Words, which are not grammatical syntagmas, which are not made up of full linguistic signs.
Ex.: expressive symbolism, blending, clipping, rhyme & some others. Common for both groups is that a new word is based on synchronic relationship between morphemes. Different types of word formation: COMPOUNDING Is joining together 2 or more stems. Types: Without a connecting element Headache, heartbreak With a vowel or consonant as a linking element Speedometer, craftsman With a preposition or conjunction as a linking element Down-and-out (в ужасном положении, опустошенный) Son-in-law Compounds can be classified according to their structure: Consisting of simple stem Heartbreak Compounds where at least one stem is a derived one Football player Where one stem is clipped Xmas H-bag (handbag) Where one of the elements is also a compound Wastepaper basket Compound nouns, adjectives, verbs. There are also the so-called reduplicative compounds: Tick-tick, chow-chow PREFIXATION Prefixes are such particles that can be prefixed to full words. But are they not with independent existence. Native prefixes have developed out of independent words; there is a small number of them. A- Be- Mid- Fore- Mis- Prefixes of foreign origin have come into the language ready-made Some scholars: the system of English word formation was entirely upset by the Norman Conquest.