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The captain went out to talk with them.

"My men," he said, "you all know what a great crime you have committed. You are now in the power of the governor of this island. He will send you to England. There you will be tried, and you will be hanged in chains."

At these words they turned pale and groaned. For they were but young men and had been led into this by the four or five ruffians who were the ringleaders.

"Now, my men," the captain went on, "you know that I have always been kind to you."

"Certainly you have," said Tom Smith.

"Aye, aye!" cried all the rest.

"Well, then," said the captain, "it grieves my heart to see you in this hard case. The ship, as you know, still lies at anchor off the shore. It is still held by some of the ruffians who brought this trouble upon us. If I should persuade the governor to set you free, what say you? Would you help me retake the ship?"

"Aye, aye!" they all cried. "We would stand by you to the end, for we should then owe our lives, to you."

"Well, then," said the captain, "I will see what I can do. I will go and talk with the governor."

The matter was soon arranged.

The captain was to choose five of those he thought would be most faithful. These were to help him retake the ship. But the rest were to stay in prison as hostages.

If the five behaved themselves well, then all were to be set free. If they did not behave, then all were to be put to death.

These were the governor's orders.

It was then agreed that the captain, with all the men he could trust, should go out to the ship. I and my man Friday were to stay on shore to watch the prisoners.

The hole in the bottom of the long boat was soon mended. Four men, with the passenger as their leader, went out in this. The captain, with five men, went out in the other boat.

It was after midnight when they reached the ship.

The men on board were taken by surprise, for they thought that these were their friends who were but just then returning to the ship.

They even threw a rope to them and helped them on board, never suspecting that anything was wrong.

The whole business was managed well. The second mate and the carpenter, who were among the leaders in the plot, were soon overpowered.

The rebel captain, the worst of the crew, was asleep in his berth. He sprang up and showed fight. He shot three times at the captain's party, wounding the mate but touching no one else.

The mate, wounded as he was, raised his musket and fired. The rebel captain fell to the deck with a bullet through his head.

The rest, seeing that they were without leaders, fell upon their knees and begged for their lives.

Thus the captain became again the master of his own ship.


I HAVE A NEW SUIT OF CLOTHES (у меня новый костюм)


THE next morning I slept quite late in my hammock (я спал до позднего утра в своем гамаке), for the night had been full of toil (потому что ночь была полна тяжелого труда; toil — тяжелый труд) and I had had but little rest (и у меня был лишь небольшой отдых = мне удалось отдохнуть совсем немного).

All at once I was awakened by the sound of a gun (неожиданно я был разбужен звуком ружья).

Then I heard some one calling me (затем я услышал, как кто-то зовет меня; to call — кричать; окликать; звать), "Governor! Governor!" It was the captain's voice (это был голос капитана).

I hurried out (я поспешил наружу).

He grasped my hand and pointed to the sea (он схватил мою руку и указал на море). There, a little way from our beach, was the ship (там, на некотором расстоянии от прибрежной полосы, был корабль).

The weather being fair (поскольку погода была хорошей), the men had brought her around (моряки привели его /поближе к берегу/; to bring around — повернуть лодку или корабль обратно) and anchored her near the mouth of the river (и поставили корабль на якорь около устья реки).

"My dear friend (мой дорогой друг)," cried the captain (воскликнул капитан), "there is your ship (вот ваш корабль)! She is all yours (он полностью ваш), for we owe our lives to you (ибо мы обязаны вам жизнью). We also are yours (мы также полностью ваши). Everything on board of her is yours (все, что на борту корабля, — ваше)."

I was ready to sink down with surprise (был готов упасть: «опуститься вниз» от удивления).

For here was a large ship, at last (потому что вот он, наконец, большой корабль), ready to carry me wherever I wished to go (готовый отвезти меня, куда бы я ни пожелал).

At first I could not answer him (сначала я не мог ответить ему = не находил сил для ответа).

We stood for some minutes with our arms around each other (мы постояли несколько минут, обняв друг друга: «с нашими руками вокруг друг друга»), and neither of us could speak (и никто из нас не мог говорить).

