Unit VI. Social Psychology 2 страница
Task 7. Answer the questions: 1) What are the branches of age psychology? 2) Can psychology forecast person’s life cycle? 3) Who are the subjects in age psychology? 4) What can cause the problem of misunderstanding? 5) What are the methods of examination in age psychology? 6) Why do the methods of age psychology separate the life cycle into stages? 7) What is practical application? 8) What are the changes in psyche and behaviour while going from one age level to another?
Task 8. Say whether the statements are true or false. Correct false statements: 1) Age psychology studies physical laws of energy. 2) The problems of age psychology start when three people meet. 3) Age psychology deals with problems of aged people. 4) Methods of age psychology include clinic examination. 5) Methods of age psychology help to study human life as a whole. 6) Theoretical importance means usage of scientific methods in everyday life. 7) Revolutionary changes in psyche development mean that they are slow to occur and are prepared gradually. 8) Situational changes are certain and last forever. 9) Psychological age equals a chronological age. 10) Age period has uncertain borders but the majority of people fall into its limits.
Task 9. In the text “Age psychology” find sentences with the word “attention”. Translate it into Russian. Study the possible variants of meaning of this word and phrases with it: 1) attention – внимание, внимательность; забота, заботливость; уход (за больным и т.п.); уход (за машиной); положение «смирно» 2) to attract (to draw, to call) somebody’s attention to something – обращать чье-либо внимание на что-либо 3) to pay attention to – обращать внимание на … 4) to compel attention – приковывать внимание 5) to slip somebody’s attention – ускользнуть от чьего-либо внимания 6) to show much attention to somebody – проявлять заботу о ком-либо 7) to pay attentions to – ухаживать за 8) to stand at attention – стоять в положении «смирно» 9) attentive – внимательный, заботливый; вежливый, предупредительный 10) attentively – внимательно 11) inattentive – невнимательный
Task 10. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the words and phrases from task nine: 1) I’d like to attract your attention to the information written in small letters, it is important. 2) The book in the show-window compelled my attention and I went in the book shop. 3) I am all attention. 4) Parents showed much attention to their little son. 5) Soldiers should stand at attention when they are ordered to do so. 6) Read the text attentively and render it into Hungarian. 7) It is so inattentive of you to forget about her birthday party. 8) Your car is repaired. You can take it. Try to be more attentive to your automobile and it won’t break so often.
Task 11. Translate the words and phrases in brackets into English to make the sentences complete: 1) Our professor insisted on (обратить наше внимание) to the colour of the sunset. We should remember it and draw it properly. 2) Exception from the rule (ускользнуло от моего внимания) and I’ve made a mistake in my dictation. 3) – I’m going to tell the truth about the accident. – (Я весь внимание). 4) (Смирно!) The general is in our regiment. 5) Your daughter is very (внимательная) at our lessons. 6) You are so (невнимательный). You’ve missed the proper turn to the airport. Now, we’ll have to go for about fifty kilometers to turn back.
Task 12. Read the text “Criteria of age periods” and choose right words from the brackets: Criteria of Age Periods Age psychology defines … (criteria, criterion, criterions) of age periods as depended on historical, social, economical aspects of … (bringing, bringing up, bring up) and development. They are connected to different activity … (type, kind, types). These criteria are concerned with age … (physiology, phisiology, phisyology) and progress of psychological functions which influence … (children’, childrens’s, children’s) development and education principles. L.S. Vygotsky suggested psychological new … (features, fitures, futures) being criteria for age periods. These new features … (characterizes, are characterize, characterize) a certain age period. He distinguished … (stable, stables, unstable) and unstable periods of development. Much … (attentive, attention, attentively) was paid to crisis periods which are times … (what, who, when) qualitative changes in psychological functions occur. These periods are … (describe, described, description) as significant changes in children’s … (individualitys, individualites, individualities). According to L.S. Vygotsky, the change of age periods has a … (revolt, revolutionary, revolution) character. … (according, including, accord) to A.N. Leontjev, criteria of age periods are main kinds of activities typical … (to, of, with) certain age. Main activity development influences the … (significanter, significantest, most significant) changes in children’s psychological processes and features at a certain age stage. The fact is, that … (every, everything, everybody) new generation, as well as a single person of this generation, comes to the world of stated … (live, lives, life) conditions. These conditions determine the possible content of an activity.
