The Problems between Parents and Their Children
The problem of misunderstanding between parents and children existed for many years. It’s very typical for all generations. Teenagers are quite sure that they know how to live and what to do in the future. They refuse to accept the parents’ advice or help in this way. Teenagers want to feel adults and they get irritated when their careful parents try to warn the children from some wrong actions or mistakes in the life. Especially parents are worried much when the children are leaving schools and are going to study in another place from home. According to sociologists, some parents in North America find it difficult to let their children go away to college in another city or state after they graduate from school. On the one hand, parents understand that their children should learn to be independent and self-sufficient - two qualities that are valued in their culture. But on the other hand, parents are worried about their children’s safety. They are afraid that something bad may happen to the son or daughter. Some parents don’t think their children can be successful on their own or some bad people can influence them in a negative way. But many young high school graduates want to go away to college. They want to be free from parents’ care. Maybe the parents’ mistake is that they don’t trust enough their children and they don’t realize that a 17-year-old person is not a small child who needs constant advice, help and care. 6. Answer the questions: 1. How old is a conflict between parents and children? 2. What is a teenagers’ reaction on parents’ advice or help? 3. What are parents in North America worried about? 4. What are the two qualities which are valued in the culture of North America? 5. What is the parents’ main mistake?
7. Write the English equivalents of these words: Відмовлятися, дорослі, попереджувати, важкий, незалежний, самодостатній, закінчити школу, довіряти, піклування.