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As well as

1. These schemes provide subsidies, grants and other
assistance to employers as well as employees.

2. We expects healthy medium — term as well as short
— term results.

3. We call this value of total output produced by the
public sector as well as those produced by the private sector,
our gross national product.

4. The total national product includes services as well as

5. The motives for nationalisation are political as well as


1. The market for any one style or model may be very
small indeed.

2. For similar reasons most firms specialising in repair
work are relatively small.

3. The owners of a joint stock company are clearly the
shareholders who provide the money for the business.

4. The capital structure of joint stock companies makes it
relatively easy for one company to be taken over by another.

5. Insurance companies provide protection from certain
risks in turn for regular payments which are known as pre­

6. Trade credit is an important source of finance for the
small firm.

7. For some time there has been a widely held view that
smaller firms are at a disadvantage compared with larger
firms when seeking finance from external sources.

8. Small firms have to pay more for their money than
larger firms.

9. Many government securities and company debentures
are not redeemable for many years after the date of issue.


10. When the total demand for goods and services is
running at a high level, there is excess demand for labour.

11. The demand for labour derives directly from the
demand for the product of labour.

12. To some extent, older workers can compensate for
their slower reactions by experience.

13. She has been here for two months.

14. He didn't take part in the discussion for he was late
for the seminar.


1. Since the total cost of these inputs is fixed, the average
cost, the cost per unit produced, falls as output increases.

2. She has been here since Monday.

3. Since considerable trouble and expense may be
involved in changing.prices, firms prefer to set and maintain
a price for a given period.

4. Profitability is normally the primary objective of pri­
vate sector producers, since unless the firm earns adequate
profits it will not survive.

5. Since the prices of shares and government securities
change from day to day, a seller might receive more or less
than he or she paid for them.

6. Since the First World War several of these basic
industries have experienced a serious decline in their home
and overseas markets.

7. Since the 1960s there has been an increasing tenden­
cy for population to move from densely populated city cen­
tres to the outer suburbs and the country.

8. The years since the Second World War have seen a
very substantial reduction in the barriers to trade.

9. Since it came into being, the EEC has made substan­
tial progress.

10. I have been waiting for you since 2 o'clock.


1. There is nobody in the office but the secretary.

2. K. Marx saw the setting of capitalism as anything but

3. But for the atmosphere no life would be possible on
the Earth.

4. The nucleus of hydrogen contains but one proton.

5. I saw her but a moment.

6. I cannot but agree with you.

7. We wouldn't have done this work but for him.

8. He is anything but a fool.


I. The boxes are too heavy to carry.

_________________________ 243

2. The shirt is too big for me. I need a smaller size.

3. The food was too hot to eat.

4. Please turn the radio on. It's too loud.
5. I can't work. I'm too tired.


6. She' too young to get married.

7. We can't go on holiday. It costs too much.

8. I'm afraid there were too many mistakes on the last

9. It is too soon for us to make a decision.

10. The present office is too small.

11. Your products are too expensive.

12. It's too good to be true.

13. The real world is much too complicated to under­
stand all at once.

The only, the very

1. Risk-bearing economies may be the only important
type when growth involves the production of dissimilar

2. There are several conglomerates where the only com­
mon links seem to be those of managerial and financial services.

3. The only thing was to say nothing.

4. This is the only way to do this.

5. This is the very man I want.

6. He was the only good specialist in the company.

7. Although the use of money as a measuring rod in the
only feasible way of measuring total output, it does give rise
to difficulties.

8. This is the only way in which we can compare the
productivity of capital in different industries.

Because of

1. The atomic power stations are all located on estuar­ies because of the vast quantities of water required for cool­ing purposes.

2. If, because of increases in demand, the price of other
goods increase, the production of these goods will become
more profitable.

3. While changes in demand can take place in the very
short period, changes in supply, because of technical prob­
lems, take much longer.

4. If the cost of living has increased because of a rise in
import prices, then, if other things do not change, any wage
increase must lead to a further rise in prices.

Both, Either, Neither

1. Both of these managers are good.

2. Neither of the restaurants we went to was expensive.

3. Both my parents are from Glasgow.

4. I haven Ч been to either of those shops.

5. Neither Tom nor Ann came to the party.

6. I'm not sure where he's from. He's either Italian or

7. Can either of you speak French?

8. Both of us were very tired.

9. Either he goes or I go.


10. Neither of these possibilities is very realistic.

11. Both of the candidates certainly have impressive
track records.

12. We'll have either to withdraw from the market total­
ly or to concentrate our efforts on a small sector.

13. Neither of your proposals is of interest to us.
13. We have implemented both your suggestions.

15. We interviewed both of the candidates on Monday.

16. Thanks for the call. Either time suits me fine.

17. I'm afraid that neither of the times suits me.

18. We can accept either alternative.

19. We haven't sold a single product in the Far East. —
No, we haven't either.

20. Neither of the candidates is really acceptable.


21. Unfortunately, neither the sales forecast nor last
year's sales figures are ready yet.

22. Neither have I received any information, nor have I
revealed any.


23. You should be either at your desk or on the

24. Both firms have the same scale of organisation.

25. The numerical predominance of small plants might,
at first sight, indicate that economies of scale are either not
important or are not being exploited.

26. Changes in price are due to either changes in
demand or changes in supply.

Both... and

1. Average cost is affected both by the prices of inputs
and by their productivity.

2. In order to finance long-term projects, both limited
companies and the government need to borrow money for
long periods of time.

3. Some of the firms have registered as market-dealers;
that is, they undertake to both buy and sell shares continu­

4. The typical economic system in the non-communist
world is the mixed economy, so called because it contains
elements of both private and public enterprise.

5. Financial support for innovation is available for all
firms, both large and small.

6. In the UK, in recent years, there has been a very
marked increase in both the size, and influence of the so-
called 'white collar' unions.

7. Both the demand and the supply of many primary
products are price-inelastic.

8. To a certain extent both the total and pattern of pub­
lic expenditures will depend upon the political philosophy
of the government.

9. Both the marketing plan and the marketing manager
will certainly improve our position.

10. We intend both to replace the board and design a
new aggressive policy.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-12; просмотров: 734. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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