They did the exercise. It had not been done before.
1) The students translated the text. 2) I brought the magazine to the reading room. 3) I read this book. 4) I wrote the letter. 5) I made my homework. 6) I cleaned the blackboard. Упражнение 8. Составьте по модели диалоги, состоящие из вопроса и отрицательного ответа. Употребите в ответе наречие “yet” Model. Statement: The book has been read. Dialogue: Has the book been read? - No, it has not been read yet. 1) The text has been translated. 2) The instruments have been cleaned. 3) The animal has been treated. 4) The work has been done. Упражнение 9. Переведите предложения. Найдите предложения, сказуемое которого стоит в одном из времен Perfect Passive. 1. Two pigs had shown symptoms of indigestion by the end of the week. 2. The veterinarian has been on the farm today. 3. Water had been given to the animal before the veterinarian came. 5. The sick animal will have been treated by the end of the month. 6. The sick animal will recover soon. Упражнение 10. Прочтите вслух следующие слова: lesion, blood, canine, earth, vegetation, indigestion, infectious, recently, diagnostic, pathogenesis, enzymes, heart, activity,cardiac
BLOOD SERUM ENZYMES AS DIAGNOSTIC AIDS Recently there has been a trend toward physicochemical orientation of the research in the basic medical sciences. The pathogenesis of some diseases has been traced to the development of biochemical lesions. In the past 10 years there has beenan explosive increase inthe interest to the enzymes of blood and other tissues. A certain experience has been accumulatedin the experimental as well as in the clinical aspects of the alterations in the serum activity at pathologic conditions of certain tissues and organ systems. The cardiac tissue is especially high in several of these enzymes, but other tissues also contain large amounts, so these enzymes are considered nonspecific as to origin. Much work in this area had been done with dogs, but emphasis was soon placed on the importance of these enzymes in human medicine, and animal data have been either forgotten or disregarded. More recently it has been reportedby scientists that the prevalence of heart disease in dogs of all ages is about 10%. These scientists have founda progressive increase of heart disease with age. Many serum enzymes have been investigatedas possible diagnostic aids in human medicine. Some of the enzymes which have recently been so advantageous in the differential diagnosis of cardiac disease in man are of benefit to the veterinary profession as well. These enzymes which have shownthe most promise in veterinary medicine have been outlinedin special literature. Упражнение 1. Прочтите следующие слова и словосочетания. 1) development of biochemical lesions 2) an explosive increase 3) especially high in enzymes 4) disregarded 5) prevalence 6) human medicine 7) to be of benefit 8) to be advantageous Упражнение 2. Повторите слова и словосочетания упр.1 и переведите их на русский язык. Упражнение 3. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту “Blood Serum Enzymes” по-русски, а затем по-английски: 1. Какие научные направления имели место в последнее время в ветеринарии? 2. Насколько глубоко прослежен патогенез некоторых болезней? 3. Какие ферменты вызвали интерес исследователей в последнее десятилетие? Упражнение 4. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту “Blood Serum Enzymes”: 1) Has there been an explosive increase in the interest in the enzymes of blood and other tissues in the past 10 years? 2) Is the cardiac tissue high in enzymes? 3) Do the other tissues contain large amounts of these enzymes? 4) Is there any progressive increase of heart disease with age? 5) Have many serum enzymes been investigated as possible diagnostic aids in human medicine? 6) Are those enzymes of benefit to the veterinarians? Упражнение 5. Повторите следующие слова за учителем: