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When 1 workedthere, only supervisory staff could buy produce from the company shop.

16. When I worked there, personnel couldn't smoke
anywhere in the compound.

17. They can deliver on time.

18. They couldn't have at least paid the postage.

19. She can't have finished the entire assignment yet.

May, Might

1. The level of accuracy in measurement may differ very

2. We are having a good year and sales may exceed our
forecast by 15 percent.

3. Because of the good results, we might bring the
investment forward.

4. May I interrupt the discussion to report the latest news?

5. This is a danger area. Employees may not enter this
area without protective clothing.

6. There seems to be something wrong with the
account. — Yes, I think the auditors might have overlooked
the interest payments we received.

7. Might I suggest that we postpone this matter till later?

8. Can I speak to Peter Franks, please? — Yes, I think
he may be back from lunch now.

9. Next year we may launch a sales campaign in Japan.


10. By this time next year we might have completed our

11. If we replace our present agent we might still reach
target sales.

12. May I make a comment at this point? — Yes, of
course you may.


13. The MD said that employees might participate in
the share ownership scheme.

14. Jina may have been late last night.

15. It may rain tomorrow.

16. Someone's knocking. —That may be Sydney.

17. Bierre may have been Belgian.

18. He might have seen her already.

19. Many customers give to charity money that they
might have spent on themselves.

20. Changes in the quantity of money may or may not
have an influence on prices.

Must, Mustn 't, Needn't

!. All shareholders must receive an invitation to the AGM; however, they needn't attend.

2. We sent out the invitations a week ago; they must
have arrived by now.

3. The regulations are quite clear; we must accept a pro­
posal with an absolute majority; we mustn't reject a propos­
al without presenting it to the meeting.

4. All invoices must be paid not later than 30 days from
the date of issue.

5. The suggestion from the quality circle is unrealistic;
however, we mustn't reject it without discussing it with them.

6. We can look at this matter at our next meeting. It isn't
urgent; we needn't discuss it today.

7. These figures can't be right. There must be a mistake

8. He must have made a decision yesterday.

9. In the now flexible system, employees mustn't take
less than half an hour for lunch.


10. We needn't finish this meeting before 12 o'clock.

11. We didn't need to replace this piece of equipment.

12. John must have been out of town for the 4 of July.

13. It must have rained last night.

Shall, Should

1. Shall I present the end-of-уеаг figures now?

2. Should we tell him the bad news now?

3. You should receive confirmation within the next few days.

4. Sales should peak around the middle of next year,

5.Both parties shall be bound by the arbitration clause.

6. If you want my advice, you should find another supplier.


7. Should you require any further information, don't
hesitate to contact me.

8. First we shall review last year's figures.

9. Shall we start the meeting?

10. I think we've covered that point in great detail.
Should I move on to the next item now?

11. The company shouldn't waste any more time on this

12. Can I speak to Peter Franks, please? — Yes, I think
he should be back from lunch now.

13. They sent the goods two weeks ago; so, they should
have arrived by now.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-12; просмотров: 621. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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