Task 13. Read an abstract and write down right words into the blanks. Choose the variant from the given words: Personal age periods depend on conditions of development, specific features of … (1) structures which determine human progress and individual’s inner position defining development on later stages of … (2). Each age period has its own social situation, leading psychological … (3) and main type of activity. Outer social conditions and inner conditions of higher psychological functions development are … (4) and define main route of individual’s progress. Each age stage has selective sensitivity and outer conditions … (5). L.S. Vygotsky drew much attention to sensitive periods as education started earlier than the … (6) stage requires would not be effective. Objective, historically based human reality … (7) human beings on each stage of ontogenesis. It reflects the psychological functions which were developed on … (8) stages of progress. It should be noted, that a child borrows only … (9) information and rejects everything which is beyond his comprehension.
Words: previous, functions, sensitive, suitable, morphological, interrelated, influences, ontogenesis, receptivity.
Task 14. In the text “Age psychology” find a sentence with the word “application”, translate it into Russian. Form words of different parts of speech from this root word. Write down your own sentences with these words. Look through the vocabulary notes and check yourself: 1) appliance – приспособление прибор (domestic electric appliances – бытовые электроприборы); применение; appliance load – (эл.) бытовая нагрузка. 2) applicable – применимый, пригодный, подходящий (to). 3) applicant – претендент, кандидат, проситель. 4) application – заявление, прошение (to put in an application – подать заявление); прикладывание (горчичника, пластыря и т.п.); употребление (лекарства); применение, применимость; прилежание, рвение, старание (application to work – рвение на работе). 5) application blank (application form) – анкета, поступающего на работу. 6) applied – прикладной. 7) to apply – обращаться (for – за работой, помощью, справкой, разрешением и т.п.; to – к кому-либо); касаться, относиться, быть приемлемым; применять, употреблять (to apply breaks – тормозить); прикладывать; заниматься чем-либо, направлять свое внимание на что-либо.
Task 15. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. Pay attention to the words and phrases from task fourteen: 1) What are domestic electric appliances typical of American and British families? 2) The explosion theory can be applicable to the appearance of our universe. 3) Every applicant to a high administrative position in our country should be honest. 4) Write everything down in your application form. Hand it in and wait for our call. 5) This rule applies to all. 6) Before application of the medicine you should consult your doctor. 7) Do not apply this cracker indoors. 8) Do not apply acceleration on a slippery road.
Task 16. Read the sentences, translate the Russian words in brackets into English. Pay attention to the words from task fourteen: 1) Computer is a complex (прибор). 2) Intuition could not be (применима) in this case. You should know the physical rules for sure. You should not guess. 3) You should put in an (заявление) in time for the organisation committee to register it. 4) (Прикладная) psychology is much more important in ordinary life than fundamental theoretic science. 5) If your car skids you should not (тормозить) in a harsh way. 6) (Обратитесь) for information about holidays to the Dean’s office. 7) (Употребление) of these medicines can cause dangerous side effects.
Task 17. Translate the sentences into English, pay attention to the word “application” and its derivatives: 1) Бытовая нагрузка на электрические сети не должна превышать норму. 2) Огромное количество абитуриентов каждую весну заполняет московские высшие учебные заведения. И только половина из них оседает в Москве, другие поступают в региональные ВУЗы. 3) Отличительной чертой Джека было особое рвение на работе. Каждое порученное дело он старался закончить как можно быстрее и качественней. 4) Приложите горчичник, подержите его 10-15 минут, и скоро все как рукой снимет. 5) Может ли теория эволюции Дарвина быть применима в психологии? 6) Постоянное употребление этого лекарственного препарата может вызвать привыкание. 7) Применение логарифмических линеек и таблиц Брадиса давно ушло в прошлое. Сейчас со всеми этими функциями легко и быстро справляется калькулятор.
