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Scene five

(In Sir Wilfred's study. Sir Wilfred is filled with dismay. The evidence given by Christine Helm produced a great impression on the jurors. Though they did not like her they believed her. Sir Wilfred can hold out little hope to his client. One question is still puzzling him — what made Christine Vole testify against her husband? Suddenly his telephone rings. He hears a woman's voice. The woman offers to sell him Christine Vole's letters to her lover. Sir Wilfred meets the woman, buys the letters and hurries to the Old Bailey.

The Old Bailey. In the courtroom everyone but Sir Wilfred is in his seat.)

Judge: Since the Defence has called but one witness, the prisoner, it has the right to be heard last.

(Sir Wilfred enters the courtroom and hurries to his seat. From there he addresses the Judge.)

Sir Wilfred: My Lord, I ask that the case for the Defence be reopened, and that a witness be recalled. Evidence of the most startling nature2 has just come into my possession.

Judge: Now what is this new evidence, Sir Wilfred?

Sir Wilfred: Letters, my Lord. Letters written by Christine Helm. (Brogan-Мооге passes a batch of letters3 to the Judge who looks through them and then returns them to Sir Wilfred.)

Judge (to court clerk): Call Christine Helm.

Usher: Christine Helm! Christine Helm! Christine Helm! Christine Helm! (Christine Helm comes into the courtroom and enters the witness-box.)

Sir Wilfred: Mrs Helm, you appreciate you're still under oath?

Christine: Yes.

Sir Wilfred: Mrs Helm, do you know a man named Max?

Christine: I don't know what you mean.

Sir Wilfred: It's a simple question. Do you or do you not know a man called Max?

Christine: Max? Certainly not.

Sir Wilfred: It's a fairly common name and yet you've never known a man of the name of Max?

Christine: Oh, in Germany perhaps. But that was a long time ago.

Sir Wilfred: I shall not ask you to go back that far, just a few weeks to... (taking a paper from his pocket he pretends to read it)... October the 20th last.

Christine (looking at the paper in Sir Wilfred's hand): What have you got there?

Sir Wilfred: A letter. I suggest that on October the 20th you wrote a certain letter...

Christine: I don't know what you are talking about.

Sir Wilfred:...addressed to a man named Max.

Christine: I did nothing of the sort.

Sir Wilfred: The letter was but one of a series written to the same man!

Christine (emotionally): Lies! All lies!

Sir Wilfred: You would seem to have been on... well, I should say, on intimate terms with this man.

Vole (fervently protesting): How dare you say a thing like that! It isn't true!

Sir Wilfred: I am not concerned with the general trend of this correspondence, only this one particular letter: "My beloved Max, an extraordinary thing has happened. I believe all our difficulties may be ended."

Christine: I will not stand here and listen to a pack of lies. 4 These letters are false ones. (Referring to the paper he is holding in his hand): It isn't even my letter paper!

Sir Wilfred: It isn't?

Christine: No! I write my letters on small blue paper with my initials on it!

(Sir Wilfred smiling triumphantly takes up the batch of Christine's letters from under the book and shows them to her.)

Sir Wilfred: Like this? Now, Mrs Helm, you have been kind enough to identify your letter paper. Now if you like, I can have an expert to identify your handwriting.

Christine (stunned, in a hoarse voice): Damn you! Damn you!!! (Makes for the door but the usher gets hold of her. She sits down on a chair sobbing): Let me go! Let me get out of here!

Judge: Sir Wilfred, will you now read the letter in question so that the Jury may hear it.

Sir Wilfred: "My beloved Max, an extraordinary thing has happened. All our difficulties may soon be solved. Leonard is suspected of murdering the old lady I told you about. His only hope of an alibi depends on me. On me alone! Suppose I testified that he was not at home with me at the time of the murder, that he came home with blood on his sleeves and that he even admitted to me that he had killed her. Strange, isn't it? He always said that he would never let me leave him, but now, if this succeeds, he will be leaving me because they will take him away, forever. And I shall be free, and yours, my beloved. I count the hours until we are together... Christine."

Judge: Mrs Helm, will you go back to the witness-box.

(Christine goes back to the witness-box.)

Sir Wilfred: I now ask you again, Christine Helm, did you write this letter?

Judge: Before answering, Mrs Helm, I wish to warn you that the law regarding perjury in this country is very severe. You have already committed perjury in this courtroom, I strongly advise you not to add to your crime. But if this letter has not been written by you, then now is the time to state this fact.

Christine (with tears in her eyes): I wrote the letter.

Sir Wilfred (to the judge): Then that, my Lord, is the case for the Defence.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-18; просмотров: 409. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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