At last I broke out (наконец я разразился /плачем/; to break out — вспыхивать, разражаться /о грозе, огне и т. п./), crying like a child (плача как ребенок). Then we rejoiced together (затем мы вместе порадовались).

When he had talked awhile (после того, как он проговорил какое-то время), the captain told me that he had brought me a present (капитан сказал, что он принес мне подарок).

"Bring up the box for the governor (принесите сюда ящик/коробку для губернатора)!" he cried to his men (крикнул он своим матросам).

They came up the hill (они поднялись на холм), carrying a wooden chest (неся деревянный ящик). When it was put down in my castle (когда он был поставлен на землю в моем замке) the captain bade me open it (попросил меня открыть его; to bid — просить /уст./) and help myself to all that was inside it (и воспользоваться всем, что было внутри него).

I did so (я так и сделал).

I found first two pounds of good tobacco (я нашел, прежде всего, два фунта хорошего табака), then twelve pieces of beef (затем двенадцать кусков говядины), six pieces of pork (шесть кусокв свинины), a bag of peas (мешок гороха), a box of sugar (ящик сахара), a box of flour (ящик муки), a bag full of lemons (мешок, полный лимонов), and two bottles of lime juice (и две бутылки сока лайма).

But under these was the greatest surprise (но среди всего этого было самое большое удивление = сюрприз). There I found six new shirts (я обнаружил шесть новых рубашек), six neckties (шесть галстуков), two pairs of gloves (две пары перчаток), a pair of shoes (пару туфель), a pair of stockings (пару чулок), a hat (шляпу), and a very good suit of clothes (и очень хороший костюм).

I could now dress like a man again (теперь я мог вновь одеться как человек).

I went about it at once (я принялся за это сразу же). It had been so long since I had worn such clothes (прошло столь долгое время с тех пор, когда я носил такую одежду; to wear — носить /одежду, обувь/) that I was very awkward at putting them on (что я был очень неловок, одевая ее).

But at last I came out fully dressed (но в конце концов я вышел полностью одетый). Friday did not know me (Пятница не узнал меня). I hardly knew myself (я сам едва узнавал себя).

The next day all was in readiness to sail away (на следующий день все было готово к отправлению; readiness — состояние готовности; ready — готовый).

The second mate, the carpenter (второй помощник, плотник), and other ruffians who had been foremost in the rebellion (и другие негодяи, которые были первыми в восстании = зачинщиками восстания; foremost — передний, передовой, находящийся впереди других; самый главный) were to be left on the island (должны были быть оставлены на острове). In fact, I had put the matter to them in such a way that they requested this as a favor (на самом деле я представил им дело так, что они попросили об этом, как об одолжении/о милости).

"It will be better to stay here than be taken to England to be hanged (будет лучше остаться здесь, чем быть отвезенными в Англию, чтобы быть повешенными)," I said to them (сказал я им).

I left with them a keg of powder (я оставил с ними = им бочонок пороха), three muskets, and three swords (три мушкета и три шпаги).

I told them also about my goats (я рассказал им также о моих козах), and how I managed them (и как я управлялся с ними) — how I milked them (как я доил их) and made butter and cheese (и делал масло и сыр).

I showed them my fields of barley and rice (я показал им мои поля ячменя и риса).

I showed them, also, my castle (я показал им также мой замок), my cave in the woods (мою пещеру в лесу), and my bower (и мою беседку).

"All these are yours (все это — ваше)," I said.

"They are much more than we deserve (это намного больше, чем мы заслуживаем)," said the second mate (сказал второй помощник); and I agreed with him (и я согласился с ним).


suit ['sju:t], mouth ['mauT], rejoice [rI'GOIs], juice [Gu:s], necktie ['nektaI], gloves [glAvz], rebellion [rI'beljqn], request [rI'kwest], agree [q'gri:]




THE next morning I slept quite late in my hammock, for the night had been full of toil and I had had but little rest.

All at once I was awakened by the sound of a gun. Then I heard some one calling me, "Governor! Governor!" It was the captain's voice.

I hurried out.

He grasped my hand and pointed to the sea. There, a little way from our beach, was the ship.

The weather being fair, the men had brought her around and anchored her near the mouth of the river.

