І. Фонетичні вправи Вправа 1. Прочитайте слова, звертаючи увагу на їх вимову: а) fire, safety, educational, leading, to train, to be founded, to create, prediction, equipment, library, disposal, to rescue, firefighting, to extinguish, labour, correspondence studies, gymnasium, teaching staff, to carry out, scientific, research, activity, field of science, to involve, numerous, to be proud, abroad, leisure, to participate, competition, fire-applied, wrestling, glorious, to commemorate, up-to-date;
б) establishments, specialists, emergencies, bases, heroes, faculties, academies, rooms, laboratories, classes, halls, consequences, cadets, technologies, skills, countries, results, situations, departments, administrations, fields, conferences, seminars, relationships, services, deeds, kinds, medals, school-leavers, traditions, units.
Вправа 2. Зверніть увагу на вимову поданих слів-інтернаціоналізмів. Перекладіть їх. Academy, university, ministry, specialist, special, technical, technology, basis, institute, organization, administration, service, to reorganize, faculty, management, laboratory, computer, class, lecture, comfortable, centre, cultural, station, practical, practice, seminar, liquidation, result, situation, department, region, to guarantee, personnel, cadet, hero, football, volleyball, basketball, medal, sportsman, conference, candidate, active, international, lieutenant, monument, catastrophe, apparatus, museum, tradition, history.
ІІ. Вправи на словотворення Вправа 3. Утворіть нові слова, використовуючи словотворчі афікси, подані в дужках. Перекладіть. (-ION / -TION / -SION / -SSION):to educate, to predict, to protect, to prevent; (-AL):culture,education, practice, region, centre, operation, information; (-ER / -OR):toteach, to liquidate, to leave, to work, to create, to operate; (-ING):to read, to breathe, to extinguish, to wrestle, to support, to absorb, to run; (-MENT):tojudge, to equip, to develop, to govern, to commit. Вправа 4. Прочитайте подані слова, визначте в них словотворчі афікси та вкажіть, до якої частини мови вони належать. Перекладіть. Bacterial, participation, extinguisher, internal, leading, payment, technical, educator, lecturer, normal, shooter, station, establishment, international, rescuer, writing, professional, inspector, liquidation, manager, special, wrestler, mission, personal, organization, special, training, chemical, general, signaling, administration, protector, management, local, trainer, fighting. Вправа 5. Виберіть із поданих слів а) іменники; б) прикметники; в) дієприкметники: educating, manager, construction, cleaner, cultural, protector, monitoring, education, prevention, extinguisher, equipment, inspecting, educational, prediction, educator. ІІІ. Лексичні вправи Вправа 6. Запам'ятайте подані слова та словосполучення: civil protection цивільний захист labour protection охорона праці emergency надзвичайна ситуація, непередбачений випадок