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1.Analyze the –ing- forms in the sentences. State Gerund and Participles.


1.The people have upset the nature’s equilibrium releasing harmful substances into the air, polluting rivers and oceans with industrial waste. 2. Clouds covering the earth and their shadows can be observed very well. 3. The injection of increasing amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by burning industrial fuels can lead to global warming and glacier retreat. 4. On the other hand, the accumulation of solid pollutants in the upper atmosphere could have the opposite effect, decreasing the world temperature by reducing the amount of incoming radiant energy. 5. Because of air pollution breathing the air in Cairo is life threatening - equivalent to smoking 2 packs of cigarette a day. 6. People are beginning to realize that environmental problems are of great concern and they should be solved by people themselves.7. Man adds to the pollutants by burning coal, oil, gas, gasoline and many other things. 8. Nuclear power stations produce a special kind of waste giving off radiation. 9. One of the most alarming forms of air pollution is acid rain.

2.Read the speech of an ecologist at Nature Protection Conference and try to complete the sentences with the modal verbs must, have to, mustn’t, needn’t, should\ought to, can.

I…(1) raise my voice against all destructive forces which are turning our land onto a desert of concrete and stone. Big industrial monopolies are polluting air and poisoning water in rivers. They have created a lot of machines. Their noise is maddening. So people and animals…(2) to breathe dirty air and drink poisoned water. What…(3) we do? We …(4) do a lot. We..(5) stop destructing our land. People…(6) to take urgent measures and stop the environmental pollution. We deserve better life and we…(7) provide our descendants with pure air and clear water.. Choose life before it’s too late!


3.Complete the text using the modal verbs from the box:

How to be a friend of Earth.

  Should(4) can(3) ought(1) have(1) need(1)  


There are many simple things we(1)… all do to stop the destruction of the environment. First of all we (2)… not dump our rubbish without thinking which things such as bottles and paper, (30… be recycled. We(4)… put objects that we (5)… recycle in recycling bins. Secondly, instead of taking our car wherever we go, we (6)… to leave it at home whenever possible, and go on foot or by public transport. If there is something wrong with our car exhaust pipe, we (7)… get it fixed immediately. When we (8)… to drive to the supermarket to do the shopping, we (9)… always remember to take our own bags, so that we don’t (100… to use the supermarket’s bags.


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form. Some of the verbs should be in the active and some in the passive.

Animals on the road

More cars and lorries (1)…(drive) on our roads every year and sadly, as a result of this, more wild animals(2)…(kill) by vehicles. While migrating, breeding or feeding animals (3)…(take) the routes which (4)… cross be the roads. Every spring, many thousands of toads(5)…(kill) as they (6)… (make) their way to the traditional breeding ponds. All over the world, animals are victims of the road and their dead remains can (7)…(often see) lying on the roadside. Many badgers and hedgehogs (8)… (hit) by cars at night as they (9)… (move around) in search of food. Rabbits sometimes seem to (10)…(hypnotize) by the headlights of cars and (11)… (not move) quickly out of the way. Birds (12)… (sometimes hit) too as they (13)…(fly) low over the road. Can anything (14)…(do) to protect these animals from the dangers of the road?



1.Fill in the missing information about the problem or its description or give definitions to some words:

1. Recycling is The activity of re-using things that have already been used.
2. Deforestation ?
3.? The process of making water or land impure, bad, dirty
4.? Rain which contains harmful quantities of acid as a result of industrial pollution.
5. Pesticides ?
6. Fertilizers A natural or chemical substance that is put on the land to make crops grow better.
7.?   The gradual slight warming of the air surrounding the earth because heat cannot escape through its upper layer.
8. Air Pollution   ?
9.? A place of dropping nuclear waste.
10.? An escape of low-level radiation from the nuclear power plant.
11. The ozone layer ?
12.? An increase in world temperature caused by an increase in carbon dioxide.

2. Which word is correct?

1. Global warming\ layer means that the earth is slowly getting hotter.

2. We should cut down fewer trees from rain\plant forests.

3. Scientists say the ozone fumes\layer is getting thinner.

4. We should try aerosol cans\bottles less.

5. We should try to leave the car at home to reduce pollution\polluting.

6. The government should stop people dumping\recycling rubbish everywhere.

7. The government should ban\close the hunting of wild animals.

8. There should be laws to protect endangered\dangerous species.

9. The government should close\cut factories that pollute the environment.

10. We mustn’t waste water. We should try to protect\save it.


3.Read the text and decide which answer a, b, c or d best fits each space:

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