"My dear friend," cried the captain, "there is your ship! She is all yours, for we owe our lives to you. We also are yours. Everything on board of her is yours."

I was ready to sink down with surprise.

For here was a large ship, at last, ready to carry me wherever I wished to go.

At first I could not answer him.

We stood for some minutes with our arms around each other, and neither of us could speak.

At last I broke out, crying like a child. Then we rejoiced together.

When he had talked awhile, the captain told me that he had brought me a present.

"Bring up the box for the governor!" he cried to his men.

They came up the hill, carrying a wooden chest. When it was put down in my castle the captain bade me open it and help myself to all that was inside it.

I did so.

I found first two pounds of good tobacco, then twelve pieces of beef, six pieces of pork, a bag of peas, a box of sugar, a box of flour, a bag full of lemons, and two bottles of lime juice.

But under these was the greatest surprise. There I found six new shirts, six neckties, two pairs of gloves, a pair of shoes, a pair of stockings, a hat, and a very good suit of clothes.

I could now dress like a man again.

I went about it at once. It had been so long since I had worn such clothes that I was very awkward at putting them on.

But at last I came out fully dressed. Friday did not know me. I hardly knew myself.

The next day all was in readiness to sail away.

The second mate, the carpenter, and other ruffians who had been foremost in the rebellion were to be left on the island. In fact, I had put the matter to them in such a way that they requested this as a favor.

"It will be better to stay here than be taken to England to be hanged," I said to them.

I left with them a keg of powder, three muskets, and three swords.

I told them also about my goats, and how I managed them — how I milked them and made butter and cheese.

I showed them my fields of barley and rice.

I showed them, also, my castle, my cave in the woods, and my bower.

"All these are yours," I said.

"They are much more than we deserve," said the second mate; and I agreed with him.


I BRING MY TALE TO A CLOSE (я привожу мой рассказ в завершению = завершаю мой рассказ)


AND SO on the 19th of December, 1687 (и таким образом, 19-го декабря 1687 года), we set sail for England (мы отправились в Англию; to set sail — отправляться в плавание). I had been on the island twenty-eight years, two months, and nineteen days (я пробыл на острове двадцать восемь лет, два месяца и девятнадцать дней).

I took on board with me the money (я взял на борт с собой деньги) that had been by me so long (которые были у меня все это время) and had been so useless (и были столь бесполезными/ненужными).


I took also my big goatskin cap and my umbrella (я взял также мою большую шапку из козьей шкуры и мой зонтик). Neither did I forget my good Poll Parrot (не забыл я и моего попугая Попку). As for my man Friday, nothing in the world could have parted him from me (что касается моего слуги Пятницы, ничто в мире не могло разлучить меня с ним). He would have gone to the ends of the earth with me (он бы пошел со мной на край земли).

The voyage was a long and hard one (путешествие было длинным и тяжелым). But on the eleventh day of June we at last reached London (но одиннадцатого июня мы наконец достигли Лондона). Once more I was in England (снова: «еще раз» я был в Англии), the land of my birth (в стране моего рождения).

I was as perfect a stranger as if I had never been there (я был столь же совершенным чужаком/чужестранцем, как если бы я никогда там не бывал). I went down to York (я отправился в Йорк; down — вниз; означает также движение от центра к периферии, из столицы в провинцию). My father and mother had been dead a long time (мои отец и мать давно уже умерли: «были мертвы уже долгое время»). The friends of my boyhood had forgotten me (друзья моего детства забыли меня; to forget — забывать).

I was alone in the world (я был один/одинок в мире). Where should I go and what should I do (куда мне отправиться и что мне делать = чем заняться)?

By chance I learned that my plantation in Brazil was doing well (случайно я узнал, что дела на моей плантации в Бразилии идут хорошо). The man whom I had left in charge of it (человек, которого я оставил управлять ею; charge — забота, попечение, надзор, наблюдение) had made much money from the tobacco he had raised (нажил хорошие деньги: «сделал много денег» на табаке, который он выращивал).

