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If we are looking at the map of Europe we can see two large islands – Great Britain and Ireland. The land located on the British Isles we call simply –England. England is really the name of one of three main districts of Britain: England, Scotland and Wales. Besides there is a northern part of Ireland, which belongs to the British monarchy too and why is the official name of the state reads – The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Great Britain is an old European country with its very famous history and culture. The British Isles is one of the most densely populated regions of the world. The population counts about 70 millions. Some parts of the country are really beautiful. There are many hills, rivers, lakes, beauty beaches on the see-side. The coast-line is very jagged; therefore the communication by boat was very common since the old times. Because of short distances air travel might seem unsuited to the situation in Britain, but connections between London and Scotland and particularly with Northern Ireland are very handy. A network of trains and buses links the capital with remote towns and villages. In the West lies Wales with its mountains and coalfields. Here was a big mining district in Great Britain. But now the most mines are closed and thousands of people had to find other job. Great Britain remains however a big industrial country. Sheffield is a centre of the steel industry and in Manchester there are many textile factories. Woolen goods of Shetland Isles- Isles in the North Sea are well-known all over the world. The fame of university education represents Oxford and Cambridge.

The political system of Great Britain is the constitutional monarchy, a king (now it is the queen Elizabeth II) has traditionally little power and can reign only with the support of Parliament. Parliament consists of two chambers known as the House of Commons and the House of Lords. Members of the House of Common (Lower Chamber) are elected by the people. The membership in the House of Lords is hereditary. A big role in the society plays political parties, which choose candidates in elections. The two major political parties are the Conservative Party and the Labor Party. The party which wins the majority of seats in Parliament forms the government and its leader usually becomes Prime Minister.

One of the country’s peculiarities is that it has the world’s largest town – London with its more than 12 million inhabitants. London, the capital of Great Britain is situated on the banks of the river Thames and is very famous with its buildings, parks and squares. Every visitor of London will see the building of the Tower, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square and many other sightseeing.


Задание 70. Прочтите и переведите вышеприведенный текст, обращая внимание на необходимые слова и выражения:

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland – Соединенное Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии

dense – плотный, густонаселенный density - плотность

jagged coast-line - изрезанная прибрежная полоса job - работа

unsuited, unsuitable - не подходящий, непригодный mine - шахта

handy - удобный hereditary - наследственный

to link - соединять remote - отдаленный

coalfields - залежи угля fame - известность, слава

mining district - район горных разработок

woollen goods - шерстяные изделия Shetland Isles - Шетландские острова

House of Common - Палата Общин, House of Lords - Палата Лордов

peculiarity - особенность sightseeing - достопримечательность


Задание 71. Переведите, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы и модальные конструкции:

1. In London we must see the East End too. 2. We can look eastwards from Waterloo Bridge. 3. I have to do this work. 4. The East End is the place where you may meet thousands of foreigners. 5. I can’t find the correct way. 6. Something should be done. 7. We must walk home as it is too late. 8. I shall have to regulate my watch. 9. You may not swim in the Thames.


Задание 72. Перескажите текст The United Kingdom по - английски.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-15; просмотров: 517. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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