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Marshall Company

Marshall is a world-famous British company making guitar products, especially amplifiers. It has earned its reputation over the years through producing high-grade musical equipment, satisfying the needs of different musicians and adapting to changing demands of manufacture and distribution. Its products are popular with many rock performers. The Prodigy, Who, AC/DC, Oasis, Kiss, Slash and other famous bands have used the Marshall equipment for many years. Ace Frehley from Kiss once said, "Marshall's the best rock'n'roll amp in the business, nobody has topped them since they were first made in 1962".

The company's success is closely tied to its founder, his hard work, talent and devotion to music.

Jim Marshall may be called a self-made man. His family was not rich. The boy did not get formal education due to his poor health. He began to work at the tender age of 13 in 1936. Marshall changed several jobs. He tap-danced and sang with bands in the evenings.

Marshall soon found that he had a natural talent for music. In 1947 he began studying with the highly respected drum teacher Max Abrams and by the early 1950s became a professional drummer. He was highly sought after both as a drummer and drum teacher, with up to 65 students per week attending his drum school.

Jim Marshall opened his first shop in 1960. He sold guitars, strings, amps and other products. Marshall decided to expand his business and began building guitar cabinets, turning his garage into a workshop.

At that time, the guitarists required a sound that was not at the market. Marshall offered two electronics experts to work with him, and they started the search for this new sound the musicians were looking for.

In 1962, after months of hard work and trials the first Marshall amplifier was born and was an instant success. Since then the top rock performers of some generations have used the company's equipment which has been synonymous with quality and craftsmanship. Marshall has become a famous trademark.

At present, the Marshall Company has several factories and a devoted workforce of over 400. It exports its products to more than 65 countries. Its largest market is in Europe.

The company has 19 departments: Research and Development, Advertising and Promotions, Export, Home Market and Sales, Accounts, Procurement, Production Engineering, Engineering, Electronics, Test, Woodmill, Covering, Finishing, Packing, Warehouse, Service, Quality, Information Technology, Stores.

The leadership pays special attention to innovation and new technologies. The designers and engineers use the latest computer-aided design packages in their work.

The company experts follow the progress of the world's greatest guitarists who play Marshall. They keep the traditions of the firm and listen and respond to current playing trends. The staff value professionals' views and opinions about the Marshall equipment and do everything in their power to satisfy customers' requirements.

Good leadership, effective structure of the company, excellent work of all the departments, and constant search for new markets ensure the success of the Marshall products in the world.


Exercise 10. Find in the text the equivalents of these words and word combinations.

Заслужила свою репутацию; высококачественное музыкальное оборудование; удовлетворяя потребности; приспосабливаясь к изменяющимся требованиям производства и сбыта; их никто не превзошел; человек, добившийся успеха своими собственными силами; сменил несколько мест работы; учитель игры на ударных инструментах, пользующийся большим уважением; лучшие рок-исполнители; отвечать современным тенденциям в исполнении; постоянный поиск новых рынков сбыта.

Exercise 11. Answer the following questions in pairs.

1. What does the Marshall Company produce?

2. How has the company earned its reputation?

3. When was the company set up?

4. What kind of businessman is Jim Marshall?

5. When was the first Marshall amplifier built?

6. How many people work for the company at present?

7. How many countries import the Marshall products?

8. What departments does the company have?

9. Have you heard of the Marshall Company before?

10. Do bands in Russia use the Marshall equipment?


Exercise 12. Find information about any other famous company producing musical instruments or equipment and give a talk in class.


Exercise 13. Complete the text with the words from the box. Change the form if necessary.


enternal-combustion join venture motorcycle annual subsidiary headquarters exporter found lightweight farm machinery


The Honda Motor Company is the leading Japanese manufacturer of ___ (1) and a major producer of automobiles for the world market. Its ___ (2) are in Tokyo.

