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Task II. Give all the synonyms to the word “staff” that are mentioned in the film.


Task III. Name the two main types of performance appraisal systems and state their respective advantages and disadvantages:


Task IV. Complete the following sentences using the information from the video film:

1. Capital, equipment and people are …

2. When a new employee joins the work force, the challenge is …

3. Once the individual has been hired …

4. Once an employee has been introduced to the company through orientation …

5. The coaching process that is normally used is …

6. The purpose of performance appraisals is …

7. Once the employee has gone through the orientation process and been trained, coached, and appraised …

Task V. Translate the sentences into Russian:

1. The manager tries to figure out the best way to help the worker perform effectively, and the employee usually has dozens of questions, as well as lots of new information to try to absorb.

2. It’s during the initial start-up period that most organizations send employees through an orientation program that can set the stage for a long-range, productive relationship between employee and company.

3. The idea of an orientation program is to have the person acclimated as quickly as possible and prevent a “them and us” environment.

4. The orientation process should give employees a feeling of belonging to something worthwhile, and a sense of direction as they begin their new jobs.

5. A comprehensive employee training program pays immediate dividends to the company, and when skills training is combined with a long range employee development program, the dividends can be substantial, both for the individual employee and for the organization.

6. In the work environment coaching (in the sense of the manager helping a person develop their potential or even pulling the potential out of the subordinate) is an on-going, one-to-one, teaching relationship between manager and employee. Through discussion and demonstration the manager can encourage positive job performance and identify and remove barriers which might impede this performance.

7. The appraisal system is designed to compare actual job performance with performance standards that have been established previously. The results give everyone involved, workers and managers alike, an idea on employee strengths and weaknesses and help establish plans for improvement.

8. By letting employees know how they are doing, managers can open up channels of communication, help workers correct problems, and encourage employee growth.

9. Performance appraisals are important to the individual’s development in terms of giving them feedback about how they are coming along, how they are growing, and it’s important to the company in terms of productivity and measuring the results.

10. It may be difficult to put a monetary value on human resources, but simple common sense tells us one thing: employees are worth the money and effort invested in the development and effective orientation process, comprehensive training programs, coaching techniques and a realistic performance appraisal system. While these programs can’t ensure perfect human resource management, they can increase the probability of success.


C. Follow-up activity.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-12; просмотров: 376. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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