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Section V. Heterofunctional connections involved in the processes of life.

1. Which functional group contains hydroxy acids?

2. What formula is glycine (amino-acetic acid)?

3. What is characteristic of tautomerism acetoacetate?

4. Which of these formulas corresponds to glutamic acid (2-aminopentandiovoy) in the form of bipolar ion?

5. Which product is formed by heating γ-aminokyacid?

6. Which product is is formed by heating α-hydroxy acids?

7. What formula to find the number of possible spatial isomers?

8. How many asymmetric carbon atoms in the compound (СН3)2СН–СН(Br)–CН(Br)–СООН?

9. What formula is alanine (α-aminopropionic acid)?

10. How many peptide bonds in tetrapeptides?

11. What is the is the name of the amino acid?

12. What name is corresponds to the following amino acids?

13. Which a - amino acid by oxidation forms a disulfide bond?

14. Which product is formed by the decarboxylation of salicylic acid?

15. What products are formed during the hydrolysis of acetylsalicylic acid?

16. What is name of the corresponding esters of salicylic acid and acetic acid?

17. Which product is formed by the interaction glyoxylic acid O = CH-COOH with ammonia hydroxide solution of silver?

18. What is the name a reaction product of alanine CH3 - CH (NH2) - COOH with nitrous acid?

19. What is the structure of the product formed by the reaction of deamination of valine (α-aminoisovaleriyanic acid) with nitric acid?

20. Which is the structure of the product formed by the deamination of alanine (α-aminopropionic acid), nitric acid?

21. This is formula of tripeptide. Which amino acids are formed during the acid hydrolysis of the peptide?

22. Which amino acids are parts of such a peptide?

23. Which amino acids are parts of such a peptide?

24. What title corresponds to this peptide?

25. Which amino acids are formed during the acid hydrolysis such a peptide?

26. As a result of non-oxidative deamination which α-amino acid forms butendiovic acid HOOC - CH = CH - COOH?

27. Due to oxidative deamination which α-amino acids form pyruvic acid (2-oksopropanoic acid)?

28. Which product is formed by the reaction?

29. Which product is formed by the reaction?

30. Which of the forms of alanine will prevail at pH = 12?

31. Which of the forms of valine will prevail at pH = 2?

32. Isoleucine (2-amino-3-methylpentanoic acid) will react acylation. With the help of a reagent, this reaction can be carried out?

1) 2) 3)

4) (СН3СО)2О 5) CH3OH, HCl (gas)

33. Tyrosine (p-hydroxyphenilalanin) participates in the deamination reaction. Which reagent can carry out this reaction?

1) HNO2

2) HNO3

3) NaOH

4) HCl

5) FeCl3

34. Threonine (2-amino-3-hydroxybutanovic acid) will reacted ester formation. Which reagent can carry out this reaction?

1) KMnO4

2) H3PO4

3) NaOH

4) Сu(OH)2

5) FeCl3

35. One of the samples, confirming the authenticity of paracetamol is boiling with dilute sulfuric acid while smells of acetic acid. What is the name a reaction underlying this test?

36. Aromatic composition С9Н8О4 widely used as a antipyretic in medicine. This compounds reacts with water solution NaHCO3 and release CO2, and the result of hydrolysis is formed acetic acid and compound which gives violet color with a solution of FeCl3, are capable of forming an intramolecular hydrogen bond. What is the name given to the connection?

1) Ethyl salicylate

2) Methyl salicylate

3) Phenyl salicylate

4) acetylsalicylic acid

37. The test liquid when heated with ninhydrin gets violet color. What substance is contained in a test tube?

38. The prevention and treatment of diseases of the liver methionine use in oral dosage forms. Which is ionic form of methionine (isoelectric point is 5.8) predominantly in dissolved in biological fluids - saliva?

39. γ-aminobutyric acid in the body acts as an inhibitor of nerve impulses. As a result of decarboxylation which α-amino acids formed γ-aminobutyric acid?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 550. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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