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High Speed Service

Trains in Europe.

Trains are the best way to enjoy travel in Europe, and the most relaxing travel this side of a rocking chair.


Train service in Europe includes normal trains and the newer slick high speed premium service trains.

First & Second Class

In most normal trains there are two classes of service, first and second. First class seating is plusher and roomier, and there are usually more seats available. Second class is filled up more often than first even though it has more seats on most trains. Most people travel in the second class cars. First class costs about 50% more than second class, but you get there at the same time.

High Speed Service

In addition to the "normal" trains, there are special high speed trains available in a few countries. The first European high speed train was the French TGV, or Train à Grande Vitesse (High Speed Train). Similar trains include the Thalys which runs from Paris to Amsterdam via Brussels and the Eurostar which makes the run through the Chunnel, connecting London with Paris and Brussels. In Germany the premium high speed train is the ICE (InterCity Express) and in Spain it is the AVE (Alta Velocidad Española).

What do they mean by high speed? This is considered to be anywhere from 200 km/hr to 300 km/hr, or 125 MPH to 185 MPH. That's pretty fast, especially when you consider that the trains go from city center to city center, though not at full speed within the city limits. In addition to the high speed, comfort and amenities on board are much better than on the normal trains.

TEE (Trans-Europe Express) trains of a generation ago were exclusively first class. They were formerly the top of the line but have been phased out by TGV, ICE, and the other high speed trains. The premium trains of today normally have two classes of service.

The insides look something like a plane and it rides at least as well as one with no air turbulence. But this happens to be a train, the Train à Grande Vitesse (High Speed Train). She cruises at over 130 mph. This is a first class car with 2+1 seating. Second class has 2+2 seating. Luggage racks are above the seats, and additional luggage space is provided near the door. You can see some luggage peeping over the ledge above. Half of the seats face one direction and the other half in the other direction. The TGV, as it's commonly referred to, is only available on major long distance lines in France, with connections to Geneva, Switzerland and to Amsterdam, The Netherlands, via the Thalys company. Other countries in Europe have similar high speed train service.

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