Ex.12. Match the group words below with the correct kind of wildlife.
Ex.13. Here's an animal quiz which will refresh your memory on some key words as well as the names of about 150 animals. Select the correct answer to each question. PART ONE (not very difficult) 1 Which is the largest of the ape and monkey families, full-grown? a chimpanzee b orang-outang c gorilla 2 Which of these is not a mammal? a whale b porpoise c shark d dolphin 3 Which of these is a marsupial? a kangaroo b camel c panda 4 Which of these hasn't got a shell on its back? a snail b tortoise c turtle d crab e octopus 5 Which of these hasn't got tusks but has got whiskers? a elephant b walrus c seal 6 Which of these hasn’t got horns? a rhino(ceros) b hippo(potamus) c bull d goat e deer f antelope
a zebra b leopard c tiger 8 Whose fur might you expect to pay most for? a fox b mink c rabbit 9 Which member of the snake family is this? a viper b boa constrictor c cobra d python e rattlesnake 10 Which of these animals is not carnivorous? a hyena b reindeer c polar bear 11 Which of these insects doesn't sting? a ant b wasp c bee d ladybird 12 Which won't bite you? a mosquito b flea c butterfly d fly 13 Which of these beasts hasn't got a hump? a bison b ox c camel 14 Which of these birds can fly? a penguin b ostrich c goose d emu e kiwi 15 Which of these birds has the most impressive tail? a peacock b pigeon c sparrow d budgerigar 16 Which of these animals does not normally hibernate? a bear b squirrel c dormouse d rat 17 Which of these has most legs? a spider b scorpion c centipede d beetle e worm f piranha fish 18 Which of these birds' feathers aren't black? a blackbird b crow c raven d blue tit 19 Which of these creatures is not extinct? a mammoth b dinosaur c pterodactyl d buffalo e brontosaurus 20 Which birds are these? a the symbol of peace? b the announcer of spring? c supposed to be very wise? d with perhaps the most beautiful singing voice?
21 Which member of the cat family is this? a cheetah b panther c lion 22 Which of these is not a fabulous creature? a dragon b unicorn c chameleon d mermaid 23 Which of these reptiles is not an amphibian? a crocodile b iguana c alligator d newt
a wolf b jackal c yak 25 Which breed of dog is this? a Alsatian b terrier c spaniel d Pekinese e poodle f foxhound g labrador h greyhound i bulldog 26 Which of these is not nocturnal? a moth b badger c bat d koala bear 27 Which of these creatures has got gills? a lizard b toad c lobster d dragonfly 28 Which of these runners would win a 5000 metres race? a gazelle b elk c wildebeest 29 Which of these would win the high jump? a frog b grasshopper or cricket c giraffe 30 Which of these four is a cross between two of the others?
31 Which of these animals has hooves as opposed to paws and claws? a stag b hare c otter d raccoon 32 Which rodent is this? a beaver b guinea-pig c hamster d mole 33 Which of these is not a bird of prey? a hawk b falcon c vulture d woodpecker e eagle 34 Which of these is not a wading bird? a stork b flamingo c swan 35 Which of these does not normally migrate?
36 Which is this species of vermin? a weasel b skunk c stoat 37 Which of these birds has the longest wings? a albatross b seagull c humming-bird 38 Which of these creatures is not prickly? a hedgehog b porcupine c cockroach 39 Which of these cold-blooded sea creatures has tentacles and no fins? a jellyfish b swordfish c stingray d flying fish 40 Which bird: a starts the day with its cry? b is a bit of a petty thief? c is found in the expression: to learn something...-fashion? d is found in the expression: as dead as a...?
Ex.14. Start each sentence: … can fly at a great height. … can swim very long distances. … can understand lots of human commands. … can run very fast. … can travel through the desert for long distances without water. … can eat fruit from tall trees. … can change their skin several times a year. … can pick things up with their trunk. … can provide us with wool.
Ex.15. Translate into English. 1. Рыбы и рептилии – хладнокровные животные, а млекопитающие – теплокровные. 2. Все млекопитающие имеют волосяной покров на теле. 3. Существует семейство грызунов, включающее мышей и крыс. 4. Насекомые являются переносчиками болезней. 5. Птицы живут стаями, состоящими из сотен особей. 6. Горилла – самая большая из человекообразных обезьян. 7. Голубь – символ мира. 8. Вчера меня ужалила оса. 9. Многие животные зимой впадают в спячку. 10. Орел – это хищная птица. 11. Кенгуру – сумчатое животное. 12.Очень опасно зимой столкнуться со стаей голодных волков. 13. Мул – это гибрид осла и лошади. 14. Феникс – мифическая птица. 15. Вода в море была такой прозрачной, что можно было видеть косячки разноцветных рыбок.