Тренировка (УРУ)
а) Имитация T: Excellent. Now let’s practice a bit. I will say some sentences and if they are true you will agree with me. (Режим T-P1, P2, P3) T: London is a big city. P1: Yes, London is a big city. T: There are many squares in Moscow. P2: Yes, there are many squares in Moscow. T: The main square of Moscow is Red Square. P3: Yes, the main square of Moscow is Red Square. T: There are a lot of small towns in the West of England. P4: Yes, there are a lot of small towns in the West of England. T: “Shrek” is on at the cinema now. P5: Yes, “Shrek” is on at the cinema now. T: There are a lot of theatres in Moscow. P6: Yes, there are a lot of theatres in Moscow. T: Old churches are very beautiful. P7: Yes, old churches are very beautiful. T: The roads in our city are very good. P8: Yes, the roads in our city are very good. б) Подстановка T: Now have a look at the sheets of paper, please. Your task is to fill in the gaps using our new words in the box above in the correct form.
1. A _______ is a place where people can watch films. 2. There are a lot of small ______ in the South of England. 3. Is Moscow a big _______? 4. What is the _______ idea of the book? – It is to be kind to people. 5. There are many _______ in Moscow. The main one is Red ________. 6. There are so many cars on the _______ today. 7. Yesterday was a religious holiday and there were many people in _______ in the morning. 8. How often do you go to the _______? – Not very often because the tickets are very expensive. в) Трансформация T: Very good. On the sheets of papers we have some statements. But they are not correct. Your task is to disagree and correct them. 1. London is a very big town. 2. People can watch different films in museums. 3. There are many small cities in the North of England. 4. People usually drive on houses. 5. In the centre of Moscow is Red Road. 6. Every Sunday religious people go to theatres. 7. Red Square is an unknown square in Moscow. в) Репродукция T: Thank you very much. When you study at school you don’t have much spare time to do many interesting things. But when we are on holiday we can do a lot of interesting things. Now, tell me in one sentence what you would like to do during your holidays and why? Don’t forget to use the new words. P1: I would like to go to the cinema to watch a new cartoon. P2: I would like to go to Red Square because it is a very beautiful place. ... III Основной этап (аудирование): (17 мин) T: Excellent, thank you very much. You know, very often we don’t know how to find this or that place. And we turn to other people for help. Let’s listen to a dialogue about Andy. He has lost his way he asks Pete to help him. How does he do it? There are some unknown phrases in the dialogue. First of all – “to turn to the left/right” (беспереводной способ семантизации – картинка). What does it mean? (речевая ситуация, КЗ, контроль понимания) P: повернуть налево/направо T: Very good. Another word is “a block” and it means a large building or a group of buildings. It is многоэтажный дом или квартал. And what is the Russian for “to walk two blocks”? P: пройти два многоэтажных дома или квартала. T: Thank you very much. That’s correct. And what do traffic lights mean? (беспереводной способ семантизации – картинка) P: светофор. T: Excellent. And now let’s listen to the dialogue. (учащиеся слушают диалог, отвечают на вопрос, второй раз – повторяют по строчке за кассетой) T: Now, Helen and Sasha read the dialogue. Helen is Andy and Sasha is Pete. диалог: Andy: Excuse me. Could you help me? Pete: Sure. What do you want? Andy: Where is 42 Green Street, please? Pete: Oh, that’s easy. Walk to the corner and then turn to the left. Andy: To the corner and then to the left? Pete: That’s right. And then walk two blocks to the traffic lights. And you are in Green Street. Andy: Thank you. … T: Very good. Now, please, Vadim and Mary. … T: Very good, thank you. In the box below the dialogue you have some phrases which will help you to make your own dialogues. Your task is to change the phrases in bold type for the phrases in the box. (отвечают две пары) IV Завершающий этап урока (3 мин) 1) Подведение итогов: T: So, who can tell me: what did you learn today? … T: Great. Thank you very much. I like the way you worked today. You were very active. T: выставление отметок + устное оценивание 2) Домашнее задание: At home you will do exercise 7. Make up and write down your own dialogues and learn them by heart. Please, work in pairs. Your second task is to make up one sentence with each of the new words. And in your Workbook do ex. 1 on page 29 – insert the correct articles. The lesson is over. Thank you very much.
Список использованной литературы
1. Бондаревская Е.В. Воспитание как возрождение гражданина, человека культуры и нравственности / Е.В. Бондаревская // Опыт разработки концепций воспитания. – Ростов н/Д., 1993. - 33 с. 2. Битянова М.Р. Организация психологической работы в школе / М.Р. Битянова. – М.: Совершенство, 1998. – 298 с. 3. Битянова М.Р. Социометрический метод в школьной практике / М.Р. Битянова. - М.: “Чистые пруды”, 2005. - 32 с.: ил. - (Библиотечка "Первого сентября". Серия "Школьный психолог"). 4. Газман О.С. От авторитарного образования к педагогике свободы / О.С. Газман // Новые ценности образования: содержание гуманистического образования. – М.,1995. - 98 с. 5. Газман О.С. Педагогика свободы: путь в гуманистическую цивилизацию ХХI века / О.С. Газман // Новые ценности образования. Вып. 6. -М., 1996. - С. 10-37. 6. Зимняя И.А. Педагогическая психология / И.А. Зимняя. – М.: “Логос”, 1999. - 382 с. 7. Зимняя И.А. Психологический анализ урока иностранного языка / И.А.Зимняя, Б.С.Ильинская // Иностранный язык в школе. 1985, № 4.- с. 25-29. 8. Караковский В.А., «Воспитание? Воспитание… Воспитание!» (Теория и практика воспитательных систем) / В.А. Караковский, Л.И. Новикова, Н.Л. Селиванова - М.: Новая школа, 1996.- 155 с. 9. Лучшие психологические тесты. Сост. Н.А. Волкова / Н.А. Волкова. – Петрозаводск, 1992. – 318 с. 10. Молодцова Н.Г. Практикум по педагогической психологии / Н.Г. Молодцова. – Спб.: Питер, 2009.- 208 с. 11. Методическая подготовка студентов на факультетах иностранных языков педагогических вузов. Учебное пособие / ред. – Г.В. Рогова – М.: МГПИ им. В.И.Ленина, 1972. – 178 с. 12. Планирование воспитательной работы в классе: Методическое пособие / Под ред. Е.Н.Степанова.- М.,: ТЦ «Сфера», 2001. - 128 с. 13. Практическая психодиагностика. Под ред. Райгородского Д.Я./ Д.Я. Райгородский. – Самара: Издательский Дом «Бахрах», 1999. – 669 с. 14. Психология подростка. Методики и тесты. Под ред. Реана А. А. / А.А. Реан. – М.: АСТ, 2007. – 124 с. 15. Рогов Е.И. Настольная книга практического психолога / Е.И. Рогов. – М.: Владос, 1998. – 383 с. 16. Щуркова Н.Е. Вы стали классным руководителем/ Н.Е. Щуркова. - М.: Педагогика, 1986. - 111 с. 17. Щуркова Н.Е. Воспитание детей в школе (новые подходы и новые технологии) / Н.Е. Щуркова. М.: Педагогика, 1998. - 208 с. 18. Щуркова Н.Е. Лекции о воспитании / Н.Е. Щуркова. – М.: Педагогический поиск, 2009. - 208 с.