(Дополнительные придаточные предложения)
Как правило, дополнительные придаточные предложения выполняют функцию дополнения к глаголу-сказуемому главного предложения. Они присоединяются к главному предложению при помощи союзов that (что), if (ли), whether (ли) и союзных слов who (кто, который), which (который), what (что, какой), where (где, куда), when (когда), how (как), why (почему) и т.д.
Следует обратить внимание на прямой порядок слов в придаточном предложении и согласование времен в главном и придаточном предложениях.
Главное предложение
| Союз
| Придаточное предложение
I smb says (говорит)
smb tells (говорит)
smb states (заявляет)
smb claims (утверждает)
| that
| smb does smth
smb did smth
smb will do smth
smb is doing smth
II. smb asks (спрашивает)
smb wonders ['wAndqz] (хочет знать)
smb wants to know (хочет знать)
smb doubts [dauts] (сомневается)
| if
| smb does smth
smb did smth
smb will do smth
smb is doing smth
III. smb asks
smb wonders
smb wants to know
| who
| is…
will be...
does smth
did smth
will do smth
Главное предложение
| Союз
| Придаточное предложение
I. smb said (сказал)
smb told (сказал)
smb stated (заявил)
smb claimed (утверждал)
| that
| smb did smth
smb had done smth
smb would do smth
smb was doing smth
II. smb asked (спросил)
smb wondered (хотел знать)
smb wanted to know (хотел знать)
smb doubted (сомневался)
| if
| smb did smth
smb had done smth
smb would do smth
smb was doing smth
III. smb asked
smb wondered
smb wanted to know
smb doubted
| who
| was...
had been...
would be...
did smth
had done smth
would do smth
The boy tells his mother that he wants to drop out of high school. Мальчик говорит матери, что он хочет уйти из средней школы.
The boy told his mother that he wanted to drop out of high school. Мальчик сказал матери, что он хочет уйти из средней школы.
I wonder if my kids will have an opportunity to get a good education. Интересно, будет ли у моих детей возможность получить хорошее образование.
I wondered if my kids would have an opportunity to get a good education. Я хотел знать, будет ли у моих детей возможность получить хорошее образование.
The manager asks who is looking to the company for a job. Менеджер спрашивает, кто обращается в компанию по поводу работы.
The manager asked who was looking to the company for a job. Менеджер спросил, кто обращается в компанию по поводу работы.
Use of Tenses in English
(Употребление времен в английском языке)
Active Voice (Действительный залог)
Tenses Forms
| Present
| Past
| Future
| Future in the Past
| wash(es)
| washed
| shall / will wash
| should /would wash
| give(s)
| gave
| shall / will give
| should / would give
| am / are / is washing
| was/were washing
| shall /will be washing
| should / would be washing
| am / are / is giving
| was/were giving
| shall / will be giving
| should / would bе giving
| have / has washed
| had washed
| shall / will have washed
| should / would have washed
| have /has given
| had given
| shall / will have given
| should / would have given
| have/has
| had been washing
| shall/will have been washing
| should / would have been washing
| have/has been giving
| had been giving
| shall/will been giving
| should / would have been giving
Passive Voice (Страдательный залог)
| Present
| Past
| Future
| Future in the Past
| am / are / is washed
am / are /is given
| was / were washed was / were given
| shall /will be washed shall / will be given
| should /would be washed should / would be given
| am / are / is being washed
am / are / is being given
| was/were
being washed was/were being given
| have / has been washed have / has been given
| had been washed had been given
| shall / will have been washed shall / will have been given
| should / would have been washed
should / would have been given
§ 35. Verb to be (Глагол to be)
Глагол to be в настоящем неопределенном времени (Present Indefinite) и прошедшем неопределенном времени (Past Indefinite) имеет следующие формы: