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Exercise 6. Make all possible word combinations from the words given below.

  to manage a devices
  to access b purpose
  to execute c environment
  to recognize d services
  to detect e error
  external f program
  work g a file
  general h input


Exercise 7. Mark the sentences: True/False/ No information.


1. OS is the most important type of application software.

2. OS serves the needs of only hardware.

3. Application programming interface serves for communication between OS and a user.

4. OS is a program that functions as an intermediary between a person and computer hardware and is responsible for the execution of any kinds of programs.

5. A user can run on his computer only those programs which correspond to the requirements of the OS installed on his computer.

6. The main function of any OS is to protect a computer from malicious programs and an unauthorized user.

7. GUI facilitates the communication between a user and a computer by means of graphical symbols used to represent a process or a program.

Exercise 8. Read and translate the text choosing the right word.


The operating system is the most important program that (develops, navigates, manages, runs) on a computer. Every general-purpose computer must have an (application, graphic user, operating, software) system to run other programs.

As computers have progressed and (developed, handled, determined, shared) so have the operating systems. There are the following (vital, basic, initial, internal) types of different operating systems. Many computer operating systems will fall into more than one of the below categories.

GUI is short for Graphical User Interface. A GUI Operating System contains graphics and (devices, lines, icons, input) and is commonly (attached, navigated, interacted, managed) by using a computer (input, output, interface, mouse). Multi-user operating system allows for multiple users to use the same computer (concurrently, initially, instantly, directly). An operating system capable of supporting and (handling, processing, loading, utilizing) more than one computer processor is called (multitasking, multithreading, multiprocessing, vital). An operating system is characterized as (multiprocessing, multitasking, general-purpose, graphical) when it is capable of allowing multiple software processes to run at the same time. An operating systems that allow different parts of a software program to run concurrently may be (defined, contained, run, applied) as (multi-user, multithreading, basic, concurrent).


Operating Systems Windows and Linux

Remember the following words and word combinations.

1. kernel - ядро

2. comprehensive – универсальный, комплексный

3. extendible - расширяемый

4. conform, v - соответствовать

5. port, v - переносить

6. predominance - господство

7. swipe, v – сдвинуть (активный экран)

8. built-in support – встроенная поддержка

Read and translate the text.

Text 2


Linux is a Unix-like operating system that was designed to provide personal computer users a free or very low-cost operating system comparable to traditional and usually more expensive Unix systems. Linux has a reputation as a very efficient and fast-performing system. Linux's kernel was developed by Linus Torvalds at the University of Helsinki in Finland. To complete the operating system, Torvalds and other team members made use of system components developed by members of the Free Software Foundation for the GNU Project.

Linux is a remarkably complete operating system, including a graphical user interface, an X Window System, TCP/IP, the Emacs editor, and other components usually found in a comprehensive Unix system.

Unlike Windows and other proprietary systems, Linux is publicly open and extendible by contributors. Because it conforms to the Portable Operating System Interface standard user and programming interfaces, developers can write programs that can be ported to other operating systems. Linux comes in versions for all the major microprocessor platforms including the Intel, PowerPC, Sparc, and Alpha platforms.

Linux is sometimes suggested as a possible publicly-developed alternative to the desktop predominance of Microsoft Windows. Although Linux is popular among users already familiar with Unix, it remains far behind Windows in numbers of users. However, its use in the business enterprise is growing.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-19; просмотров: 588. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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