Студопедия — II.3.A Content
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II.3.A Content

The end or the conclusion of your talk should include four parts:

1) a brief reminder of what you tried to show in your speech and how you tried to do so,

2) a short conclusion,

3) thanks to the audience for listening,

4) an invitation to ask questions, make comments or open a discussion.

At the end you should briefly summarize your speech in a few lines to make sure the audience has retained the main points. Alternatives are: to state the point of the speech; give the essential message to retain; list the main points and what you want the audience to remember; review informally or indirectly by using a quote, a comparison or example.

Then you should give some kind of conclusion. That is to say you should give a message that logically comes out of the ideas developed in your speech. This could be a commentary, the lessons learned, some recommendations, or the next steps. You could also make a call to action; the audience should have to do something.

Thirdly, thank the audience for being there.

Naturally you need to signpostthe end of your talk. This may take the form of a recapitulation of the main points:

I'd like to summarize/sum up

At this stage I would like to run through/over the main points...

So, as we have seen today....

As I have tried to explain this morning BT finds itself in....

Or there may be recommendations or proposals that you wish to make:

As a result we suggest that…

In the light of what we have seen today I suggest that...

My first proposal is...

Above all when you conclude do not do it abruptly or as if surprised to get to the end of your talk:

In conclusion I would like to say that...

My final comments concern...

I would like to finish by reminding everyone that...

You may at this point wish to distribute a vocabulary list or more detailed information that you wish to make available:

I've prepared a slim folder of the proposals...

In the sheets that are now being distributed you will find a breakdown of the...

And finally you may well have to deal with questions:

I'd be happy to answer any questions....

If there are any questions please feel free to ask.

Thank you very much for your attention and if there are any suggestions or comments

II.3.B Dealing with difficult questions

1. Make sure you understand the question:

Ask a question to see if you understand

Repeat the question in your own words to check that you have understood.

if not, ask the questioner to repeat

2. In answering:

delay the answer (ask for time and/or repeat the question)

Just a minute please. What is a...?

How can I put it?

I'm glad you asked that question.

That's a good question/point/remark.

Can I answer that question later?

admit that you are not responsible:

I saw that in the work of…

agree but give an alternative point of view:

I agree with you but there is another way of looking at it.

Summary of Part II

In addition to careful preparation - good structure and vocabulary – and organization, a message passes in other ways. According to experts 55% of the message is non-verbal. Using images (visuals); body language and voice are extremely important too.

To give a successful presentation and at the same time a good image of yourself or your firm, careful preparation and organization are required. You need to take into consideration who you are speaking to, when, where, and why, as all of these details will have an impact on your structure and content. A well-structured speech with a step-by-step approach is one that is easy to follow. Besides structure, it is also necessary to be relatively repetitive. A good 'rule' is announce what you are going to say, say it and finally, say what you've said.

Be careful with the figures. Pronunciation (proper names, cognates, and numbers) and presentation are important, practice beforehand! This is equally important for the key words of your presentation. It is particularly annoying for the audience to hear the same word mispronounced repeatedly.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 355. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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