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Exercise 2. Match English words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents.


  computer network a эксплуатационные расходы
  communication medium b мгновенная связь
  integral part c эффективное решение
  important application d средство связи (общения)
  access the resources e сетевое оборудование
  instantaneous communication f компьютерная сеть
  networking hardware g неотъемлемая часть
  viable solution h важное приложение
  operational cost i доступ к ресурсам


Exercise 3. Match the words which are very close in their meaning.

  medium a immediate
  integral b user
  instantaneous c means
  preference d link
  consumer e entire
  connect f growth
  device g favor
  evolution h mechanism


Exercise 4. Match the words with the opposite meaning.


  reduce a slow
  connect b backward
  increase c enlarge
  fast d separate
  forward e shorten


Exercise 5. Make all possible word combinations from the words given below.

  optical a issue
  radio b fiber
  daily c data
  operational d in the network
  important e waves
  connect f life
  infrared g signal
  security h cost


Exercise 6. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate ending.


1. The communication medium can be through:

- Internet, Wi-fi, servers etc.,

- radio waves, wires, infrared, optical fibers etc.,

- laptops, palmtops, PCs and other devices.


2. To use computer networking means:

- to share resources like fax machines, printers, modems, files etc.,

- to use database server, computer server, email, chat, internet etc.,

- to exploit radio waves, wires, infrared, optical fibers etc.


3. ________ can be used for instantaneous communication and sending of files on a computer network.

- Databases and files

- Travel and research

- Emails and chats


4. The networking hardware basically consists of:

- computer and server,

- wiring, network cards and a hub,

- online environment.


5. In wireless networking ___________ are used to communicate between computers and devices.

- emails and chats,

- fax machines, printers, and modems,

- radio transreceivers or infrared signals.


Exercise 7. Read the sentences and fill in the gaps using the words given. Do not change the form of the words.

Consume – consumer

1. People _____ a good deal of sugar in drinks.

2. The two companies – Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola – have to compete for __________ in the world.


Prefer – preference – preferable

1. At this time of day, I ___________ tea to coffee.

2. Do you have a _________ for sweet or for spicy food?

3. Gradual change is __________ to sudden, large-scale change.


Access – accessible

1. You can find this book in an open ________ on my web site.

2. The director is _______ to everyone.


Collects – collection

1. Jerald ___________ modern art.

2. Lisa’s ________ of postcards numbers about two hundred of items.


Integrate – integral – integration

1. You should _______ newcomers into the group.

2. Freedom of speech is ________ to democracy.

3. Economic __________ became the main point of negotiations (переговоры) between the two countries.


Exercise 8. Fill in the gaps with the words given below. Translate the text.

Consider, conflict, prefer, amount, addiction, divorce, debate, internet user, spend


There is a lot of ________ among psychologists on whether internet ___________ actually exists or not, says Dr John Charlton, research fellow in psychology at the University of Bolton. He explains that some professionals ___________ to use the term pathological internet use, rather than addiction. ‘To ___________ if someone’s got a problem you have to see how it’s impacting on their life. If you ___________ every minute on the internet and your wife is threatening to ___________ you, then it’s causing a problem – and that problem is conflict with other people.’

But it seems you don’t necessarily have a major problem if it’s just your partner, or parents, or your friends complain about the ___________ of time you spend online. There are a number of things that have to be present to qualify someone as a pathological ___________, according to Dr Charlton. ‘Just using the Internet a lot doesn’t mean you’re addicted,’ he explains. ‘You need to have several things such as withdrawal symptoms (симптом отмены), ___________ with other people and not being able to stop when you know you should.’


Exercise 9. Translate the following text in a written form. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 2248. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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