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Fuel System

There are different systems on board an aircraft: the fuel system, oil or lubrication system, fire-extinguishing system, engine control system, and cooling system. Each one has its control panel with instruments, switches and lights on it.

Let’s consider the fuel system first. Any fuel system provides fuelling, defuelling, fuel jettisoning and fuel transfer. The purpose of the fuel system is to deliver an adequate supply of clean fuel to the engines at the proper pressure and temperature under all flight conditions.

Any system must be designed to satisfy particular requirements of an aircraft. It is a relatively simple job to provide low-speed, low-performance airplanes, such as single-engine light planes, with fuel. However, on high-performance jet-powered aircraft carrying some engines the fuel-system design is a major problem. The system is necessarily complex because fuel is stored in some interconnected tanks, severe changes in temperature and pressure occur as the aircraft manoeuvres and many subsystems must be used to ensure safe and reliable operation. Fuel systems for aircraft engines vary widely with the engine type and arrangement on the aircraft.

Depending on the mode of fuel supply to the engine the fuel systems are divided into two types. The gravity-feed system or simple gravity system is employed on light planes. In this system the fuel tank is mounted well above the level of the engine carburetor and the fuel is fed to the engine under the force of gravity.

The second basic type is the pumped fuel system or pump-fed system. It is used on all types of aircraft. This system varies from simple to complex. The airplanes with present-day engines have complex pump-fed type fuel systems including several tanks.

In general, gas turbine engine fuel systems include an airplane or airframe fuel system and an engine fuel system. The airplane fuel system consists of fuel tanks with fuel lines, boost pumps, check valves, shutoff valves. Fuel tanks are used for fuel storage. The lines serve for fuel supply from the tanks to the engines. Boost pumps maintain an adequate pressure in the system. The function of the check valves is to allow fuel to flow in only one direction. The shutoff valves are used to stop the fuel flow. The fire shutoff valve serves for fuel flow shutdown in case of fire in the engine.

Basically the engine fuel system includes the main fuel pump, drain valves, fuel nozzles, the fuel control unit, and filters to protect the engine driven fuel pumps and to prevent fuel nozzles clogging.

The function of the main fuel pump is to provide continuous fuel flow to the engine. Drain valves serve for defuelling. The function of the fuel nozzles is to inject and atomize fuel. The fuel control unit (FCU)controls the whole fuel system operation.


Exercise 2. Translate the following word combinations with the terms “fuel”, “valve”, “tank”, “pump”.

Aviation fuel, takeoff fuel, taxi fuel, jet fuel, block fuel, climb fuel, drainable fuel, starting fuel, on-board fuel, high-grade fuel, high-octane fuel, bubble-free fuel.

Fuel valve, refuel valve, selector valve, check valve, shutoff valve, defuel valve, float valve, bypass valve, isolation valve, drain valve, fuel control valve, fuel injection valve.

Fuel tank, external tank, inner tank, body tank, wing tank, under-wing tank, reserve tank, service tank, drain tank, dump tank, emergency tank, feed tank, fuel storage tank, fuel starting tank.

Fuel pump, boost pump, dump pump, delivery pump, hand pump, transfer pump, scavenge pump, fuel-injection pump, air-refuelling pump, fuel-transfer pump.


Exercise 3. These words are used both as verbs and nouns. Translate and remember them.

Fuel, control, switch, light, transfer, supply, store, feed, pump, drain, flow, float, service, force, level, reverse, balance, start, use, function, filter, drive, board, condition, design, power, change, manoeuvre, plane, present, line, check, stop, charge, discharge.


Exercise 4. Give derivatives of the following verbs. Translate them.

To deliver, to change, to inject, to transfer, to scavenge, to serve, to store, to drain, to use, to emerge, to design, to reverse, to control, to present, to charge, to power, to vary.


Exercise 5.Pick out Ukrainian equivalents to the following terms and expressions.

to deliver під відповідним тиском

flight conditions відносно

to satisfy the requirements складний

relatively відповідати вимогам

simple забезпечувати

complex простий

low-performance airplane подавати

severe changes певний

to occur літак з низькими льотно-технічними хар-ми

to manoeuvre маневрувати

to ensure надійний

safe сильні зміни

reliable режим роботи

at the proper pressure мати місце, бідбуватися

particular безпечний

to vary насосна система подачі палива

simple gravity system ділити

to employ змінюватись

to locate набагато вище

reciprocating engines рівень

to mount набагато нижче

well above самопливом

well below розміщувати

level встановлювати

under the force of gravity поршневий двигун

pumped fuel system використовувати

to divide система подачі палива самопливом


Exercise 6. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words.

