Ex. 8. Translate from Russian into English.
1. Дом моих друзей находится в горах. 2. Дом моего друга очень большой. 3. Книги моих детей на полках. 4. Книга моего сына в столе. 5. Платья Мэри и Кейт очень красивые.
ARTICLES A & THE Ex.9. Fill in the blanks with articles a, the or o. 1. This is __ table. It is __ nice table. __ table is brown. 2. I see three __ boys. __ boys are my friends. 3. Our __ room is large. 4. Her friend is __ teacher. 5. I like __ tea with __ lemon. 6. __ milk is hot. 7. I like __ trees. 8. I like __ trees in your garden. 9. Open your books at __ page 10. 10. Show me __ passport. 11. Take bus __ six. 12. My brother’s __ friend has got __ dog. __ dog’s name is Rex.
THATTHOSE Ex. 10. this/these: Ex. 11. that/those: 1. ___ are our children. 1. ___ are French children. 2. ___ is my book.2. ___ is his notebook. 3. ___ are their cups. 3. ___ are our friends. 4. ___ is our table. 4. ___ is his brother. 5. ___ are my maps. 5. ___ are new pens.
He reads a lot. Does he read much? He doesn’t read much. He has much (a lot of) money. He has many (a lot of) books.