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Section III. The acidity and basicity of organic compounds. Nucleophilic substitution at a saturated carbon atom.

Section II. The mutual influence of atoms and ways of transfer in biologically important molecules. Classification by type of organic reactions and mechanisms. Reactivity of hydrocarbons. Radical substitution reaction. Electrophilic substitution reactions and addition.

1. Which of formula for the Hückel rule in aromatic compounds is possible to calculate the number of electrons in the π - system?

2. Which product is formed by reduction of toluene?

3. We have reaction CH3–СН2–СН3 + Br2 ? Which of type, mechanism and final product of bromination reaction?

4. Which electron effect shows a carboxyl group in benzoic acid?

5. What are the effects of electronic shows nitro group in the molecule СН2 = СН – NО2?

6. What type of sign and electronic effects in the molecule influences the aniline NH2 group on the benzene ring?

7. What type of sign and electronic effects in the molecule CH2 = CH - NH2 influences by amino group?

8. The hydroxyl group in phenol shows electron-donating properties. Which electronic effects are shown hydroxyl group in phenol?

9. Aldehyde group in benzaldehyde shows electron-acceptor properties. Which of electronic effects are shown the aldehyde group in benzaldehyde?

10. What is the type and mechanism of the reaction of butane with chlorine by irradiation with UV light?

11. A the result of this reaction formed the next product?

12. Which product is is formed by the reaction of ethylene with hydrogen chloride.?

13. Which alcohol is formed by hydration of isobutylene in an acidic midium?

14. What are the type, mechanism and final product nitration of aniline?

15. What electronic effects in the molecule of acrylic acid are marked correctly?

16. What electronic effects in the molecule of benzaldehyde marked correctly?

17. The four tubes are alkene, alkane, diene, and alkyne. In three of them there was a reaction to the mild oxidation reagent. Which reagent should be added to the test substance, to prove the existence of double bonds?

18. Medicinal product "Linetol"obtained from the flax seed oil contains a mixture of esters of unsaturated fatty acids - oleic, linoleic, linolenic. It is used for prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and externally for burns and radiation injuries of the skin. Which reaction can be determined whether the drug "Linetol" unsaturated compound?

19. Hydrocarbons with the general formula С8Н8 discolour bromine water and the result of oxidation forms an aromatic acid. What is the name of this compound?

20. The two tubes are tested compounds. One of the tubes after the addition of the reagent [Ag (NH3) 2] OH formed of silver plaque. Which pair of compounds can be distinguished from each other by means of this reagent?

Section III. The acidity and basicity of organic compounds. Nucleophilic substitution at a saturated carbon atom.

1. Which type of acid belongs to phenols?

2. Which type of acids belongs to acetylene?

3. According to the theory of Bronsted-Lowry how called the base, which joins proton by the electron pair of the nitrogen atom?

4. Which of these formulas corresponds to the name methylisopropylamen?

5. Which of these formulas corresponds to the name the secondary propyl alcohol?

6. Which product is formed by the reaction of intermolecular dehydration of ethanol?

7. What do you call the reaction of alcohol with a carboxylic acid?

8. Which compounds are formed with interaction alcohol with a carbon acid?

9. Which of the formula corresponds to the product of oxidation of isopropyl alcohol?

10. Which of the formula corresponds to the product of oxidation of ethyl alcohol?

11. What compound is formed by oxidation of (СН3)2СНСН(ОН)СН3?

12. What the type and mechanism of this reaction CH3CH2 COOH + CH3CH2OH?

13. Which reagent is used to distinguish between phenol and propanol - 2?

14. Which compound is formed by the reaction of CH3-CH(OH)-CH3 + NAD+ →?

15. Which compound is formed by the reaction of СН3 – СН2 – СН2 – ОН + НАД+ →?

16. Xylitol is a five-atom alcohol, has a sweet taste, very soluble in water, is used as a substitute for sugar in diabetes. Which of the reagents must be added in order to prove the presence of diol fragment in xylitol?

17. The first antidote for poisoning by arsenic was proposed 2.3-dimerkaptopropanol. What acid centers in the molecule mainly involved in the formation of salts of arsenic?


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 1033. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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