He was an honest man (он был честным человеком), and when he heard that I was still alive (и когда услышал, что я еще жив) he wrote me a long, kind letter (написал мне длинное, доброе письмо; to write — писать). In this he gave me a full account of the business (в нем он дал полный отчет о бизнесе).

He also sent me a large amount of money (он также послал мне большую сумму денег), which I was very glad to get (которую я был очень рад получить).

I was now a rich man (теперь я был богатым человеком). I might have settled down to a life of ease and idleness (я мог бы теперь вести жизнь, полную беззаботности и праздности; to settle /down/ — поселить/ся/, водворить/ся/, обосноваться; перейти к оседлому образу жизни; остепениться); but such was not my wish (но не таково было мое желание).

Soon I was wandering from one place to another (вскоре я начал ездить/путешествовать с одного места в другое), seeing more of the world (видя больше от мира = чтобы посмотреть мир еще больше). I had many surprising adventures (у меня было много удивительных приключений), I assure you (уверяю вас); but I need not tell you about them (но мне не нужно = не стоит рассказывать вам о них). You would think any account of them very dry reading (всякий отчет = рассказ о них покажется вам очень сухим) compared with the story I have already related (по сравнению с историей, которую я уже рассказал).

And so (и так = и на этом), looking back with regretful memories (оглядываясь назад с полными сожаления воспоминаниями; regret — сожаление) to the years which I spent on my dear desert island (на годы, провел на моем милом /сердцу/ пустынном острове), I bid you a kind good-by (я говорю вам доброе прощайте = позвольте мне попрощаться с вами).


birth ['bq:T], perfect ['pq:fIkt], father ['fQ:Dq], mother ['mADq], account [q'kaunt], amount [q'maunt], idleness ['aIdlnqs], assure [q'Suq], compare [kqm'peq], regretful [rI'gretful], memory ['mem(q)rI], desert ['dezqt], island ['aIlqnd]




AND SO on the 19th of December, 1687, we set sail for England. I had been on the island twenty-eight years, two months, and nineteen days.

I took on board with me the money that had been by me so long and had been so useless. I took also my big goatskin cap and my umbrella. Neither did I forget my good Poll Parrot.

As for my man Friday, nothing in the world could have parted him from me. He would have gone to the ends of the earth with me.

The voyage was a long and hard one. But on the eleventh day of June we at last reached London. Once more I was in England, the land of my birth.

I was as perfect a stranger as if I had never been there.

I went down to York. My father and mother had been dead a long time. The friends of my boyhood had forgotten me.

I was alone in the world. Where should I go and what should I do?

By chance I learned that my plantation in Brazil was doing well. The man whom I had left in charge of it had made much money from the tobacco he had raised.

He was an honest man, and when he heard that I was still alive he wrote me a long, kind letter. In this he gave me a full account of the business.

He also sent me a large amount of money, which I was very glad to get.

I was now a rich man. I might have settled down to a life of ease and idleness; but such was not my wish.

Soon I was wandering from one place to another, seeing more of the world. I had many surprising adventures, I assure you; but I need not tell you about them. You would think any account of them very dry reading compared with the story I have already related.

And so, looking back with regretful memories to the years which I spent on my dear desert island, I bid you a kind good-by.


[1] фут — мера длины, равная 30,48 см, составляет одну треть ярда

[2] галлон — мера жидких и сыпучих тел; английский галлон = 4,54 л

[3] ярд — мера длины, равная 3 футам или 914,4 мм

[4] дюйм — мерв длины, равная 2,5 см

[5] бушель — мера емкости = 36,3 л

[6] пинта — мера емкости = 0,57 л

[7] галлон — мера жидких и сыпучих тел, равная 4,54 л

[8] ярд — мера длины, равная 3 футам или 914,4 мм

[9] корд — 128 кубических футов

[10] шпринтов — /голланд. springtow/ шест, опирающийся одним концом в низ мачты, а другим концом прикрепленный к внешнему верхнему углу паруса для растягивания его

[11] док — сооружение для осмотра, ремонта и постройки судов; искусственный портовый бассейн для стоянки судов в районах больших приливов

[12] баркас — большая многовесельная корабельная шлюпка

[13] фунт — мера веса, равная 453,6 г

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