Model: J don't have any money. — You can (can could) ask your father for some.
1. I am hungry. ______________________________________________________________ 2. I don't know what to do with my girlfriend.____________________________________________________________________ 3. We have no food in the house._________________________________________________ 4.1 don't like black coffee._______________________________________________________ 5. Our TV set is out of order.____________________________________________________ 6. This car is very expensive.____________________________________________________ 7. Mary speaks excellent English._________________________________________________ 8. I'm bored. _________________________________________________________________ 9. I'm tired of my job. _________________________________________________________ 10. I don't understand this word. _________________________________________________ Exercise 4. Determine the meaning of the modal verbs "must,' "have to," "should," "ought to" and translate the sentences into Russian: 1. You must tell me the truth. 2. Must I go and see the dean now? 3. The children mustn't stay outside by themselves. 4. It's 7 o'clock, they must be at home now. 5. Soldiers must obey orders. 6. You must feel hungry. 7. Somebody has to take the responsibility for the accident. 8. I've got to do some shopping today. 9. He had to earn his living when he was 15. 10. Do we have to stay in town the whole summer? 11. You don't have to answer my question if you don't want to. 12. Students should be well prepared for every class. 13. You've eaten too much ice cream, vo u should have a sore throat. 14. Teenagers shouldn't drink alcohol. 15. If you're not feeling well you should stay in bed. 16. You should 1 stop driving so fast. 17. Do you think Paul ought to see a doctor? 18. The pills ought to be in a safe place. You oughtn't to eat cakes, you're putting on weight. Parents ought to take care of their small children. Exercise 5. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative: 1. You have to get a foreign passport to go abroad. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. He had to go to a police station. __________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 3. We'll have to take four entrance exams.____________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 4. He has to leave tonight, he got a telegram from home. ________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. If we miss the last bus, we'll have to walk. ________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 6. Our schoolchildren no longer have to wear a uniform. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. I have to take my test a second time _____________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 8. We had to change \ trains twice to get here. ________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ 9. The parents had to work hard to pay for their son's education.
10. You have to pay for the rooms now. ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________ Exercise 6. Make up disjunctive questions: 1. You have to trust facts…… 2. We could meet with an accident…….. 3. They don't have to change trains……….. 4. Everybody must know at least one foreign language…….. 5. You can share your experience with us………. 6. Small children are not allowed here…….. 7. She could buy flowers…………. 8. We had to call at the shop and buy some food for the picnic……… 9. You must form your own opinion about it………. 10.1 shouldn't tell the truth……… 11. You can speak French and Italian…….. 12. They couldn't leave for Rome yesterday………