Section VI. Monosaccharides. Disaccharides. Polysaccharides.
1. How many chiral carbon atoms in glucose? 2. How number of spatial isomers has ketogeksoza? 3. What is the stereoisomer of α-anomer of glucose? 4. Which oxidant transforms aldose into glikarovuyu acid? 5. Which product is formed by oxidation of glucose with bromine water? 6. What title corresponds to the formula? 7. Which monosaccharide in oxo-form corresponds to the structure of the cyclic hemiacetal? 8. Which monosaccharide in oxo-form corresponds to the structure of the cyclic hemiacetal? 9. Which monosaccharide in oxo-form corresponds to the structure of the cyclic hemiacetal? 10. Which glycosidic bond between monosaccharide residues in amylose is absent compared to amylopectin? 11. Which monosaccharides form sucrose by condensation? 12. Which monosaccharides form lactose by condensation? 13. Which compound is formed by the reaction? D-fruktofuranoza + ethanol 14. What reagent can be distinguished sucrose from maltose? 15. Which stereoisomer is α-D-glucopyranose to the α-D-mannopyranose? 16. What products are formed by hydrolysis in acidic media of methyl-α-D-glucopyranoside? 17. Which disaccharide corresponds to the data that it consists of two residues α-D-glucopyranose linked (1 → 4) - glycosidic bond? 18. Which substance is hydrolyzed maltose? 19. Which monosaccharides are formed by the hydrolysis of lactose? 20. Which monosaccharides split sucrose by hydrolysis? 21. What are the components of the disaccharide fragment of the structure of hyaluronic acid? 22. The presence an acid catalyst in anhydrous medium which products are formed by the action of ethanol on the α-D-galactopyranosyl? 23. The substances what groups give a positive reaction of the "silver mirror"? 24.The substances which group display double feature? 1), glucose and glycerol 2) fructose and ethanol 3) glucose and acetic acid 4) glucose and palmitic acid 5) formic acid and fructose
Section VII. Saponifiable and unsaponifiable lipids.
1. What title corresponds to the following compound? 2. What title corresponds to the following compound? 3. Which amino alcohol contains phosphatidylethanolamine? 4. What is the name complex saponifiable lipid formed by phosphatidic acid and cholamin? 5. What is the structure of the amino alcohol, which is part of phosphatidylcholine? 6. What is the structure of the amino alcohol, which is part of phosphatidylserine: 7. Which compound cholic acid interact to form glycocholic acid? 8. Which compound cholic acid interact to form taurocholic acid? 9. Which reagent can be distinguished from tripalmitin to triolein? 10. Which of the following compounds are formed by acid hydrolysis of triacylglycerol? 11. Which of the following compounds are formed by the saponificationreaction of triacylglycerol? 12. What is the name product reaction L-phosphatidovic acid +choline →? 13. Which of the following compounds are formed by acid hydrolysis of triacylglycerol? 14. What type of a mechanism and the final product of the reaction of interaction of cholic acid with taurine? 15. What bonds is hydrolyzed in phosphatidylethanolamine? 16. What bond is undergoes hydrolysis in acid glycocholic?