To deliver; to supply fuel; at the proper pressure; to satisfy the requirements; low-speed airplanes; jet-powered airplanes; to store the fuel; to ensure reliable operation; to ensure safe operation; under all flight conditions; a relatively simple job; high-performance planes; the gravity-feed system; reciprocating engines; well above the level of the carburetor; under the force of gravity; the pumped fuel system; well below the level of the carburetor; to require pumping of the fuel.


Exercise 7. Match the synonyms. Translate them.

valve standby pump

fuel feed isolation valve

switch console

panel plugging

filling loading

shutoff valve pump-fed system

clogging selector

emergency pump fuel supply

gravity-feed system cock

pumped fuel system simple gravity system


Exercise 8. Explain the difference between the words.

Fuelling and defuelling, filter and pump, fuel tank and fuel nozzle, external tank and service tank, high-performance air plane and low-performance air plane, low-speed airplane and jet powered airplane, gravity-feed system and pump-fed system, airplane fuel system and engine fuel system, control panel and fuel control unit.


Exercise 9. Translate the verb combinations into Ukrainian.

To use fuel, to transfer fuel, to feed fuel, to atomize fuel, to boost fuel, to conserve fuel, to dump fuel, to ignite fuel, to introduce fuel, to operate on fuel, to fuel up.


Exercise 10. Fill in the blanks with the proper words and word combinations.

(pumping, well above, well below, under the force of gravity, the engine type, light planes with reciprocating engines, on all types of aircraft, fuel system, pumping, tanks)

1. There are two types of ________________.

2. Here __________ of the fuel to the engine is required.

3. A pump is needed to move fuel from the _________ to the engine.

4. Fuel systems for aircraft engines vary widely with ______________.

5. The gravity-feed system is employed on _________________.

6. In the gravity-feed system the fuel tank is mounted ____________the level of the carburetor.

7. In the simple gravity system the fuel is fed to the engine __________.

8. The pumped fuel system is used __________________.

9. In most types of aircraft with the reciprocating engine the fuel tank is located _________ the level of the carburetor.

10. It requires ____________ of the fuel to the engine.


Exercise 11. Use the correct form of the verb “to be”. Explain its function (“to be” may be used as main, auxilary or modal verb) in each sentence.

1. There (to be) different systems on board the aircraft.

2. The purpose of an airplane fuel system (to be) to deliver an adequate supply of clean fuel to the engines at the proper pressure and temperature under all flight conditions.

3. Any system must (to be) designed to satisfy the particular requirements of an aircraft.

4. The fuel system (to be) necessarily complex because fuel (to be) stored in some interconnected tanks, severe changes in temperature and pressure occur as the aircraft manoeuvres and many subsystems must (to be) used to ensure safe and reliable operation.

5. There (to be) two types of fuel systems: the gravity-feed system or simple gravity system and pumped fuel system or pump-fed system.

6. The gravity-feed system or simple gravity system (to be) employed on light planes with small reciprocating engines.

7. The pumped fuel system or pump-fed system (to be) used on all types of aircraft.

8. The gas-turbine engine fuel system (to be) divided into the airplane or airframe fuel system and the engine fuel systems.

9. The fuel (to be) fed to the engine from the engine service tank.

10. The function of the main fuel pump (to be) to provide the continuous fuel flow to the engine.


Exercise 12. Put all types of questions to the following sentences.

1. The fuel tanks are used for fuel storage. 2. The filters clean the fuel. 3. The filters prevent particles of dirt and other foreign matters from entering the fuel lines. 4. The fuel lines are used for the fuel supply from the tank to the engine. 5. The valves permit the fuel to flow into the tank and prevent its outflow. 6. The drain valves serve for defuelling. 7. The shutoff valve stops the fuel flow. 8. The fuel pump is used to provide fuel pressure. 9. The main fuel pump provides the continuous fuel flow to the engine. 10. The boost pumps maintain an adequate pressure in the system. 11. The fuel nozzles serve for fuel atomization. 12. The fuel control units control the fuel system operation. 13. The function of the fuel check valves is to permit fuel to flow in only one direction. 14. The fire shutoff valve serves for fuel shutdown in case of fire.


Exercise 13. Answer the questions.

What is the purpose of an airplane fuel system?

What must the fuel systems satisfy?

Do fuel systems for aircraft engines vary widely with the engine type?

What are two basic types of the fuel systems?

What kind of fuel system is used on all types of aircraft?

On what airplanes is the simple gravity system employed?

Is it a simple job to provide low-speed, low-performance airplanes with fuel?

What about high-performance jet-powered airplanes?

Does the pumped fuel system vary from simple to complex?

Is the fuel system of the jet-powered airplanes complex? Why?

What does the engine fuel system include?

What does the airplane fuel system consist of?

Where is the fuel tank located in most types of aircraft with reciprocating engines?

Where is the fuel tank mounted in other systems?

