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(Новые слова написаны на доске с транскрипцией, картинки прикреплены под соответствующими словами) T: And I like to go to the cinema. (беспереводной способ семантизации – картинка) What is the Russian for “cinema”? P: кинотеатр T: That’s right. And we say that a film is on at the cinema. For example: “Harry Potter” is on at the cinema now. That means that you can go to the cinema and watch “Harry Potter” there. Is that clear? T: Very good. And in the evenings I usually go to the theatre. (беспереводной способ семантизации – картинка) Who can translate the word “theatre”? Р: театр T: Excellent. On Sundays I usually go to church. (беспереводной способ семантизации – картинка) What is the Russian for “church”? P: церковь T: Great. Sometimes I like to go to Red Square. (беспереводной способ семантизации – картинка) What is the Russian for “Red Square”? P: Красная Площадь T: So “a square” means … P: площадь T: Red Square is the main square in Moscow. The main means the most important. How can we translate the word “main”? P1: главный P2: основной T: That’s right. The main city of Russia is Moscow. We all live in Moscow and it’s a big city. What is the Russian for “city”? P: город T: Very good. A town has the same meaning as a city, but a city is big and a town is small. На доске: city-big, town-small. T: Vadim, can you do me a favour, please? Look out of the window and say if the street quiet or not? Are there many cars on the road? (картинка) P: No, there aren’t. T: Thank you very much. And what is the Russian for “road”? P: дорога T: Yes, that’s right.