Task 18. Read the text “Smart Moves” and choose the best variant of answers to the questions: Smart Moves (by S. Brink) New research suggests that folks from 8 to 80 can shape up their brains with aerobic exercise. It won’t come as a revelation to fitness buffs that aerobic conditioning does more than raise the heart rate: it lifts the spirits and builds self-esteem too. But many of the country’s foremost brain researchers who gathered in Chicago two weeks ago for a first-of-its-kind symposium on the link between movement and learning, believe that something more complicated is happening, too. In much the same way that exercise shapes up bones, muscles, heart and lungs, they suggest, it also strengthens the basal ganglia, cerebellum and corpus callosum – deep innards of the brain. No amount of exercise, of course, will make an Arnold Schwarzenegger out of a 98-pound weakling; nor can it make an Einstein out of an average comprehender. But the evidence is mounting that each person’s capacity to master new and remember old information is improved by biologic changes in the brain brought on by aerobic conditioning. Exercise not only fuels the brain with a better blood supply but it feeds brain cells with a heartier supply of natural substances, known as neurotrophins, that enhance their growth. Add to the aerobics a series of complex coordinated movements like dance steps or basketball moves, and the brain produces a greater number of connections between its neurons. That suggests a brain better able to process all kinds of information. A slower slowdown. Formal studies on the mental benefits of exercise in young people have yet to be conducted; the best supporting evidence to date comes from the other end of the age spectrum. Numerous studies of older people have shown that exercise can slow the deterioration of an aging brain and sharpen mental function. The possibility of turbo-charged learning provides one more compelling reason for parents to put their offspring on an aerobic regimen. Ideally, kids in grades 1 through 12 should get at least a daily 30-minute physical education class, but only 36 percent do, according to the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports. That’s one reason why 40 percent of children as young as 5 already exhibit at least one heart disease risk factor such as obesity or elevated cholesterol. The new research argues for activities like soccer or tennis that add a mental component to the aerobic conditioning. Like kids, adults don’t need another reason for exercise: the evidence in favor of three workouts a week – and more is better – is clear. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, for example, showed that the equivalent of walking 4 to 5 miles an hour for 45 minutes five times a week appears to prolong life. Scientists reported in JAMA that it’s never too late to start – even people 60 and older who became fit over a period of 5 years were 44 percent less likely to die of any cause during the five years than their unfit peers. Until the relationship between physical skill and flat-out brain work is more fully understood, you will probably have to take on faith that your movements are influencing your ability to learn or remember (from US News, 1995).
Questions: 1) What is an additional effect of aerobics? a) it lifts the spirits b) it raises the heart rate c) it creates health problems
2) When and where was a symposium on the connection between movement and learning? a) two weeks ahead in Detroit b) two weeks ago in Chicago c) two years ago in Chicago
3) Does the movement sharpen the muscles and the brain? a) Yes, but it strengthens the body and does not sharpen the brain b) Yes, it sharpens the brain but not the body c) Yes, it strengthens the body and the brain
4) What can happen to a 98-pound weakling through aerobics? a) he will be an Arnold Schwarzenegger b) he will be helped to master new and remember old information c) he will be an Einstein
5) What can make brain produce more connections between its neurons? a) good food b) a lot of rest c) coordinated movements and exercises
6) Are the studies on mental changes via exercise on young people completed? a) No, they are not finished. They are in full way. b) No, they are not finished but they are paused. c) Yes, they are finished. Everything is proved and known now.
7) What can exercises do to older people? a) they can stop deterioration of aging brain b) they can slow down the deterioration of mental activities c) they can bring good mood
8) Why do parents put their children on aerobic regimen? a) to develop body and sharpen the brain b) to develop body movements c) to make them busy
9) What are the risk factors of heart disease in children? a) low cholesterol b) too much movement c) obesity and elevated cholesterol
10) For how long should adults exercise according to scientists? a) 45 minutes five times a week b) three workouts a week c) the more the better
11) What is JAMA? a) Journal of the American Medical Association b) Jamaica c) a name of the NASA space project
Task 19. Render the text into English: Женевская школа генетической психологии – направление в изучении психического развития ребенка, созданное Ж. Пиаже. В центре находятся проблемы происхождения и развития интеллекта – формирования фундаментальных понятий, особенностей детской логики, сходства и различия психики ребенка и взрослого, переходов от одних форм мыслительной деятельности к другим. Для анализа этих проблем был разработан специальный метод психологического исследования – метод клинической беседы, в которой изучаются не внешние признаки явления, а процессы, приводящие к их возникновению. Применение этого метода позволило обнаружить новые психологические феномены, в частности феномен эгоцентризма ребенка: на всех уровнях развитие интеллекта ребенка осуществляется за счет перехода от эгоцентризма через децентрацию к более объективной умственной позиции. Структуры интеллекта формируются благодаря развитию действия. У ребенка до 2 лет внешние материальные действия, осуществляются развернуто и последовательно, при постоянном повторении схематизируются. В дошкольном возрасте они с помощью символических средств (имитация, игра, умственный образ, рисунок, речь) переносятся во внутренний план, где происходит их сокращение и координация с другими действиями. А в младшем школьном возрасте они превращаются в операции. Таким образом, аналог операций на сенсомоторном уровне, конкретные и формальные операции представляют собой три фундаментальные структуры интеллекта, которые определяют весь ход психического развития. В развитии детского мышления находят отражение общебиологические способы жизнедеятельности организма (ассимиляция, аккомодация, адаптация). Изучение процессов обучения подвели представителей Женевской школы к тому выводу, что благодаря обучению можно ускорить усвоение понятий, но это всегда зависит от исходного уровня развития.
