonald's?

17. Do you use any products made by these famous American companies?

18. What other famous foreign companies do you know? What goods are produced by them?


Exercise 14. Look through the article about a famous American company and arrange its paragraphs into the right order.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 990. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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