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The Power Plant

The airplane consists of the following five principal structural units or components: the power plant, fuselage, wings, tail unit and landing gear. Power is necessary to propel the airplane and to provide the necessary lift. A source of this power is a power plant. It provides power and propels the airplane. Thus we can say, the function of the power plant is to provide power for flight. The power plant provides the thrust needed to move an airplane through the air.

The main part of the power plant is the engine. The aircraft engine must meet the following requirements: 1) low weight, 2) low cost, and 3) reliability. The power plant also contains different systems and engine control. The main systems are: the fuel, the lubrication, the fire prevention, and the cooling system. There are different types of airplane engines. The two basic groups of aviation engines are piston or internal combustion engines, and jet engines. The function of the airplane engine is to propel the airplane. The fuel system provides fuel, the lubrication system provides lubricants, the fire prevention system serves to prevent fire, the cooling system serves to cool the engine.


Exercise 2. Pick out Ukrainian equivalents to the following English words and word combinations.

power охолоджувати

power plant протипожежна система

engine двигун

a source of power управляти

to contain механізми керування двигуном

to cool паливо

engine controls політ

fuel силова установка

fuel system мастило

lubrication system енергія

lubricant літати

to prevent змащування

fire-prevention system мастильна система

cooling system містити

lubrication забезпечувати

to provide паливна система

to propel джерело енергії

flight запобігати

to fly реактивний двигун

piston engine слугувати

jet engine приводити в рух літак

to serve система охолодження

to control поршневий двигун

necessary відповідати вимогам

lift внутрішний

to meet the requirements необхідний

reliability згорання

internal підйомна сила

combustion надійність


Exercise 3. Find in the text English equivalents to the follo­wing words and word combinations.

Силова установка, двигун, джерело енергії, механізми керування двигуном, паливна система, система змащування, протипожежна система, система охолодження, реактивний, поршневий, приводити в рух, забезпечувати, запобігати.


Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with necessary words and word combinations.

(lubricants, fuel, fire prevention, controls, jet engine, piston engine,

power, power plant, propels, the cooling system).

1. The system that provides ___________ is the lubrication system.

2. Kerosene is a kind of _____________.

3. The power plant is a source of ____________.

4. The __________ contains the engine and systems.

5. _____________________ serve to operate the engine.

6. _____________________ system prevents fire.

7. The ______________ provides power for the AN-2 airplane.

8. The ____________ engine is on the IL-62 airplane.

9. The power plant ______________ the airplane.

10. The system that cools the engine is _______________.


Exercise 5. Give answers to the following questions.

1. What structural units if the airplane do you know?

2. What is the power paint?

3. What is the function of the power plant?

4. What is the main part of the power plant?

5. What are two common types of airplane engine?

6. What systems does the power plant contain?

7. What requirements must the engine meet?

8. What are the two basic groups of aviation engines?


Exercise 6. Change the sentences using the following patterns.

1) The function of the N (noun) is to V (verb)

2) The N (noun) is used to V (verb)

3) The N (noun) serves for V-ing (verb -ing)

1. The power plant provides power.

2. The engine propels the airplane.

3. The fuel system provides engine with fuel.

4. The lubrication system provides lubricants.

5. The fire-prevention system prevents fire.

6. The cooling system cools the engine.


When you are reading, you will come across unfamiliar words. It is often possible to guess the meaning of these words if you understand the way words in English are generally formed. An English word can be divided into three parts: a prefix, a stem and a suffix. ”Pre-“ means “before”; a prefix, therefore, is what comes before the stem. A suffix is what is attached to the end of the stem.

Prefixes usually change the meaning of the word; for example, UN- changes a word to the negative. Suffixes, on the other hand, change the word from one part of speech to another. For example, -ly added to the adjective “quick” gives the adverb “quickly”. Let us now consider some suffixes and their usual meanings.

Exercise 7. Study these tables and try to find additional examples. Use your dictionary if necessary.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 557. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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