Задание 42. Повторите за преподавателем произношение следующих слов: iguana, palpable, fracture, incision, trochanter, patella, fascia lata, chromic catgut, femur, mobile, radiograph, to dissect, muscle, segment, corneal reflex, adequately, to anesthetize, pre-anesthetize, postoperatively Объясните по-русски значение вышеуказанных медицинских терминов. Задание 43. Прочтите предложения, переведите их, объяснив грамматическое значение выделенных слов, найдите в каждом предложении подлежащее и сказуемое. 1) He took his sick dog to the clinic. The dog was presented for treatment. 2) The doctors applied a new medicine. It healed the patient quickly. The patient is healthy now. 3) The assistant moved the table from one room to another room. 4) The animal didn't move its leg. The leg was fractured. 5) The animal was operated. It was operated by the surgeon. 6) The surgeon makes operations. He repairs fractures. 7) The surgeon repairs bones when they are fractured. 8) Surgical treatment is given to animals with fractured bones. 9) The body is protected by the skin.
10) The surgeon makes an incision of the skin. The skin is incised over the fracture. 11) The incision extended from the trochanter to the patella. 12) The surgeon dissected the muscles. 13) Now the fracture was exposed. 14) After the proper treatment the animal recovered. 15) The recovery was complete. The animal was healthy. 16) The bones healed well. The animal is on the farm now. 17) The doctor gives another medicine to the patient. The doctor replaced the medicine.
Задание 44. Ответьте по-английски на вопрос: “Что мы делаем сейчас?”, используя форму Continuous. Упражнение 1. Поставьте вопросы по-английски к следующим предложениям: We are students. We usually passexams in January. It is January now. Now we are passing exams. Еще раз обратите внимание на разницу в форме сказуемого и на сопутствующие обстоятельства времени. Usually we pass exams in January. Now we are passing exams. Упражнение 2. Прочтите следующие предложения и ответьте на вопрос: Когда происходит действие? Возможные варианты ответа: 1) Usually the cattle recover from this common disease. 2) The veterinarians apply new methods of treatment. 3) This surgeon is dissecting the muscles now. 4) The animal is moving its leg. 5) The right leg is moving. It is not fractured. 6) The veterinarians use chromic catgut in operations. 7) The radiograph shows the fracture segments of the femur. 8) The assistant is showing the radiograph to the doctor. Обратите внимание на выделенные слова в упражнении 2 и переведите эти сказуемые, а затем и всё предложение. Итак, Вы видите, что если действие происходит в данный момент, сказуемое состоит из вспомогательного глагола «to be» в соответствующем лице и -ing-овой формы смыслового глагола. Задание 45. Повторите тему “Continuous”. Упражнение 3. Прочтите следующие предложения. Обратите внимание на выделенные слова в этом упражнении и переведите предложения: 1) I am a student. Now I am finishing my practical work in anatomy. 2) He is a surgeon. Now he is examining his patient. 3) She is a teacher. She is giving a lesson now. 4) It is a dog. Now it is taking its feed. 5) We are at the library now. We are preparing for our exams. 6) You are at the clinic now. You are administering penicillin to a sick animal. 7)They are scientists. They are studying a new problem now. Упражнение 4. Закончите предложения, подобрав нужный вариант из правого столбца: Usually the surgeons is improving his English. Now the student leave the hostel at 8 o'clock. Usually I are studying an interesting problem. Now our students receive patients in the clinic. Упражнение 5. Поставьте вопросы к предложениям по нижеследующей модели. Помните - в общем вопросе на первое место ставится 1-й элемент сказуемого: Model: The teacher is asking the student. Is the teacher asking the student? 1) We are preserving plants and animals. 2) The surgeon is exposing the cartilage. 3) I am doing a research on fractures. 4) She is returning from the farm. 5) They are breeding a new breed of horses. 6) You are working at your English now. Упражнение 6. Поставьте предложения из упражнения 5 в отрицательную форму. Помните, что отрицание “not” ставится после первого элемента сказуемого. Model: The teacher is not asking the student.
Задание 46. Повторите формы глаголов и выпишите сначала номера форм действительного залога в верхней строчке, затем номера форм страдательного залога — в нижней строчке. Напоминаем, что форма Passive состоит из формы глагола to be в соответствующем времени + причастие II смыслового глагола (Past Participle):
Задание 47. Превратите нижестоящие глагольные формы в пассивные по следующей модели – Make the verb-form Passive: Make
Помните о нестандартных глаголах! 1) am considering; 2) is using; 3) are producing; 4) is improving; 5) are including; 6) is selecting; 7) am following; 8) is supporting; 9) are containing; 10) is reducing; 11) is doing; 12) are writing; 13) is keeping; 14) are making
Задание 48. Прочтите предложения и напишите в верхней строчке номера предложений, содержащих сказуемое в Active, а в нижней строчке — в Passive Voice: 1) The clinic is containing surgical instruments. 2) The fracture is being examined by the surgeon. 3) The medicine is being administered now. 4) The surgeons are using new methods of treatment. 5) The iguana is exhibiting the corneal reflex. 6) The fracture is being repaired by the surgeon. 7) The muscles are being dissected by the surgeon. 8) The surgeon is dissecting the muscles.
Упражнение 7. Прочтите вышестоящие предложения. Укажите в каждом предложении форму сказуемого.
Задание 49. Запомните, что в формах Continuous изменяется только вспомогательный глагол «to be». Определите по форме глагола «to be» время (т. е. Past, Present, Future) и запишите соответственно в трех строках номера глагольных форм. 1) was exhibiting; 2) is being made; 3) will be dissecting; 4) was moving; 5) are using; 6) were replacing; 7) shall be exposing; 8) is extending; 9) will be presenting; 10) is healing; 11) were being operated; 12) were using. Задание 50. Прочтите следующие предложения вслед за преподавателем и переведите их: 1) The surgeon is operating on the animal now. 2) The animal is being operated by the surgeon now. 3) The surgeon was operating on the calf when we came to the clinic yesterday. 4) The calf was being operated by the surgeon when we came to the clinic yesterday. 5) The surgeon will be operating on the calf tomorrow from 1 till 2 o'clock. Задание 51. Прочтите еще раз, определите время по схеме: Present Active Past Continuous Future Passive
Задание 52. Прочтите предложения вслух и определите форму глагола. Переведите: 1) An iguana was presented for treatment. 2) The reptile was exhibiting the symptoms of a fracture. 3) Its leg was fractured. 4) The surgeon made an incision. 5) The incision was extending along the femur. 6) The surgeon was dissecting the muscles. 7) He was exposing the fracture. 8) He repaired the fracture. The fracture was repaired. 9) The reptile could move its leg. Its leg was moving. 10). Four weeks after operation the iguana was using its leg. Four weeks postoperatively it was using its leg.