The engineer Honda Soichiro ___ (3) the Honda Technical Research Institute near Hamamatsu in 1946 to develop small, efficient ___ (4) engines. It was incorporated as Honda Motor Company in 1948 and began producing motorcycles in 1949. The Honda C-100, a small-engine motorcycle, was introduced in 1953 and by 1959 was the largest-selling motorcycle in the world. In 1959 the company also established a U.S. ___ (5), the American Honda Motor Company, which began producing motorcycles in the United States in 1979 and automobiles in 1982.

While Honda is a world leader in producing motorcycles, the bulk of the company's ___ (6) sales comes from automobiles, which the company began manufacturing in 1963. Among its ___ (7), fuel-efficient passenger cars have been the popular Civic and Accord models. The company's other major product areas include ___ (8) and small engines. Honda is a major Japanese ___ (9) to the United States and to other parts of the world. It also has assembly plants in a number of other countries and is engaged in ___ (10) and technology-licensing agreements with several foreign companies.


Exercise 14. Look through the text again and say what international products are made by the Honda Motor Company.


Exercise 15. Read the following information about the current recession in Japan and say if China has surpassed the country of the rising sun in economic development and its influence in the Asian region.

Japan is heading into a landmark election in a state of freefall. Stagnant since the early 1990s, Japan's economy fell off a cliff in the last quarter, dropping 15.2 percent in the worst collapse of any industrial nation in decades. Automakers – Toyota, Nissan and Honda, once the heart of the Japanese industrial miracle – saw exports fall 70 percent in April, and were forced to shutter factories to clear inventory.

Meanwhile, China is launching direct challenges to Japan's position as the leading economy in Asia. Beijing recently launched an official campaign to build a green car industry, a field in which Japan still holds a commanding lead. Some Japan watchers compare China's green car project to Sputnik, the Soviet satellite that trumped American preeminence in science and technology in the 1950s. Just as alarming, China has been making noises about replacing the dollar as the sole international reserve currency, and has begun conducting regional financing deals in Chinese yuan instead, a push Japanese officials see as a direct threat to the yen as well.

So Japan is preparing to usher in a new government against a backdrop of worry that the nation is already Asia's political and economic also-ran, prematurely playing No.2 to China. It's all happened fast. When this decade opened, Japan's economy was still almost four times the size of China's, but in recent years China looked set to surpass Japan by 2010 or shortly thereafter. Now, with China still growing at 8 percent a year and Japan shrinking, commentators in Japan have been forced to admit that the switch will likely come even sooner.

Exercise 16. Complete the text with the derivatives from the words in the right-hand column.



Huawei may be the best company you've never heard of, and that's a big problem for China. 1) ___ in 1988 by Ren Zhengfei, a former People's Liberation Army officer with less than $4,000 in startup capital, Huawei has grown from a small importer into a growing giant – revenue rose 43 percent last year to more than $18 billion – now poised to overtake Nokia Siemens as the world's second-largest 2) ___ of telecom hardware, after Ericsson. Even a decade ago, China watchers were touting Huawei as one of the companies most likely to become China's first big global brand. Its headquarters in booming Shenzhen look like a Silicon Valley transplant, with high-tech laboratories, manicured lawns, and staff 3) ___ pools. It made Business Week's latest list of the world's 10 "most 4) ___" companies, alongside Apple, Wal-Mart, Toyota, and Google. Yet Huawei is by far the least internationally recognizable name on the list. Outside of China, even staff have trouble pronouncing its name. It should be pronounced "hwaway," but "people say it in all sorts of ways," says Robert Fox, the chief branding officer of Huawei's wireless-product line. China is 5) ___ as the factory to the world, but even its best companies enjoy little if any fame. That paradox has become a vexing problem for China's leaders. The nation is now too rich to continue 6) ___ at a double-digit pace by simply putting more peasants to work in factories, and then underselling its Western, Japanese, and South Korean competition. The job of making cheap clothes, toys, and electronics is moving on to even cheaper labor markets, like Vietnam. The company has built its success the 7) ___ Chinese way – by selling to other businesses, rather than directly to consumers around the world, and by competing on price rather than on innovation. The company got its start in the early '90s by 8) ___ reverse-engineering products and copying competitors' know-how, and has benefited massively from the growth of the domestic market. When it began selling fixed-line hardware in 1988, China had about 3 million landline phones. Today the nation of 1.3 billion people has 271 million landlines and 647 million mobile-phone subscriptions. Once housed in a cramped downtown office, Huawei now has a sprawling campus that would make Google proud. Employees take classes in a 9) ___ center designed by British architect Norman Foster. Huawei gets its pick of China's top graduates, and has done a good job of tapping foreign talent, too. The company has set up R&D centers in 14 nations – employing Indian computer programmers, Russian 10) ___, and former Ericsson engineers – in an effort to move away from the old model mimicking competitors' technology. As recently as 2003, Cisco sued Huawei for copying computer codes used in routers, forcing the company to pull the 11) ___ products from the market before dropping the case. The moves have increased foreign sales; three quarters of Huawei's contracts (by value) came from outside of China last year, and it recently made its big deals in the United States. Yet Huawei still makes most of its money by servicing better-known businesses, rather than investing in break-out products and selling them directly to 12) ___, where profits are highest.   found   make     swim influence     fame     grow   old fashion     essential     train   mathematics   contest     consume

