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Read and discuss the problems of British teenagers

* One in ten children calls to Childline - a 24-hour confidential counseling service - concerned problems with bullying.

* 65 in every 1,000 women between 15 and 19 in England and Wales fall pregnant each year.

* 5% of boys and 9% of girls aged 13 are regular cigarette smokers.

* 16% of boys and 14% of girls aged 13 drink alcohol.

* A third of men and one in five women aged between 16 and 24 take an illegal drug.

* In 2002 in the UK 36,540 unmarried teenage girls between the ages of 15 and 19 had a baby.

* In the USA nearly 1 million teenage American girls become pregnant each year.

* Britain has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in Europe. It is twice that of Germany and four times that of France.

* 4 out 10 teenage girls in the world become pregnant before they are 20.

* The Netherlands has the lowest teen pregnancy rate in Europe.


3. Read the text about the problems of American teenagers. Make a list of these problems. Are they similar to the problems of Ukrainian young people?

The problems American teenagers face daily reflect problems in American society: drugs, violence, poverty and depression. However, there are a few problems, which are prevalent mainly among America’s youth. For example, teenage pregnancy, underage drinking (drinking alcohol under the age of 21), gang membership, and the lack of a “voice” in today’s society. Not all Americans have good clothing, adequate food and vitamins, and housing. So, some American children are raised in poverty. Many times poor children are forced to sell drugs or join gangs. Many young girls and boys are brutally murdered in drive-by shootings and gang wars. Middle class and wealthy American teenagers also face many problems. Drugs, underage drinking and smoking are destroying minds, family and friendships, and are killing America’s youth. Violence in schools has been an increasing problem in America in the past few years. It often happens that American students shoot or kill their classmates. Another problem of American youth is vehicular homicide. Because teenagers drive at the age of 14, and many of them are careless or drunk, the number of deaths behind the wheel continues to grow. Teenage pregnancy is also a great problem. Children having child cannot provide for their babies, because they too still need to be cared for. Teenage parents do not have adequate education and monetary means to support babies in today’s world. There is a problem of STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). STDs such as AIDS are incurable and are ruining for teenagers who are just beginning to enjoy life.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 1403. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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