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Chairwoman? Maybe in Norway

Ambitious women determined to climb to the top of the corporate ladder should take one step: move to Norway.

A study by a leading business centre has found that women who work for Norwegian companies stand the best chance of being promoted to board level.

More than 20 per cent of executive and non-executive directors in Norwegian companies are women, three times the number in UK companies and more than in any other developed economy, the study found.

Companies based in other Nordic countries are also good targets for women seeking to get ahead in business.

In Sweden almost 17 per cent of company directors are women. In Denmark the figure is 13 per cent.

Fewer than 8 per cent of directors in UK companies are women.

A woman with corporate ambition is also wasting her time, it would seem, working for Spanish, Italian or Japanese companies, where men continue to dominate boardrooms.

Only 1 per cent of company directors in Japan are women – the lowest of any major developed economy.

The Ethical Investment Research Service (Eiris) looked into more than 1000 companies on the FTSE All World Developed Index to produce its findings.

A spokesman at Norsk Hydro, the Norwegian oil company, said: "I am not surprised by these findings. We have a policy of making sure that women are given a fair chance."

But practitioners who work to prevent discrimination said that the high number of women in Norwegian company boardrooms was in part the result of government efforts to promote gender equality.

Ministers in the country have threatened to introduce legal quotas for women in corporations if at least 40 per cent of listed company boards are not composed of women by 2005.


Exercise 22. Identify the correct meaning of these words from the text.


1. To climb to the top of the corporate ladder a) to be promoted b) to be demoted c) to get the highest position in the hierarchy
2. Non-executive directors a) members of the board of directors b) directors of factories and plants c) assistant managers
3. To seek to get ahead in business a) to look for a job in a prosperous company b) to enable to get up the promotion ladder in a company c) to try to become a successful businesswoman
4. Corporate ambition a) a dream to work in a corporation b) a desire to be successful and powerful in a company c) determination to do something
5. A quota for women in a corporation a) the number of women working in a company b) a fixed number of women that can be allowed to work in a firm c) a limited number of women which is officially banned


Exercise 23. Work in pairs. Discuss if good looks are important for a business woman. You can use the expressions below or your own variants.

To be beautiful, to be attractive, to be good-looking, to be pretty, to be liked by men, to admire, to influence, to be well-dressed, to be trendy, to wear stylish clothes, to be clever, to be intelligent, to be well-educated, to have good manners, to be well-bred, to help in business, to interfere with one's work.


Exercise 24. Work in pairs. Speak about your mothers' lives and careers, find out how well they combines their family duties and professional interests.

Exercise 25. Write about a prominent businesswoman you admire, describe her life and career.

Exercise 26. Role-play.

1. Roles: two friends.

A young woman is married to a prosperous businessman. She wants to give up her position as an accountant and bring up her two children. Her friend asks questions about her family, work, business hours. He / she admits that the woman is right and advises her to resign from her job as soon as possible.

2. Roles: two friends.

A young woman has just married and her husband wants her to give up her job. Her friend asks her questions about her family, position, and business hours. He / she wants to know about her husband's occupation, salary, career prospects. The woman answers the questions and admits that she is not sure if she really wants to quit her job. Her friend advises the woman to think everything over and then take a decision.

3. Roles: Penny Hughes, a newspaper correspondent.

Penny Hughes is interwiewed by a newspaper correspondent. The correspondent asks her what caused her resignation from her high post at Coca Cola UK. He / she wants to know if Mrs Hughes is satisfied with her family life and present occupations. The businesswoman answers the questions. The correspondent thanks her for the interview.

4. Roles: Cher Wang, a TV host / hostess.

Ms Wang takes part in a TV talk show. The host / hostess speaks to her about her famous father, her own family and her companies. He / she asks the businesswoman if it is easy for her to combine her career and family life. Ms Wang answers the questions in a polite and friendly way. The host / hostess thanks his / her guest for the interview on behalf of TV viewers.


