The media were delighted to have a juicy news story.
Board – a piece of wool - a company or council (комиссия) - meals (пансион) Whether it is a case of polysemy or homonymy? Set up – to establish (basic meaning) It has a number of nominative & nom.-derivative meanings. A) the derivative meaning - to arrange We need to set up emergency procedures to deal with this problem. - to equip The next band was already setting up on the other stage. - to build The army has set up roads round the city. They are related to the core meaning. B) the nominative meanings. - to cause, to begin The reactor car set up a chain reaction. - to make smb seem guilty, to deceive smb We sent our money but it turned out that the company didn’t exist and we Were just set up. - to make smb healthy, full of energy Full breakfast will set you up for the day. Nominative meanings are more isolated & may give rise to homonyms. Derivation capacity Potential homonyms typically develop their own sets of derivatives. Ex.: custom – 1. обычай, 2. клиентура, 3. (мн.ч.) таможня. 1. custom – customary It is customary for the most important person to sit at the end of the table. 2. We don’t want to lose our customers. Customs officer, customs shed “custom” 1,2,3 are potential homonyms because they have different derivatives.