How is the fuel fed to the engine?

What are the fuel tanks used for?

What is the function of drain valves?

What do filters serve for?

What does the fuel control unit control?

What do the booster pumps do?

What is the function of the check valve?


Exercise 14. Translate the sentences.

Призначення паливної системи літака – подавати паливо у двигуни з відповідним тиском при всіх режимах роботи.

Паливна система повинна задовільняти відповідним вимогам кожного типу літака.

Паливна система малошвидкісних одномоторних літаків порівняно проста, такі літаки відносно легко забезпечувати паливом.

На великих реактивних літаках з декількома двигунами паливна система складна.

Паливо зберігається в декільках з’єднаних між собою паливних баках.

Щоб забезпечити надійну і безпечну роботу паливної системи, використовують багато бопоміжних систем.

Паливна система забезпечує заправку, злиття палива, аварійний злив палива і перекачку палива.

Існує два типи паливних систем: система подачі палива самопливом і система подачі палива під тиском.

Паливна система літака складається з паливних баків, трубопроводів, насосів підкачки палива, пожежних кранів, зворотних клапанів і перекривних клапанів.

Паливна система двигуна включає: фільтри, насоси, крани зливу, паливні форсунки і командно-паливні агрегати.

Паливо подається у двигун із витратного баку.

Функція основного паливного насосу – забезпечувати безперервну подачу палива у двигун.

Коли підвісні паливні баки порожні, вони автоматично скидаються.


Exercise 15. Put the verbs in brackets in the Simple Present or Present Continuous.

1. The students (to study) at the Institute every day.

2. They (to study) the properties of aircraft fuels now.

3. He (to read) many books.

4. He (to read) an English book at this moment.

5. They (to refuel) the airplane at present.

6. An engineer usually (to check) the operation of this system.

7. Fuel (not to flow) in this fuel line because it is damaged.

8. We see that they (to inspect) all fuel filters at present.

9. The fuel nozzle (to inject and to atomize) the fuel now.


Exercise 16. Use the verbs in the Present Perfect.

I ____ just _______ the pressure in the systems (to measure).

The mechanic _______ just _______ the engine (to inspect).

3. They ______________ (to replenish) the supply of fuel.

4. The engineer __ already ___(to check) the operations of the booster pump.

5. The technician __________ (to replace) the damaged part.

6. Electronics _____________ (to make) tremendous progress.

7. We _____________ (to witness) great progress in space research.

8. He ______ (to devote) much time to study the process of combustion.

9. The mechanic _____ just ________ (to start) the engine.

10. The workers ______ already ____ (to repair) the damaged fuel tank.

11. Gas-turbine design ______ lately_______ (to make) great progress.


Exercise 17. Change the sentences to negative using "never".

Model: T. I have been to Paris twice.

S. I nave never been to Paris.

I have read this article.

I have seen him lately.

He has written to her this month.

We have used this method in our research work.

I have always attended his lectures.

I have participated in the international conferences.

These students have visited the chemist’s museum.

She has seen the film "The Lord of the Ring".

They have visited our Institute.

I have often heard about this phenomenon.

I have met him twice in London.

They have replaced the damaged part.

Exercise 18. Change the sentences to negative with "not".

Model: T. We have failed to find the cause of trouble.

S. We haven't found the cause of trouble.

He has failed to understand the theory of jet propulsion.

I have failed to explain the operation principles of the simple gravity system.

They have failed to carry out this experiment.

The mechanic has failed to find the cause of trouble.

We have failed to resolve this problem.

They have failed to calculate the pressure losses.

He has failed to explain any difference between these two fuel systems.

8. We have failed to complete the work in time.

Exercise 19. Put different types of questions to the sentences. Make the sentences negative.

1. He has been to Paris twice this year.

2. The lesson has not begun yet.

3. The mechanic has checked the operation of this pump.

4. Hydraulics has found broad application in aviation.

5. The airplane has already landed.

6. The pilot has just started the engine.

7. The technician has replaced the damaged device.

8. Our generation has witnessed remarkable progress in the space research technique.

9. They have devoted much time to investigating the problem of refuelling.

10. Gas-turbine engines have found wide application in civil aviation.

Exercise 20. Put all types of questions to the following sentences. Make the sentences negative. Explain the difference between Past Indefinite and Present Perfect.

1. The students studied the airplane design last year.

2. We are reading an interesting article now.

3. The teacher has already spoken about the means of avoiding vapour locks in the fuel system.

4. The student is speaking about the use of the primers.

5. She asked question on the process of refuelling in flight.

6. The students have studied the operation of the gravity-feed system at the lesson.

7. They have already discussed this problem.

8. The pump usually supplies fuel to the engine.

9. They have not cleaned the filters yet.

10. They always ask many questions.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 604. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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