Make up sentences with every new word (word-combination)
3. Choose the best adjective to characterize a noun: a terrible nose a splitting cough a sore headache a closed-up toothache a bad throat a high malaise general temperature a sick pressure blood person 4. Read the dеscription of different symptoms and match them to diseases from the list: 1. the flu 6. appendicitis 2. the bronchitis 7. migraine 3. the measles 8. mumps 4. angina 9. scarlet fever 5. pneumonia 10. tonsillitis 6. appendicitis Symptoms: 1) high temperature, vomiting headaches, general malaise, rash, hard to swallow (scarlet fever) 2) high temperature, running nose, headache, general malaise, sometimes coughing and sneezing (the flu) 3) the neck is swollen and becomes painful, high temperature (the mumps) 4) high temperature, hard to swallow, the voice is hoarse, dry cough, the throat is sore (angina) 5) a sore throat, swollen tonsils, hard to swallow, temperature is above normal (tonsillitis) 6) hard to breath, coughing, the temperature isn’t high but not normal,noise in the bronchi and lungs, pain in the chest, fever (the bronchitis) 7) high temperature, fever, light headaches, general malaise, a lot of mucus in the bronchi and later in the lungs, dry cough, sweating a lot (especially at night) (pneumonia) 8) a sharp pain in a stomach, especially in its right side, temperature, fever, being sick, vomiting (appendicitis) 9) lost of appetite, irritated by bright lights, bad headaches, sometimes splitting headaches – once every 2 months, general malaise (migraine) 10) temperature is high, the body is covered with rash which itches very much, general malaise (the measles)
5. Make up and role-play a dialogue «Consulting a Doctor» (a patient visits a doctor, describes his symptoms, the doctor gives a diagnosis and sends him to the chemist’s) 6. Brainstorming. Recollect as many symptoms as you can from the ones you’ve learnt at the lesson. 7. Hometask. Describe the symptoms of some illness you’ve been ill with for other pupils to guess which disease it is. 4. ILLNESSES AND HELP 1. Study the Vocabulary List: