Другие работы. Carson, D. A. and John Woodbridge, eds
Carson, D. A. and John Woodbridge, eds. Hermeneutics, Authority, and Canon. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1986. Carson, D. A. and John Woodbridge, eds. Scripture and Truth. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1983. Geisler, Norman L, ed. Inerrancy. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1980. Grudem, Wayne A. The Gift of Prophesy in I Corinthians. Washington, D. C: Uni-versity Press of America, 1982, pp. 1—54. Helm, Paul. The Divine Revelation: The Basic Issues. Westchester, 111.: Crossway, 1982. Henry, Carl F. H. "Bible, Inspiration of. In EDT, pp. 145-149. Kuyper, Abraham. Principles of Sacred Theology. Trans, by J. H. de Vries. Repr. ed.: Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1968, pp. 413—563 (впервые опубликована в 1898 г. под на-званием Encyclopedia of Sacred Theology). Montgomery, John W, ed. God's Inerrant Word. Minneapolis: Bethany Fellowship, 1974. Nash, Ronald H. The Word of God and the Mind of Man. Grand Rapids: Zonder-van, 1982. Packer, J. I. "Fundamentalism" and the Word of God. London: Inter-Varsity Press, 1958. Packer, J. I. "Infallibility and Inerrancy of the Bible". In NDT, pp. 337-339. Packer, J. I. "Scripture". In NDT, pp. 627-631. Pinnock, Clark. Biblical Revelation. Chicago: Moody, 1971. Radmacher, Earl D., and Robert D. Preus, eds. Hermeneutics, Inerrancy, and the Bible. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1984. Van 111, Cornelius. In Defense of the Faith, vol. 1: The Doctrine of Scripture. Ripon, Calif.: den Dulk Christian Foundation, 1967. Van Til, Cornelius. In Defense of the Faith, vol. 5: An Introduction to Systematic Theology. Phillipsburg, N. J.: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1976, pp. 110—158. Warfield, В. B. Limited Inspiration. Philadelphia: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1962. Wells, Paul. James Ban and the Bible: Critique of a New Liberalism. Phillipsburg, N. J.: Presbyterian and Reformed, 1980. Wenham, John W. Christ and the Bible. London: Tyndale Press, 1972. Woodbridge, John. Biblical Authority: A Critique of the Rogers/McKim Proposal. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1982. Westminster Seminary Faculty. Пе Infallible Word. 3d ed. Philadelphia: Presbyte-rian and Reformed, 1967. Young, Edward J. Thy Word Is Truth. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1957. Работы,в которых не разделяется убеждение в непогрешимости Писания Baillie, John. The Idea of Revelation in Recent Thought. New York: Columbia Uni-versity Press, 1956. Barr, James. Fundamentalism. London: SCM, 1977. Beegle, Dewey M. Scripture, Tradition, and Infallibility. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1973. Berkouwer, G. С. Holy Scripture. Trans, by Jack В. Rogers. Grand Rapids: Eerd-mans, 1975. Burtchaell, James Tunstead. Catholic Theories of Biblical Inspiration Since 1810: A Review and Critique. Cambridge: University Press, 1969. Davis, Stephen T. 777e Debate About the Bible. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1977. McKim, Donald K., ed. The Authoritative Word: Essays on the Nature of Scripture. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1983. Pinnock, Clark. The Scripture Principle. San Francisco: Harper and Row, 1984. Rogers, Jack, ed. Biblical Authority. Waco, Tex.: Word, 1977. Rogers, Jack, and Donald K. McKim. The Authority and Interpretation of the Bible: An Historical Approach. San Francisco: Harper and Row: 1979. V&wter, Bruce. Biblical Inspiration. Philadelphia: Westminster, 1972 (недавно ony-бликованная римско-католическая работа).