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Text C. Course Structure at the Department of Mathematics

The study of mathematics at the University of Essex is organized as a course-unit system. The flexibility provided by this scheme, enables students in their second and third years at the University to choose relatively freely from the list of mathematics courses those, which they wish to follow. The choice, which is made in consultation with the staff of the department, allows them to develop their own special interests and to adjust the number of units offered to match their progress and ability. Twenty-five units including the project are the normal number for a first-class mathematician. You may choose abroad-based degree, but you may also, by a suitable choice of courses, specialize in any of the four main areas of algebraic structures, analysis and topology, mechanics (including fluid and quantum mechanics), or statistics and operational research.

In addition to lectures there is a regular assignment of problems. Assessment of these is an important element in the judgement of students’ progress. Examinations are held during the second and the third years. The class of degree gained will depend on one’s performance in the examinations and also on a project report describing independent work undertaken during the third year on a topic of one’s choice.

Exercise 1. Give some facts from the text to complete the following statements:

— The study of mathematics at the University of Essex is organized as….

— The choice of the courses is made in consultation with….

— Twenty-five units, including the project, are the normal number for….

— You may choose a broad-based degree or specialize in any of the four main areas of….

— In addition to lectures there is….

— A project report describes independent work undertaken during the third year on….


Exercise 2. Arrange the sentence in accordance with the contents of the text:

1) A regular assignment is an important element in the judgement of students’ progress.

2) The choice of the courses allows the students to adjust the number of units offered to match their progress and ability.

3) Examinations are held during the second and the third years.

4) The flexibility of a course-unit system enables students to choose courses which they wish.

5) The normal number of units for a first-class mathematician is twenty-five.

Exercise 3. Complete the sentences below with the verbs in accordance with the contents of the text:

1. The flexibility of this scheme … students to … those courses which they wish to follow. 2. The choice of the courses allows students to … the number of units offered to … their progress and ability. 3. You may … in any of the four main areas. 4. Examinations are … during the second and the third years. 5. The class of degree gained will … on one’s performance in the examinations.     1. develop 2. held 3. match 4. adjust 5. depend 6. choose 7. enables 8. specialize  

Дата добавления: 2015-09-04; просмотров: 452. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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