Exercise 17. Read the text again and answer the following questions in pairs.

1. Have you heard about Huawei before?

2. Is it a successful company?

3. When was Huawei founded?

4. Who founded the company?

5. Where are its headquarters?

6. What goods does it produce?

7. Who are Huawei's consumers?

8. Did the company use to make original products in the early '90s?

9. Is Huawei producing quality goods now?

10.What do you think about Chinese products?


Exercise 18. Order the dialogue and act it out.

a. – No, it's a Russian company.

b. – What is GJ?

c. – Can we call GJ clothes an international product?

d. – It's a well-known trade mark of children's clothes. GJ stands for Gloria Jeans.

e. – In Rostov-on-Don.

f. – Does the company only specialize in clothes for children?

g. – Where are its headquarters?

h. – No, its factories make jeans, skirts, shirts, dresses, suits, jackets made of denim for children, teenagers and adults. The company shops also sell T-shirts, hosiery and accessories.

i. – Is it a foreign company?

j. – Are GJ clothes popular in Russia?

k. – I'm afraid not. But the company is famous in this country.

l. – Yes, they are. GJ clothes are not very expensive and trendy. Fashion designers from Italy work for the company. They import fabrics from China. The company's sales have increased due to good promotion. Such famous singers as Valeria, Dima Bilan, Aleksa have advertised its products.


Exercise 19. Work in pairs. Speak about international products made in the Rostov region. Use the information below and the dialogue as a model.

The Rostselmash Agricultural Machinery Plant (produces combine-harvesters, sowers and other agricultural machines, exports its products to the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States).

The Kamensk Machine Building Plant (produces cutter-loaders and powered supports, sells its products to coal mines in Russia and CIS countries).

Exercise 20. Discuss the following topics in your group.

1. Famous foreign companies in Russia.

2. Well-known Russian trademarks.

3. Successful Europian companies.

4. Famous Asian companies.

Exercise 21. Write about a successful Russian company.

Exercise 22. Role-play.

1. Roles: a shop-assistant, a customer.

a) A customer comes to a cosmetics department. He / she wants to buy the best toothpaste / shampoo / soap / lipstick / hair spray / body spray / compact powder / mascara / cream they have. The shop-assistant helps him / her to make a choice.

b) A customer comes to a department of electrical goods. He / she wants to buy a washing machine / a sewing machine / a dishwasher / an iron / a fan / a heater. The shop-assistant helps him / her to make a choice.

c) A customer comes to a department of kitchen utensils. He /she wants to buy a coffee maker / a mixer / a mincer / a frying pan / a saucepan / a coffee-pot / a tea-pot / a kettle / spoons / forks / knives. The shop-assistant helps him / her to make a choice.

d) A customer comes to a shop specializing in electronic devices. A customer wants to buy a radio / a television / a music centre / a computer. The shop-assistant helps him / her to buy the best device they have in the shop.