10.1. Best American Companies

Exercise 1. Focus on the topical vocabulary.

hardware ['hRdwFq] n аппаратное, техническое обеспечение

compatible [kqm'pxtqbl] a совместимый

IBM-compatible a IBM-совместимый; n компьютер, совместимый с компьютерами фирмы IBM

processor ['prqVsesq] n процессор, машина для обработки данных

sandpaper ['sxndpeIpq] n наждачная бумага

to trade in [treId] v торговать (чем-л.)

oral care ['Lrql 'kFq]уход за полостью рта

body care ['bPdI 'kFq] уход за телом

household ['haushqVld] а домашний, бытовой

surface ['sE:fIs] n поверхность

fabric ['fxbrIk] = cloth [klPT] n ткань

nutrition [njH'trISqn] n питание, пища, корм

to recycle [rJ'saIkl] v использовать повторно

to package ['pxkIG] v упаковывать

Levis ['lJvaIz] n джинсы "Ливайз"

trademark ['treIdmRk] n торговая марка

pharmacist ['fRmqsIst] n фармацевт

medicine ['med(I)sIn] n медицина; лекарство

sign [saIn] n вывеска

to elect [I'lekt] v избирать

to set up v учреждать, основывать

to launch ['lLnC] v начинать (выпускать)


Exercise 2. Try to understand the meaning of the derivatives.

Rival, rivalry; trade, trademark; gold, gold-rush; fashion, fashionable; comfort, comfortable; unite, united, union; oral, orally; dental, dentist; care, careful, careless; health, healthy; recycle, recyclable; attend, attentive, attention; environment, environmental; succeed, success, successful; sight, far-sighted, near-sighted; similar, similarity; process, processor, processing; comfort, comfortable.

Exercise 3. Guess what these international words mean.

American computer companies; international products; to produce personal computers and office machines; the original personal computer; corp., corporation; inc., incorporation; popularly; a leading producer of computer processors; to design; to operate computers; to operate a company; computer programs; an immigrant from Germany; a special menu; McDonald's restaurants; to start operations; to start a company; an American leader; paste; a programme; progress; recyclable products; packaging materials; socially; a pharmacist; a medicine, medical; calendars; international; popular; the globe, global; corporate ethics; manufacturing; laboratories; industrial centres; computer industry; technological innovation; patents.


Exercise 4. Pronounce these pairs of words correctly and say what they mean.

Model: 'perfect а совершенный – per'fect v совершенствовать

'Increase n – in'crease v; 'record n – re'cord v; 'decrease n – de'crease v; 'present n, a – pre'sent v; 'import n – im'port v; 'export n – ex'port v; 'forecast n – fore'cast v; 'contact n – con'tact v; 'perfect a – per'fect v.


Exercise 5. Form nouns from adjectives and verbs using the suffixes -ness, -tion, -ment, -ing, give the Russian equivalents of the words.

a) Model: weak – weakness слабый – слабость

Firm, weak, dark, decisive, effective, tough, hard, careful, careless.

b) Model: perfect – perfection совершенствовать – совершенство, совершенствование

Communicate, amplify, distribute, translate, demonstrate, indicate, create, articulate, generate, calculate, present, direct, organize, apply, found, inspire, promote, demote, act, perfect, educate.

c) Model:improve – improvement улучшать – улучшение

Govern, improve, accomplish, encourage, require, state, manage, acknowledge, excite, equip.

d) Model: rate – rating оценивать – оценка

Record, feel, back, rate, read, listen, hold, fire, hire, paint, build, advertise.


Exercise 6. Find synonyms and synonymic word combinations in List A and В, С and D, E and F.

Model 1: to found – to set up – to establish

A. To found, to use, to launch, to enjoy, to buy, to succeed, to give up, to produce, to sell something, to package, to choose, to make products known, to grow.

