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Temporal pooler concepts


Recall that the temporal pooler learns sequences and makes predictions. The basic method is that when a cell becomes active, it forms connections to other cells that were active just prior. Cells can then predict when they will become active by looking at their connections. If all the cells do this, collectively they can store and recall sequences, and they can predict what is likely to happen next. There is no central storage for a sequence of patterns; instead, memory is distributed among the individual cells. Because the memory is distributed, the system is robust to noise and error. Individual cells can fail, usually with little or no discernible effect.


It is worth noting a few important properties of sparse distributed representations that the temporal pooler exploits.


Assume we have a hypothetical region that always forms representations by using

200 active cells out of a total of 10,000 cells (2% of the cells are active at any time). How can we remember and recognize a particular pattern of 200 active cells? A

simple way to do this is to make a list of the 200 active cells we care about. If we see

the same 200 cells active again we recognize the pattern. However, what if we made a list of only 20 of the 200 active cells and ignored the other 180? What would happen? You might think that remembering only 20 cells would cause lots of errors, that those 20 cells would be active in many different patterns of 200. But this isn’t the case. Because the patterns are large and sparse (in this example 200 active cells out of 10,000), remembering 20 active cells is almost as good as remembering all

200. The chance for error in a practical system is exceedingly small and we have reduced our memory needs considerably.


The cells in an HTM region take advantage of this property. Each of a cell’s dendrite segments has a set of connections to other cells in the region. A dendrite segment forms these connections as a means of recognizing the state of the network at some

point in time. There may be hundreds or thousands of active cells nearby but the dendrite segment only has to connect to 15 or 20 of them. When the dendrite segment sees 15 of those active cells, it can be fairly certain the larger pattern is occurring. This technique is called “sub-sampling” and is used throughout the HTM algorithms.


Every cell participates in many different distributed patterns and in many different sequences. A particular cell might be part of dozens or hundreds of temporal transitions. Therefore every cell has several dendrite segments, not just one. Ideally a cell would have one dendrite segment for each pattern of activity it wants to recognize. Practically though, a dendrite segment can learn connections for

several completely different patterns and still work well. For example, one segment might learn 20 connections for each of 4 different patterns, for a total of 80 connections. We then set a threshold so the dendrite segment becomes active when any 15 of its connections are active. This introduces the possibility for error. It is possible, by chance, that the dendrite reaches its threshold of 15 active connections by mixing parts of different patterns.. However, this kind of error is very unlikely, again due to the sparseness of the representations.


Now we can see how a cell with one or two dozen dendrite segments and a few thousand synapses can recognize hundreds of separate states of cell activity.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-12; просмотров: 412. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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