51. Прочитайте и переведите предложения данные в таблице, обращая внимание на образование и правила перевода повелительного наклонения (Imperative Mood):
| Утвердительная форма
| Отрицательная форма
| Turn off the light.
Be careful.
| Don't turn off the light.
Don't be careless.
| Let him define the area of this surface.
Let her solve this problem.
Let them finish the experiment.
Let the pressure (it) fall.
| Don't let him (her, them) define the area of this surface.
Don't let her solve this problem.
Don't let them finish the experiment.
Don't let the pressure (it) fall.
| Let us (Let’s) discuss this article.
Let me turn on the light.
| Don't let us discuss this article.
Don't let me turn on the light.
52. Сравните пары предложений, обращая внимание на порядок слов. Предложения переведите:
А) Утвердительная форма
1. You normally measure the length of lines in centimeters. Measure the length of this line in millimetres. 2. The students define the pressure of the gas only in one tube. Let them define the pressure of the gas in all the experimental tubes. 3. We usually hang some drawings of geometrical figures on the blackboard before lectures on geometry. Let us hang the table with geometrical symbols too. 4. I often do this experiment with our teacher's help. Let me do it myself now.