Студопедия — Exercise 5. Match the definitions with the appropriate terms which are given below.
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Exercise 5. Match the definitions with the appropriate terms which are given below.

Sold software, retail software, licensed software, runs online software, shareware, freeware, custom software, proprietary software, closed source software, off-the-shelf software, crippleware.


1. software developed to suit special needs of a particular organization

2. software that a user has right to change, share and install on any number of machines

3. software sold to customers with a predefined set of features

4. software source code of which is not available for improving to any interested person

5. software which stops functioning properly after a certain period of time

6. software which a user must purchase as opposed to distributed by the Internet

7. software which cannot be resold because a user buys only the right to use it but the program itself

8. software that can be used without being installed on a computer

Exercise 6. Use the prepositions or phrases given below to fill in the gaps. Not all of them can be used.


depending on – в зависимости от

while – в то время как

in other words – другими словами

however – однако

in this case – в этом случае

unlike (as opposed to) – в отличие от, в противоположность

unfortunately – к сожалению

since – так как

according to (in accordance with) – в соответствии с

otherwise – в противном случае


Today we find new terms created to classify types of application software. ___________ the usage there are games, financial software, office applications, etc. __________, we also have a newer group of software related terms with negative association. ________ application software itself may be useful, it may also carry hidden programs that may cause undesirable effects. We have a whole selection of software under the common name malware or malicious software. __________, malware is any software that has been designed specifically to damage a computer system. Adware and spyware are two examples of malware. ___________ its name adware (advertisement software) is a legitimate alternative offered to consumers who do not wish to pay for software. __________ most of features of the software are enabled, ________, a user will be viewing sponsored advertisement while using the program. _____________ adware, spyware is considered a malicious program. __________ it is installed unknowingly, spyware monitors user activity on the Internet and secretly transmits that information in the background to someone else.


Exercise 7. Translate the following text in a written form. Use a dictionary if necessary.


Microsoft Office 365 is a cloud-based service that is designed to help meet your organization’s needs for robust security, reliability, and user productivity. Microsoft Office 365 delivers the power of cloud productivity to businesses of all sizes, helping save time, money, and free up valued resources. Office 365 combines the familiar Microsoft Office desktop suite with cloud-based versions of Microsoft’s next-generation communications and collaboration services—including Microsoft Exchange Online, Microsoft SharePoint Online, Office Online, and Microsoft Lync Online—to help users be productive from virtually anywhere through the Internet.

Microsoft Office is available on both Windows and Mac and includes programs, servers, services, and solutions for various business purposes. Your computer must meet the minimum hardware requirements for the version of Office you purchase/install. Microsoft Office for Windows includes the following programs:

Access: Database management program

Excel: Spreadsheet program

Lync: Collaboration and communication tool

OneNote: Note taking program

Outlook: Personal information managers and communications program (e-mail, contacts, schedules, documents)

PowerPoint: Presentation graphics program

Project: Project management programs and solutions

Publisher: Business publishing and marketing materials program

Visio: Business and technical diagramming program

Word: Word processing program


Unit 5

Operating Systems Classification

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