Unit VIII. Psycholinguistics Task 1. Read and translate the text “Psycholinguistics”: Psycholinguistics or psychology of language is the study of the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use and understand language. Initial forays into psycholinguistics were largely philosophical ventures, mainly due to a lack of cohesive data on how the human brain functioned. Modern research makes use of biology, neuroscience, cognitive science and information theory to study how the brain processes language. There is a number of sub-disciplines; for example, as non-invasive techniques for study neurological working of the brain became widespread, neurolinguistics has become a field of its own. Psycholinguistics covers cognitive processes that make possible generating a grammatical and meaningful sentence out of vocabulary and grammatical structures, as well as processes that make possible understanding utterances, words, texts, etc. Developmental psycholinguistics studies children’s ability to learn a language. Theories on language working in human mind attempt to account for how people associate meaning with the sounds (or signs) of language and how syntax is used, i.e. how people manage to put words in the proper order to produce and understand the strings of words which are called sentences. The first is the least controversial and is generally held to be an area in which animal and human communication have something in common. There are essentially two schools of thought as to how people manage to create syntactic sentences: (1) syntax is an evolutionary product of increased human intelligence over time and social factors that encouraged the development of spoken language; (2) language exists because humans possess an innate ability, an access to what has been called a universal grammar. This point of view says that human ability for syntax is “hard-wired” in the brain. The first view was prevalent until 1960 and is well represented in mentalistic theories of Jean Piaget and empiricist Rudolf Carnap. The school of behaviorism put forth the point of view that language is behaviour shaped by conditioned response. The second point of view have begun with Noam Chomsky’s highly critical review of Skinner’s book in 1959 on the pages of the journal Language. That review started what has been termed the cognitive revolution in psychology. Much methodology in psycholinguistics takes the form of behavioral experiments. In these types of studies subjects are presented with some form of linguistic input and asked to perform a task (e.g. make a judgement, reproduce the stimulus, read a visually presented word aloud). Reaction times (usually on the order of milliseconds) and proportion of correct responses are the most often employed measures of performance. Until the recent advent of non-invasive medical techniques, brain surgery was the preferred way for language researchers to discover how language works in the brain. For example, severing the corpus callosum (the bundle of nerves that connects the two hemispheres of the brain) was at one time a treatment for some forms of epilepsy. Researchers could then study the ways in which the comprehension and production of language were affected by such a drastic surgery. If an illness made brain surgery necessary, language researchers had an opportunity to pursue their research. Computational modeling, e.g. the DRC model of reading and word recognition proposed by Coltheart and colleagues, is a newer methodology. It refers to the practice of setting up cognitive models in the form of executable computer programmes. Such programs are useful because they require theorists to be explicit in their hypotheses and they can be used to generate accurate predictions for theoretical models that are so complex that they render discursive analysis unreliable. More recently, eye-tracking has been used to study online language processing. Beginning with Rayner the importance and informativity of eye-movements during reading was established. Since eye movements are closely linked to the current focus of attention, language processing can be studied by monitoring eye movements while a subject is presented with linguistic input (from http://en.wikipedia.org).
Task 2. Translate the words and word combinations into Russian: 1) neurobiological factors; 2) sub-discipline; 3) to understand utterances; 4) the least controversial; 5) universal grammar; 6) empiricist; 7) proportion of correct responses; 8) two hemispheres of the brain; 9) computational modeling; 10) eye movements.
