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Вместо пропусков вставьте необходимые предлоги. 1) In consideration the premises and mutual agree­ ments and covenants herein contained, the Parties hereto hereby covenant and agree as follows:

1) In consideration... the premises and mutual agree­
ments and covenants herein contained, the Parties hereto
hereby covenant and agree as follows:

2) The Court shall have jurisdiction... all controversies
which may arise... or in relation to this Agreement, espe­
cially... to the execution, interpretation and compliance of
this Agreement.

3) Each Party agrees that it shall take all such steps as
may reasonably be... it power so as to comply... and act... a
manner contemplated by the provisions of this Agreement.

4) One of the Parties may wish to advise the other Party...
a particular law or regulation, etc.

5) In the event that the approval is made conditional...
^У modification of any of the provisions of this Agreement
neither Party shall have any obligation to the other.

ак. 5274

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова

6) Upon any delivery, all risk... loss or damage... or delay
... the Purchased Goods shall pass... the Buyer.

7) The Buyer shall cause a letter of credit to be opened
by a bank... ten working days... receipt from the Seller of
this Agreement.

8) Amendments to the letter of credit shall only be made
in conformance... amendments to this Agreement.

9) The Buyer shall be solely responsible... and shall reim
burse the Seller... all taxes and other governmental charges.

10) The Buyer will promptly notify the Seller in writinr
... all claimed defects and nonconformities, and such defec
tive and non-conforming Purchased Goods will be held...
the Seller's instruction and, if the Seller so directs, will be
returned... the Seller's expense.

6. Выберите подходящее по смыслу наречие из числа предложенных (правильным является только один ва­риант).

1) Any controversy arising... or in relation to this Agree­
ment shall be settled in New York.

a) thereof; b) hereunder; c) hereafter.

2) The Seller has agreed to sell said products to the Buyer
upon and subject to the terms and conditions....

a) hereto; b) thereof; c) hereof.

3) Amendments to such terms may be made by telex or
telecopy exchanged between the Seller and the Buyer, and
the Buyer shall amend the letter of credit in conformance

a) therewith; b) herewith; c) hereunder.

4) The Seller warrants that all of the Purchased Goods
delivered... will strictly conform to the descriptions and spec­
ifications —

a) thereof; b) hereafter; c) hereunder;

set forth in Schedule 2....

a) thereof; b) hereof; c) hereto.

Учебник коммерческого перевода. Английский язык

5) This warranty shall survive any inspection, delivery or
acceptance of any Purchased Goods, and payment... by the

a) hereunder; b) thereof; c) thereafter.

6) The Seller's obligations under paragraph * above shall
not apply to any Purchased Goods, or part....

a) hereof; b) hereby; c) thereof.

7) The foregoing is subject to the limitation of total
liability set forth in Article *....

a) hereof; b) hereunder; c) thereof.

8) Any and all disputes which cannot be settled through
correspondence and mutual consultation of the Parties...,
shall be finally settled by arbitration.

a) hereof; b) thereof; c) hereto.

9) The decision of the arbitrators shall deal with the
question of costs of the arbitration and all matters related...

a) hereto; b) thereto; c) hereunder.

10) Either Party... may terminate this Agreement at any
time, should the other Party file a petition of any type as to
its bankruptcy.

a) herein; b) hereto; c) hereby.

11) Whenever used in this Agreement, unless there is
something in the jsubject matter or context of their use
inconsistent..., the following words and terms shall have the
respective meanings ascribed to them.

a) herewith; b) therewith; c) thereto.

12) The Article and Section headings contained... are
included solely for convenience —

a) therein; b) herein; c) hereof; and are not intended to be full of accurate descriptions of the content....

a) hereof; b) hereto; c) thereof.

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова

7. Предложите свои варианты перевода следующих вы­ражений на русский язык.

Article 1

1) a corporation organized and existing under the laws of...;

2) the Seller markets certain products;

3) the following words and terms shall have the respective
meanings ascribed to them as follows...;


4) «hereof», «hereto» and «hereunder» and similar
expressions mean and refer to this Agreement;

5) whenever the context requires;

6) all words used in the singular number shall be deemed
to include the plural and vice versa;

7) any controversy shall be settled in New York as
hereinafter provided for;

8) controversies which may arise under or in relation to
this Agreement;

9)... the Parties hereto waiving any other venue;

10) it is the intention of the Parties that...;

11) all dollar amounts... are in U. S. currency;

Articles 2 and 3

12) each Party use its best endeavours;

13) each Party shall cause its respective nominee,
directors, agents and employees to act accordingly;

14) notwithstanding anything contained in this

15) the Buyer shall not be relieved of its obligations to
pay the Seller...;

16) to impair the value of the entire Agreement;

17) to supply on a timely basis;

Articles 4-8

18) the Buyer shall cause a letter of credit to be opened
by a bank;

19) notwithstanding the foregoing;

Учебник коммерческого перевода. Английский язык

20) if acting for the Seller;

21) other governmental charges, however designated;

22) if the Seller so directs;

23) the failure to inspect the goods;

24) the Seller shall cooperate with such inspections;

25) to cure any dissatisfaction;

26) pending timely corrections;

Article 9

27) an extremely sensitive negotiated provision;

28) a «bare bones» minimal approach;

29) merchantable goods;

30) the warranty shall survive any inspection, delivery or
acceptance of any Purchased Goods;

31) to correct a defect by the Seller's reasonable efforts;

32) detrimental exposure;

33) the exclusive remedies for claims;

Articles 10-11

34) depending on the marketplace;

35) to pay any adverse judgement;

36) to remove said Purchased Goods and to refund the
Purchase Price;

37) the Purchased Goods have been custom made;

38) the Buyer agrees to save harmless the Seller from any

39) suits or actions which may be brought against the Seller;

40) any conflict between these rules and the provisions
of this Article;

41) the provisions of this Article shall govern;

42) the most expeditious is to go with a single arbitrator;

43) to enter judgement upon the award in any court;

Articles 12-14

44) any event or condition not reasonably foreseeable as
°f the date of signature of this Agreement;

С. А. Семко, В. В. Сдобников, С. Н. Чекунова

45) not reasonably within the control of either Partya|

46) it is in particular expressly agreed; Щ

47) except as specifically agreed in writing;

48) except as specifically set forth or referred to herein.

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