B. To utilize, to like very much, to manufacture, to trade in something, to select, to advertise goods, to increase, to set up, to start, to apply, to pack, to be successful, to stop, to make, to establish, to employ, to purchase.

Model 2: a company – a firm

C. A company, nutrition, a pharmacist, a pharmacy, a medicine, products, around the globe, a car, equipment, an area, headquarters, at the beginning of the twentieth century, a customer.

D. A chemist, a drug, food, in the world, an automobile, machinery, a field, a centre, early this century, a buyer, a firm, a chemist's shop, throughout the world, a drugstore, goods, all over the word, machines.

Model 3: quick – fast

E. Household, quick, best, Scotch, known, chief.

F. Superb, famous, main, popular, key, fast, principle,domestic, Scottish, leading.


Exercise 7. Read the following word combinations and give their Russian equivalents.

Fashionable clothes; soft drinks; strong drinks; fast food; to produce software; to produce hardware; a powerful processor; IBM-compatible computers; to make and sell pants; a fast food restaurant; to prepare meals; to found a company; a starch, soap and candle business; to do business in the early 1900s; in the late 1950s; to set up operations; principal sectors; oral care; body care; household surface care, fabric care; pet nutrition; health care; to pay great attention to the environment; recyclable bottles, a socially responsible company; to buy a business; to set up a foreign department; to launch a product; to enjoy drinking Coca-Cola; to be born; to be discovered; to trade in sandpaper; medical equipment; Scotch tape; thanks to; to spend money on something; research and development.


Exercise 8. Complete the sentences with the prepositions around, as, between, for, from, in, of, on, over, to, through, with.

1. This trade mark is famous all __ the world. 2. The Colgate Company was set up __ 1806. It was a starch, soap and candle business __ New York City. 3. The cooperation __ the European countries began __ the early 1950s. 4. The company has been trading __ medical equipment __ twenty years. 5. Colgate-Palmolive is the world leader __ toothpaste. 6. The company is paying great attention __ research and development. 7. He made great progress __ market research. 8. The company was chosen __ one __ the most socially responsible companies __ the USA. 9. The firm succeeded __ advertising its products. It made them known __ mass media. 10. Mr. Brown was elected __ president __ the company. 11. A lot __ countries __ the globe buy mining equipment __ the company. 12. The company products range __ medicines __ cosmetics. 13. The management __ the company began to trade __ coal __ foreign countries. 14. The company spends a lot __ money __ encouraging innovation.

Exercise 9. Choose the correct variant in brackets.

1. The man ___ (speaking / spoken) at the meeting is our director. 2. The goods are ___ (exporting / exported) to Turkey, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. 3. ___ (Having drunk / Drunk) his coffee, the manager began looking through the letters and documents. 4. The manager had the mail ___ (bringing / brought). 5. When ___ (questioning / questioned), the applicant told about her background and professional experience. 6. I saw the manager ___ (studying / studied) the contract carefully. 7. The director paid attention to a visitor ___ (waiting / waited) for him. 8. The man has ___ (writing / written) his application for the position as bookkeeper. 9. While ___ (examining / examined) the documents, the experts paid special attention to the legal matters. 10. The director is well ___ (informing / informed) about the employees' work.

Exercise 10. Say where some products are made. Use the models and lists of words below.

Model 1: Good medical equipment is made in the United States.

Space equipment, electronic equipment, mining equipment, power equipment, medical equipment, building materials, electric devices, household appliances, kitchen utensils, sewing machines, fabrics, jewellery, china-ware.

Russia, the USA, Japan, Korea, France, Great Britain, Italy.

Model 2: Good cars are of German make.

Ships, computers, radios, televisions, cassette-recorders, furniture, clothes, shoes.

Russian, US, British, French, Korean, Japanese, Italian.


Exercise 11. What US companies producing international products can you remember first of all? Read the text and say why the products of the best companies are in great demand in the world.


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