2. Roles: a sales manager, a customer.

A customer comes to a sales manager of a coal mine. His firm wants to buy anthracite. The manager convinces him that they trade in high grade coal. He shows the customer their catalogues and price-lists.

3. Roles: an advertising manager, a journalist.

A journalist comes to the Marshall Company headquarters. He / she interviews the advertising manager. The manager tells about the company and its products.



Discuss these points: … Обсудим следующие вопросы:…

Let’s discuss… Давайте обсудим…

Who would like to tell us about…? Кто хотел бы рассказать нам о…

We will now debate the topic… Сейчас мы обсудим тему…

Discuss the problem in pairs. Обсудите проблему в парах.

Practice in pairs. Поупражняйтесь в парах.

Work in pairs. Поработайте в парах.

Change roles. Поменяйтесь ролями.

Can you say that again, please? Повторите, пожалуйста.

Could you repeat that again, please? Повторите, пожалуйста.

Can you speak more slowly, please? Говорите помедленнее, пожалуйста.

Who is your partner? Кто ваш партнер?

Who’s next? Whose turn is it? Кто следующий? Чья очередь?

It’s your turn. Ваша очередь.

Choose team members / a chairperson / a partner. Выберите членов команды / председателя / партнера.

You’re the group leader. Вы – лидер группы.

Prove your points of view, please. Докажите, пожалуйста, вашу точку зрения.

Give reasons for your opinion. Обоснуйте ваше мнение.

Prove it. Докажите это.

Refute it. Опровергите это.

Give an example, please. Приведите, пожалуйста, пример.

Give a list of … / Make a list of… Приведите список… / Составьте список…

Prepare an argument to support your idea. Аргументируйте вашу идею.

Describe… Опишите…

Analyse… Проанализируйте…

Your time is up. Ваше время истекло.

Make up a short dialogue using the active vocabulary. Составьте короткий диалог, используя активную лексику.

Make up some questions and answers. Задайте несколько вопросов и дайте ответы.

Roleplay the conversation between… Разыграйте по ролям диалог между…

Act out the conversation between… Разыграйте диалог между…




I’d like to tell you about… Я хотел бы рассказать о…

In my view… По моему мнению / По-моему / На мой взгляд…

If you want my opinion… Если хотите знать мое мнение…

No doubt… Без сомнения…

My point is that… Я считаю, что…

The point is… Дело в том, что…

I know for sure that… Я наверняка знаю, что…

First of all… Прежде всего…

On the one hand…, on the other hand… С одной стороны…, с другой стороны…

Firstly / secondly… Во-первых / во-вторых…

The problem is important / urgent / vital… Проблема важна.

Some people think…, while others… Некоторые полагают…, тогда как другие…

To tell you the truth… По правде говоря…

In a sense… В некотором смысле…




What would you say (in this situation)? Что бы вы сказали (в этой ситуации)?

How does this make you feel? Что вы об этом думаете?

How do you feel about this? Что вы об этом думаете?

What does anyone else think about the problem? Что другие думают об этой проблеме?

What about you? А как вы (думаете)?

How about…? Что вы думаете о…?

What should we do? Что нам (нужно) делать?

What should be done about this? Что делать, чтобы уладить это?

What's your point? Что вы думаете по этому поводу?


What do you suggest? Что вы предлагаете?

Are you sure of it? Вы в этом уверены?

What do you mean? Что вы имеете ввиду?

Do you see my point? Вы понимаете, что я имею ввиду?

Can you prove it? Пожалуйста, докажите это.

Are you interested in…? Вас интересует…?

What is the difference between…? В чем разница между…?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of …? Каковы преимущества и недостатки…?

What are the pros and cons? Каковы "за" и "против"?

Can you list…? Пожалуйста, перечислите…


I agree with you. Я с вами согласен.

I totally agree with you. Я полностью с вами согласен.

