According to (згідно з) the Law of Ukraine Civil Protection Service (CPS) is the basic rescue unit in Ukraine intended (призначений) to fight fires, natural disasters and other dangers to human life, health, property and natural environment. It is also one of the structural units of the Ministry of Emergencies. CPS is the system of organizational, engineering-technical, sanitary-hygienic, anti- epidemic and other measures. The basic measures are as follows (такі): - notification, information, observation and laboratory control; - making shelter during emergency situations; - evacuation of population; - medical protection of population; - providing epidemic security in the regions of emergencies; - engineering protection of the territories; - psychological, biological, ecological, radiation and chemical protection; - protection of population from harmful everyday or extraordinary situations. Тhe purpose of these measures is to prevent and liquidate the emergency situations in peaceful time and in a special period. CPS also provides rescue and humanitarian assistance abroad. It takes measures to prevent and reduce ruinous consequences of various natural disasters. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine controls directly the unified system (об’єднана система) of civil protection. The head of civil protection is the Prime-Minister of Ukraine. Nowadays the threat to people’s lives, health, property and environment constantly increases. That is why the employees of CPS must manage all types of emergencies, not just fires. They must also control gas and chemical leakage, deal with (мати справу з) hazardous goods in case of (у випадку) train and air crash, or rescue people trapped in a road accident. They are the first who react to people’s trouble and give the first aid to victims. The workers of CPS must be skilled in all aspects of their own work, and take the initiative to solve (щоб вирішувати) different tasks and problems. The effective prevention of fires, natural disasters and other dangers depends on both modern equipment and professional education of firefighting personnel. Three higher educational establishments perform this function in our country: Kharkiv University of Civil Protection, Cherkasy Academy of Fire Safety and Lviv State University of Vital Activity Safety. They teach cadets to be highly qualified officers in fire safety and civil protection. There is also the Scientific and Research Institute of Fire Safety in Kyiv. It is a scientific and research unit of Civil Protection Service. The main tasks of the institute are to carry out research work, testing and certification of products and services. Today the institute develops new materials and techniques of firefighting. Firefighters quickly apply all scientific achievements in training and practice. Вправа 8. Дайте відповіді на питання до тексту. 1. What is Civil Protection Service? 2. What are the main tasks of CPS in Ukraine? 3. What kind of system is CPS in Ukraine? 4. What assistance does CPS provide abroad? 5. What are the basic measures of civil protection service? 6. Who is the head of CPS? 7. Who controls directly the unified system of civil protection? 8. What are the main requirements (вимоги) to the employees of Civil Protection Service? 9. What does the effective prevention of fires and natural disasters depend on? 10. What are the main tasks of the Scientific and Research Institute of Fire Safety?
Вправа 9. Перекладіть подані словосполучення: а) the basic rescue unit; to fight fires; natural disaster; danger to human life and environment; to reduce ruinous consequences; to provide humanitarian assistance; sanitary-hygienic measures; psychological and biological protection; unified system; to increase constantly; to react to people’s trouble; employees of Civil Protection Service; to be skilled in all aspects; hazardous goods; to depend on modern equipment; to perform functions; to be trapped in a road accident; gas and chemical leakage; engineering protection of territories; to solve different tasks and problems; to apply in training and practice;
б) служба цивільного захисту; довкілля; згідно з Законом України; система організаційних та інженерно-технічних заходів; повідомлення та спостереження; лабораторний контроль; надавати притулок; залізнична аварія; евакуація населення; керівник служби цивільного захисту; загроза здоров’ю та майну людини; особовий склад пожежників; долати всі види надзвичайних ситуацій; надавати першу допомогу постраждалим; брати ініціативу; ефективне попередження пожеж; зменшувати руйнівні наслідки; технології пожежегасіння.
Вправа 10. Виберіть слово, яке підходить за значенням. 1. Civil Protection Service is the basic (research, rescue) unit in Ukraine. 2. CPS is the (system, union) of different measures. 3. The (principle, purpose) of CPS is to prevent emergencies. 4. CPS also provides humanitarian (existence, assistance) abroad. 5. The Cabinet of Ministers (does, controls) directly the unified system of civil protection. 6. The head of civil protection is the (President, Prime-Minister) of Ukraine. 7. Nowadays the threat to people’s lives and health constantly (increases, decreases). 8. Employees of CPS are the (last, first) who react to people’s trouble. 9. The (dangerous, effective) prevention of fires depends on the professional education of firefighting personnel. 10. The workers of CPS must be (ruinous, skilled) in all aspects of their work.
Вправа 11. Заповніть пропуски словами, які подані нижче, поставивши їх у потрібну форму. 1. CPS exists to fight fires, natural disasters and other … to human life, health and property. 2. It is one of the … units of the Ministry of Emergencies. 3. Evacuation and medical protection of … are the basic measures of civil protection. 4. CPS provides … operations abroad. 5. The employees of CPS must control gas and … leakage. 6. They give the first … to victims. 7. Firefighters must manage all types of …. 8. The workers of CPS … the initiative to solve different problems. 9. There … three higher educational establishments in the Ministry of Emergencies. 10. The Scientific and Research Institute … new materials and techniques of firefighting.