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Accuracy in Translation

Our work is translating and that is what we are supposed to be accurate in. Accuracy of the information provided is the responsibility of the author, not ours. If the author says something stupid, that is none of our business.


Before you get started, let's take a quick look at these important topics:

- necessary equipment to work with. Having a good computer you can rely on is extremely important: it allows a fast word processing; consistent text storage space; easy way to get in touch with clients and to research specific topics and terms when necessary;

- qualification to translate any subject matter. Being confident about the text contents to be translated, provides adequate results and increases your chances to be hired again by the same clients for future translation assignments.

Review the translation job before getting started by following these tips:

- how long does the document take to be translated? Past experience may help you estimate how much time you will need to complete a translation project;

- what references are needed to get it done? Make sure you have a reliable source of information you may need to complete the project. Using good and updated dictionaries are always very helpful.

Preliminary prior steps before proceeding with translation: - make a little checklist of the things you will need during the translation process.

Quality of the original document:

- the quality of a document can affect in its translation context so be sure you're able to read it and understand clearly.

- is there any other language in the translation textual context? Are you familiar with this second language to be translated along with the actual target language?

Once you're done taking these prior steps to your translation process gets started you will be ready to continue with the actual translation job. You can either start translating the document from this point or highlight the words and expressions that you are not familiar with, and do a little research before the translation process begins. Remember to revise your work using this simple checklist:

- look for any word or sentence you may have had difficulty while translating;

- check the originality of the document's format;

- are there any mistranslated words or phrases?

- are there any grammatical mistakes?

- does the document make sense? Make sure the reading is clear and understandable.

- is the overall context of the document consistent? Look for words you may have translated differently without any specific reason.

This could be an arduous process but it sure makes a lot of a difference in the translator's performance and work presentation.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 480. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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