You may be right here. But… Возможно, вы здесь правы, но…

I think you are (absolutely) right. Думаю, вы (абсолютно) правы.

That’s right. Это правильно.

That’s correct. Это правильно.

That’s true. Это правда.

I agree with you to a point. В некотором смысле я согласен с вами.

Certainly. Конечно.

Definitely. Определенно.

This is out of question. Это безусловно. / Это бесспорно.

I see / take your point. Я понимаю вас. / Я вижу, что вы хотите сказать.


I don’t think you are right here. Не думаю, что вы здесь правы.

I don’t think that’s right. Не думаю, что это правильно.

That’s wrong (impolite). Неверно (невежливо).

That’s not true (impolite). Неверно (невежливо).

I really can’t accept that. Я не могу согласиться с этим.

Well, I don’t see it that way. Ну, я не так считаю.

That’s out of the question. Об этом не может быть и речи.

You haven’t convinced me of it. Вы меня в этом не убедили.

You must be joking! (not so polite) Вы должно быть шутите? (не очень вежливо)

You can’t be serious!(not so polite) Вы это серьезно? (не очень вежливо)


In general… Вообще… / Обычно…

Generally speaking… Вообще говоря… / В общих чертах…

In short… Вкратце… / Короче говоря… / Одним словом…

In brief… Вкратце… / В немногих словах…

On the whole… В целом / В общем и целом / В итоге…

To summarize… Подводя итог / Суммируя сказанное…


To sum up… Подводя итог…

Therefore… Следовательно…

In conclusion… В заключение…

To conclude… В заключение…


A special mention should be made of… Особо следует упомянуть…

One should mention… Следует упомянуть…

It should be noted… Следует отметить…

It is common knowledge that… Общеизвестно, что…

As is known… Как известно…

It is interesting to know that… Интересно знать, что…

I wonder if… Интересно…

As for …, … Что касается…

As for … is concerned… Что касается…

As far as I know… Насколько я знаю…

According to… По мнению…

In fact… Фактически / В действительности…

Actually… Фактически / В действительности…




Can I help you? Могу я Вам чем-нибудь помочь?

What can I do for you? Что я могу для Вас сделать?

I'm at your disposal. Я в Вашем распоряжении.

Would you like…? Вы не хотели бы…?

Can I give you a piece of advice? Разрешите дать Вам совет?

Thank you for shopping. Спасибо за покупку.

Thank you for your custom. Спасибо за то, что покупаете у нас.

Come again. Приходите еще.

You're always welcome. Вы всегда желанный гость.

Satisfaction Guaranteed. Качество гарантируется. / Гарантируем отличное обслуживание.


Come in, please. Заходите, пожалуйста.

Come this way, please. Сюда, пожалуйста.

Will you sit down? Садитесь, пожалуйста.

Make yourself comfortable. Устраивайтесь поудобнее.

We're (I'm) glad to see you. Мы рады (я рад) Вас видеть.

How are you? - Fine, thank you. And you? - Very well, thank you. Как Вы себя чувствуете? - Прекрасно, спасибо. А Вы? - Очень хорошо, спасибо.

Would you like a cigarette? He хотите ли сигарету?

Would you like a cup of coffee? He хотите ли чашечку кофе?

Help yourself to the sandwiches. Угощайтесь сэндвичами.

May I ask you a question? Разрешите задать Вам вопрос?

Could you tell me…? He могли бы Вы сказать …?

I'd like to ask you (to do smth). Я бы хотел попросить Вас (сделать что-л.).

Thank you for waiting so patiently. Спасибо, что так терпеливо ждали.

Here are our latest catalogues. Вот наши последние каталоги.

Here are the samples. Вот образцы.

I'd like to invite you to lunch. Я хотел бы пригласить Вас позавтракать.

I hope our cooperation will be mutually beneficial. Я надеюсь, наше сотрудничество будет взаимовыгодным.

I'm looking (I look) forward to seeing you soon. С нетерпением жду скорой встречи с Вами.


