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The supplier shoulddeliver the goods FOB.

15. Personnel shall not enter the computer room with­
out the permission of the senior operator.

Will, Would

1. I'll pick you up at your hotel at 8 o'clock.

2. I tried to persuade them, but they wouldn't accept the offer.

3. Would you ask the next candidate to come in, please?

4. I haven't got the figures here. — O'key, will you
please circulate them before the next morning?

5. Would you ask John to come in, please?

6. Will you tell us if the MD has accepted our proposal?

7. I'll have the report ready by tomorrow morning.

8. How did the negotiations go? — Quite well. They will
accept our price. And the payment terms? — No, I'm afraid
they wouldn't accept the 30-day clause.

9. Will you arrange a taxi for me, please? — Either I or one of my colleges will.

It is (was)... that (which)

1. It was in this country that a large scale production of
synthetic rubber was first organized.

2. It is countries with relatively high wage rates which
make the most use of labour-saving machinery.

3. It is the act of spending which influences the prices.

4. It is for this reason that the balance of payments fig­
ures are subject to revision in the months following their
original publication.

5. It is because the fixed exchange rate puts the official
reserves at risk that most governments favour some more
flexible system.


1. The bigger the firm, the greater the opportunity for each
worker to specialize in those tasks for which he is best fitted.

2. The greater the degree of complementary, the higher
the (negative) value of the cross-elasticity of demand.

3. The greater the output in previous periods, the greater
the firm's experience, and hence the greater the fall in cost.

4. In principle the smaller the number of suppliers, the
more control they can exercise over prices.

5. The larger the share of output bought by a few firms,
the less control will suppliers have over prices.

6. The lower the price, the less likely it is that new firms
will attempt to enter the market.

7. The larger the establishment, the greater the oppor­
tunities for the specialisation of men and machines.

8. The more independent firms there are in an industry,
the greater the competition.

9. The greater the risk associated with any financial
decision, the greater the return expected from it.


10. The longer the period for which the money is bor­
rowed, the greater the risk of default by the borrower.

11. The higher the bid price, the lower the rate of inter­
est which the government has to pay for its borrowed funds.


1. In a small country like the UК where there are strong
trade unions, one would not expect to find any very great
differences in regional wage rates.

2. One cannot draw any conclusions about the effect of a
price change unless one knows the cause of the price change.

3. One can see that a fall in price may be associated with
an increase or decrease in quantity demanded — it all
depends upon what caused the price change.

4. Normally, this period will be a very short one.

5. An increase in the demand for wool by one industry
will raise the price and affect the prices of all the other com­
modities made from wool.

6. Lead and zinc are found in the same ore so that the
extraction of one leads to the extraction of the other.

7. One very important example of this relationship is to
be found in the transport industry.

8. Where commodities are in joint supply an increase in
the demand for one of them will cause a fall in the price of
the other.

9. In a perfect market, there will be one and only one
market price which is beyond the control of any one buyer
or any one seller.


10. At one time most of world's nickel was obtained
from a certain area in the Rockies.

11. One often hears complaints from workers in differ­
ent industries that they 'have lost out in recent wage settle­

12. As one would expect, total output is much greater
when the countries specialise.



13. According to many employers older workers are more reliable and loyal than younger ones.

That/ Those

A. 1. That he refused to help his partners is very strange.

2. The problem that was discussed yesterday is very

3. Risk capital is that part of the capital stock which is
raised by the sale of shares.

4. Dividends and interest on risk capital need not be
paid in those years when the company has not prospered.

5. A major disadvantage of free or floating rated is that
they add a further element of uncertainty to international

6. In the UK, public expenditure is officially defined as
that expenditure which has to be financed from taxation,
national insurance contributions, and government borrowing.

B. 1. Although there are more male births than female
births, the number of females in the total population
exceeds that of males.

2. These rates are higher than those in most Western
European countries.

3. The most widely used indicator of monopoly power is
that of the market share.

4. Unofficial strikes are those which do not have full
support of the trade union.

5. The rate of savings in rich countries is much higher
than mat in poor countries.

6. The aims of monetary policy are the same as those of
economic policy generally.

7. This is due to the greatest element of risk and the fact
that administrative cost of small loans are proportionately
greater than those for larger loans.

8. The most common definition of an industry is that
used in official statistics which groups firms into industries

according to physical and technical properties of their prin­cipal products.

9. The selling costs of the larger firm will be much
greater than those of the smaller firm.

10. Internal economies of scale are those which arise
from the growth of the firm independently of what is hap­
pening to other firms.

11. The separation of ownership and control in the
modem corporation results in potential conflicts between
owners and managers since the objectives of management
may differ from those of the shareholders.


1. An enterprise if defined as the unit of ownership and

2. Units of production are officially referred to as estab­

3. Since the Stock Exchange is a relatively free market,
share prices are subject to fluctuations as market conditions

4. Twice as many married women were in work or seek­
ing work in the 1980s as there were in the 1950s.

5. She came in as 1 was speaking.

6. I was glad of his help, slight as it was.

7. As wages increase, the substitution of labour-saving
machinery becomes more and more attractive.

8. If the firm is operating under conditions of perfect
competition, the price of the product does not change as the
firm changes its output.

9. As income rises so does the demand for more leisure.


10. Quite apart from the differences in wage rates as
between occupations we also find wage differences within an

11. As we earn more, we spend more.

12. As the demand for money changes, so must the supply.

13. As it was very late, everybody went home.

Like, As

1. What a beautiful house! It's like a palace.

2. What does he do? He's a teacher, like me.

3. Some sports like motor racing, can be dangerous.

4. Like the manager, she also has to make important

5. Everybody is ill at home. Our house is like a hospital.

6. As I said at the beginning of my presentation, sales
have been very good. However, the situation has not been
like last year.

7. Before joining us he worked as sales manager for a
pharmaceutical company.

8. In my spare time I enjoy things like listening to music
and reading.

9. As mentioned earlier this evening, we have a guest


10. It is not like them to keep us waiting for the deliver;
they are usually very punctual.

11. After the company reorganisation we started to
operate as an independent division.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-12; просмотров: 671. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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