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Read the article about the youth organizations in Britain and the US.

Young people have a wide choice of clubs and organizations to join. Among the best known youth organizations in Britain are the Scout Association and the Guide Association. There are about 1.5 million British members.

The Scout Association is an international organization formed in Britain in 1908 by Lord Robert Baden-Powell. It organizes outdoor activities for boys, such as camping, and aims to teach them practical skills, discipline and social responsibility. Now girls can also join the Scouts. Girls were admitted to the Scouts for the first time in Britain in 1990. The members wear uniforms, and their motto is “Be prepared”. The four main groups are Beaver Scouts (for ages 6-8), Cub Scouts (8-10, 5), Scouts (10, 5-15.5) and Venture Scouts (15, 5-20).

Boy Scouts of America is the US branch of the British Scouts. It was formed in 1910. In 1998 there were about 5.6 million members. The US Scouts have kept the traditional camps and skills and also learn about different careers. The main groups are Tiger Cubs (age 60, Cub Scouts (7 to 10), Boy Scouts (11 to 18) and Explorers (15 to 20). A boy who has achieved the highest rank in the Boy Scouts of America is called Eagle Scout and can wear the Eagle Scout badge.

Girl Scouts of the USA is an organization for girls similar to the Boy Scouts of America. It was established in 1912. The main groups are Daisy Girl Scouts (for ages 5 to 6), Brownie Girl Scouts (6 to 8), Junior Girl Scouts (8 to 11), Cadette Girl Scouts (11 to 14) and Senior Girl Scouts (14 to 17).

Boys’ Clubs in Britain are the clubs for boys and young men which organize sports and outdoor activities such as sailing and climbing. There are more than 2000 of them around the country, usually in cities. Many of them now also accept girls.

In the Guides, which is only for girls, the main focus is on practical and social skills.

The Girl Guides Association includes girls aged between 10 and 14. The organization was started in 1910. In Britain Guides are divided into 4 groups: Rainbow Guides (aged 5 to 7), Brownie Guides (aged 7 to 10), Guides (aged 10 to 14), and the Senior Section, consisting of Ranger Guides and Young Leaders (aged 14 to 25). Adult helpers in the Guides Association are called Guiders.

The Guardian Angels is a US organization of young people who work to protect people from crime in large US cities. They don’t have weapons, and the police work with them. Members wear red caps, and shirts with “Dare to Care” printed on them. The Guardian Angels was formed in New York in 1979 to prevent crime on the underground trains. A London group was begun in 1989.

There are many religious and service organizations. The Boys’ Brigade is a British Christian organization set up in 1883. Its aim is to teach boys discipline and respect for themselves and others. There is also the Girls’ Brigade. They encourage Christian values and their members do voluntary work in the community.

The members of American Key Clubs visit old people and help with collections for charities. Members of the Big Brothers and Big Sisters clubs spend time with children from disadvantaged families. In Britain some children join the Junior Red Cross and learn first-aid skills.


2. Answer the questions:

1. Who and when founded the Scout Association?

2. What are the two most popular youth organizations in Britain and the USA?

3. Can girls join Scouts now?

4. What are the four main groups of Boy Scouts in Britain? In America?

5. When was the Girl Scouts of the USA founded?

6. What organization in Britain provides the young people with sports and outdoor activities?

7. What organization is only for girls?

8. What do you know about the Guardian angels in the USA?

9. What organizations help old and poor people?

10. If you were an American or a British teenager what organization would you join?

11. Are you a member of any Ukrainian youth organization?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 602. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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