(A) Happy / Merry Christmas (to you)! ['hxpI / 'merI 'krIsmqs] Поздравляю с Рождеством!

(A) Happy New Year! С Новым годом!

(A) Happy Easter! ['Jstq] Поздравляю с праздником Пасхи!

(Very) best wishes for/on Victory Day. Поздравляю с Днем Победы.

Thank you, the same to you! [seIm] Спасибо, и Вас также.

(A) Happy birthday! С днем рождения!

Many happy returns (of the day)! Поздравляю с днем рождения, желаю Вам долгих лет жизни.

Congratulations on your coming-of-age. ['kAmIN qv 'eIG] Поздравляю с совершеннолетием.

I wish you health, wealth, and happiness. [wIS…'helT 'welT…'hxpInIs] Желаю Вам здоровья, благополучия и счастья.

I'd like you to have this. Это Вам. (о подарке)

This gift is for you. Этот подарок Вам.

Let me offer you my congratulations on your success. ['Pfq…sqk'ses] (formal) Разрешите поздравить Вас с успехом. (офиц.)

Congratulations to all the winners. Поздравляю всех победителей.

(My) Congratulations! Поздравляю!

Congratulations on your promotion.(formal) Поздравляю с повышением по службе. (офиц.)

Congratulations on your marriage. (formal) Поздравляю Вас с бракосочетанием. (офиц.)

I wish you every happiness. (formal – at the wedding party) Желаю счастья. (офиц. – на свадьбе)

Thank you very much. Большое спасибо.

I congratulate you, your report's very interesting. Я поздравляю Вас, Ваш доклад был очень интересен.


Cheers! [CIqz] За здоровье!

I drink (to) your health. Пью за Ваше здоровье.

Here's to you. За Вас!

Here's to our cooperation! За наше сотрудничество!





10, Shevchenko St.


Rostov region



The Principal 30th May

Harvard Business School




Dear Sir,

I am … years old. I finished Rostov University in 2008. I am interested in … and would like to apply for a place at your school. I would like to work … I look forward to hearing from you.


Yours faithfully,




20, Pushkin St.


Rostov region



15th September


Dear Peter,

Thank you very much for your letter. It was great to hear from you.

You asked me about my university. Well, I'm happy to study here. My university is the best in my city. It was founded in … It has … departments. I study …

What about your university? Let me know what you did in the summer.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you.


Best wishes,




Hi! My name is Svetlana. I'm 19 years old. I'm from Russia. I am a university student. I study management. I like to go out with friends. I listen to hip-hop. I hope to make friends with you.

My e-mail is svetlana@...



The title of the article / text is… Заголовок статьи / текста…

The article is titled… Статья озаглавлена…

The author of the article is… Автор статьи…

The article was written by… Статья написана…

The book was published in 2008. Книга (была) опубликована в 2008г.

The article is about… В статье говорится о…

The subject of the article is… Тема статьи…

The text deals with… В тексте говорится о…

The text is devoted/dedicated to… Текст посвящен…

The article touches upon the problems of… В статье затрагиваются проблемы…

The main problems are… Основными проблемами являются…

The article is of interest to… Статья представляет интерес для…

The article is intended for… Статья предназначается для…




The structure of the article is as follows. Структура статьи следующая…

The article consists of four parts. Статья состоит из четырех частей.

The text comprises four parts. Текст состоит из четырех частей.

The first part describes… В первой части описывается…

The second part reviews… Во второй части делается обзор…

The third part shows that… В третьей части показывается, что…

The fourth part summarizes the results of… В четвертой части обобщаются результаты…

The article presents a new approach to… В статье представлен новый подход к…

In this article, the author outlines… В этой статье автор описывает в общих чертах…

The author analyses…Автор анализирует…

The analysis is based on… Анализ основан на…

The author comments on… Автор комментирует…

The writer suggests/proposes… Автор предлагает…

The article concludes with an analysis of… Статья завершается анализом…

In closing… В заключении…

The conclusion of the article reveals that… В заключении статьи показано, что…




Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 682. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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