Translate into English. 1. Паління та вживання наркотиків є найшкідливішими та найнебезпечнішими звичками в сучасному світі
1. Паління та вживання наркотиків є найшкідливішими та найнебезпечнішими звичками в сучасному світі. 2. Як показало опитування, багато підлітків вживали наркотики хоча б раз у житті. 3. Для деяких підлітків вживання наркотиків є модним та захоплюючим.
4. TEENAGERS’ FREE TIME 1. Read the text “Leisure of British Young People”. Young people in Great Britain have plenty of free time in the evenings and at the weekends to fill with hobbies of all kinds. The most popular leisure activity of all is watching TV. In fact the average Briton watches about 25 hours of television every week. One in three British teenagers has a television in their bedroom. The second most popular leisure activity is visiting or entertaining friends. Listening to music and reading follow in the third and fourth position. Going for a meal or to the cinema is widely spread among the youth as well. Next comes voluntary work. There are more than 250,000 voluntary organizations in the UK. Perhaps the most traditional leisure activity is sport, which is divided into participation and spectator sport. The most popular spectator sport is football. Then we should mention rugby, cricket and athletics. Walking is number one in participation sport. Swimming is the second. Young men are also fond of snooker, darts, cycling and squash. Young women prefer to keep fit. At 15 years old and above young people try to find “Saturday jobs”, working as assistants in shops, cafes or restaurants to have pocket money. They save this money for bicycles, motorbikes, and spend it for discos and dances.