Task 3. In the text “Psycholinguistics” find English equivalents to the following Russian words and phrases: 1) недостаток связующих данных; 2) порождать грамматически правильное, наполненное смыслом предложение; 3) ассоциировать значение со звуками; 4) продукт эволюции; 5) менталистская теория; 6) время реакции; 7) предпочитаемый способ; 8) радикальная хирургия; 9) дискурсивный анализ.
Task 4. In the text “Psycholinguistics” find synonyms to the following words: 1) psychology of language; 2) because of, thanks to; 3) to produce; 4) to study; 5) chain; 6) to do a task; 7) answer; 8) understanding.
Task 5. In the text “Psycholinguistics” find antonyms to the following words: 1) old; 2) impossible; 3) to decrease; 4) theorist; 5) health; 6) non-invasive techniques; 7) useless; 8) implicit; 9) reliable.
Task 6. Match words and their definitions:
Task 7. Answer the questions: 1) What does psycholinguistics study? 2) Data of what sciences does the psycholinguistics use? 3) What does developmental psycholinguistics examine? 4) What is syntax? 5) What are the schools of thought dealing with syntactic structures in the language? 6) When was the evolutionary view on syntax famous? 7) Who were the followers of evolutionary theory of syntax? 8) Who was the founder of universal grammar approach? 9) What are the methods used in psycholinguistics? 10) How can you describe a computational modeling?
Task 8. Say whether the following statements are true or false, correct the false statements: 1) Initial steps in psycholinguistics were theoretically based. 2) Psycholinguistics is a single science and it does not have any sub-disciplines. 3) The subject of psycholinguistics does not include the process of understanding texts. 4) Human and animal communication have some common features. 5) A revolutionary theory of syntax says that grammar was created through increased human intelligence and social factors. 6) A universal grammar presupposes special syntax structures in the brain. 7) Noam Chomsky criticized R. Carnap’s book. 8) B.F. Skinner was the father of cognitive revolution in psychology. 9) The majority of psycholinguistic methods came from physiology. 10) Nowadays language researchers prefer to use brain surgery in their experiments. 11) Eye tracking is done in connection to understanding of bird languages.
Task 9. Read an abstract and choose the best variants of answers to the questions: Psycholinguistics is an interdisciplinary science and is studied by people in a variety of fields, such as psychology, cognitive science. There are subdivisions within psycholinguistics that are based on the components making up human language. Phonetics and phonology are concerned with the study of speech sounds. Within psycholinguistics, research focuses on how the brain processes and understands these sounds. Morphology is the study of word structures, especially the relationships between related words (such as dog and dogs) and the formation of words based on rules (such as plural formation). Syntax is the study of the patterns which dictate how words are combined together to form sentences. Semantics deals with the meaning of words and sentences. Where as syntax is concerned with the formal structure of sentences, semantics deals with the actual meaning of sentences. Pragmatics is concerned with the role of context in the interpretation of meaning. The study of word recognition and reading examines the process involved in the extraction of orthographic, morphological, phonological, and semantic information from the patterns in printed text. Developmental psycholinguistics studies infants’ and children’s ability to learn a language, usually with experimental or at least quantitative methods (as opposed to naturalistic observations such as those made by Jean Piaget in his research on children’s development) (from http://en.wikipedia.org).
Questions: 1) Are there any sub-divisions in psycholinguistics? a) Yes, they are based on the components that make up language b) Yes, they are based on the components of animal communication c) No, there are no sub-divisions in psycholinguistics
2) What are the phonetics and phonology concerned with in linguistics? a) study of brain processing and understanding of sounds b) study of intonation in speech c) study of speech sounds and intonation
3) What discipline examines word formation? a) syntax b) morphology c) semantics
4) Which of the psycholinguistic sub-disciplines study the actual meaning of the sentence? a) semantics b) syntax c) grammar
5) What is pragmatics? a) it is concerned with the role of author’s intentions in the written text b) it deals with the role of context in the interpretations of meaning c) it tackles the problem of intonation in a foreign language
6) What are psychology related areas in psycholinguistics? a) a study of extraction of actual meaning from different forms of language activities b) a study of children’s ability to learn foreign languages c) a study of word recognition and meaning of the text and developmental psycholinguistics
7) Are the methods proposed by Jean Piaget used in developmental psycholinguistics? a) No, they are not. This science uses experimental and quantitative methods b) No, they are not. This discipline makes use of naturalistic observations and the method of games c) Yes, they are used very often
Task 10. Read an abstract and say whether these statements are true or false, correct false statements: